24. August 2023

Call for proposals for the needs assessment and development of the potential profile area 'individual, institutional and societal challenges of environmental sustainability' (31.01.2024) Call for proposals 'individual, institutional and societal challenges of environmental sustainability'.

Climate change, sustainability and ecologically induced inequality are recognized as crucial societal challenges of our time, both at the national and international level. Climate change in turn creates global, societal and intergenerational inequalities and thus makes an ecological transformation of economy and society imperative, which in turn must counteract a further deepening of social inequalities. Which institutional mechanisms are relevant for this and how can social processes be initiated and accompanied? At the same time, questions about individual knowledge and competencies, habits, behavioral styles and personality traits, but also about motives, goals and (educational) contexts correlate with this and can only be answered in cooperation between economics, sociology, law, psychology and others.

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In this context, the thematic complex 'individual, institutional and societal challenges of ecological sustainability' identified at the last general meeting should be further developed and expanded - preferably also at (potential) interfaces to other TRAs. TRA 4 therefore invites applications for research funds for this potential profile area with a total amount of up to 80,000 EUR p.a. (funding period: 2024 and 2025) to stimulate collaborative research projects and further networking within TRA 4.

Who can submit an application?
All doctoral members of TRA 4 can submit an application. PhD members of TRA 4 can submit an application together with a PhD member of TRA 4. You can find the membership application here.

What can (not) be funded?
Measures with a duration in the budget years 2024/25 that realize the goals of TRA as well as EXU, such as start-up funding for smaller and more extensive collaborative research projects (for this purpose, among others, auxiliary staff hours, workshops, symposia, conferences, academies, summer schools, etc.), can be funded. As a rule, no investment costs can be funded. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the funding possibilities within the framework of this funding line as well as those of TRA 4 as a whole.

How should the application be designed?
Applications can be submitted using the standard TRA 4 'application form' (available via our eCampus folder) and must involve researchers from at least two faculties or from one faculty in cooperation with a strategic non-university partner (for this, a cooperation agreement with the University of Bonn must be available).

In addition to the application form, the application includes the following documents:

a) a substantive project outline incl.

  • Project description
  • Formulation of objectives (content-related, strategic; short-, long-term)

b) a time schedule including intermediate goals/milestones
c) a financial plan including a differentiated cost breakdown with regard to individual application items and budget years.
The application (a-c) comprises a maximum of four pages.

Selection process
The TRA 4 Steering Committee decides on the applications received in accordance with the general procedures for the allocation of funds.

In addition to the known funding objectives, the following criteria in particular are considered in the selection process:

-Stimulation of collaborative research on research questions concerning individual, institutional and societal challenges of environmental sustainability.
→ e.g.: To what extent is an interdisciplinary/ interfaculty/ transdisciplinary orientation aimed at addressing the questions? Which funding format is addressed by the project?
- Location (within) TRA 4
→ e.g.: To what extent is one goal/are several of the TRA goals addressed - preferably with reference to the respective professional and/or social relevance?
- Overarching goals of the EXU
→ e.g.: To what extent will one/are several of the overarching EXU goals be promoted within the scope of the requested initiative?

Until when and how can an application be submitted?
For this call, TRA 4 members can submit an application by e-mail (johanna.tix@uni-bonn.de) on an ongoing basis until 31.01.2024. Please make an appointment for consultation with Johanna Tix before submitting your application (by email see above, or by phone: +49 (0) 171/ 33 160 47). You are also welcome to contact her with any further questions.


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