Do you speak German?

Learning German

The International Office at the University of Bonn runs a range of courses open to international applicants, students from English-language degree programs (without DSH examination), Erasmus and exchange students and (visiting) academics with the aim of helping them to improve and extend their German language skills.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.

Intensive German Course Before Starting the Semester

Take part in our intensive German language and culture course before the semester starts and complete a partial stage of your language acquisition.

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In-Semester German Language Courses

Our German language courses are available to all international students and are based on the levels defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

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DSH Preparatory Courses

The courses are intended for prospective students who already have good language skills. The goal is to be able to study in the language.

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German Language Proficiency Test for Admission to Higher Education (DSH)

The DSH shows whether your German language skills are adequate for studying at the University of Bonn.

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Language coaching for newly appointed international professors

We offer custom-tailored individual and small group language coaching for newly appointed professors.

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German courses for NeurotechEU students

We offer German courses for students of the European University of Brain and Technology. Find out more on the microsite of the University of Bonn.

Current information

Registration for the Intensive German Language Courses before starting the semester is now open!

The Intensive German Course before starting the Semester will take place from March 06 to 27, 2025.

Course times: 09:00 am to 12:15 pm

  • during the first week: on Thursday and Friday
  • during the 2dn to the 4th week: from Monday to Thursday

In-Semester German Language Courses

We offer in-semester German language courses for international students and doctoral students enrolled at the University of Bonn, visiting academics and members of the university staff.

Registration period for visiting international academics, employees and doctoral students:

Everyday German language courses: April 01 (10:00 am) until April 02, 2025 (12:00 am)
Special topic courses: April 10 (10:00 am) until April 11, 2025 (16:00 pm)

Registration period for international students:

Everyday German language courses: April 08, 2025 (10:00 am)
Special topic courses: April 10 (10:00 am) until April 11, 2025 (16:00 pm)

IMPORTANT! A placement test is mandatory! The result of the OnSet test or a certificate of participation from the International Office of the University of Bonn (max. 2 semesters old) must be uploaded as a PDF file when registering online!


You will find the link under the individual courses

Language Learning Support

We provide help and advice to students seeking to work independently to learn German. Working together, we draw up tailor-made learning strategies. Contact us if you have questions about your language level or need help choosing a course.

What We Offer


Many different course formats

Whether you want to learn everyday German, prepare for the German Language Proficiency Test for Admission to Higher Education (DSH), take intensive German courses, or just invest a small amount of time, our extensive portfolio of courses has just what you need. We offer in-person, online and hybrid forms of teaching and learning to meet your needs.


Highly qualified language teachers and coaches

Our teachers are creative, dedicated and have many years of teaching experience. They put their heart into their teaching to help you achieve your language learning objectives.


Our teaching philosophy

Enjoy activity-oriented interactive learning in a professional atmosphere. Our teachers keep you and your individual learning needs firmly in mind and use humor and a variety of teaching methods to keep classes interesting. Boring is a thing of the past!


An excellent language environment

Learn German at one of the eleven Universities of Excellence in Germany and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and life of this city on the Rhine. Bonn, the former capital of Germany and an international center for science and research, provides many opportunities to meet Germans and try out your language skills.

Other opportunities

Read here about where, how and in what other contexts you can learn German and where to find interesting information about Germany and its history.

Language Learning Center (SLZ)

The Language Learning Center at the University of Bonn also offers German language courses starting at level B2.2.

Deutsche Welle (DW)

Would you like to learn German independently online? Then take a look at the many opportunities available on the Deutsche Welle website.

Haus der Geschichte Bonn

If you are interested in recent German history, you should visit the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn. Admission is free and the museum provides interesting insights into German history since 1945.


Avatar Hammer

Sonja Hammer


Poppelsdorfer Allee 102

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Office hours

  • Monday and Thursday
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • Thursday
    01:30 pm - 03:00 pm

  • and by appointment
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