Members Directory activity-based probes adaptive immunity adipose tissue adoptive T cell therapy ageing algorithm development allergy alopecia Alzheimer's disease AMPA receptors amyloid-beta ancient body care ancient diet anti-cancer drug treatment antibiotic resistance antibiotics antigen presentation anxiety aptamers Artificial Intelligence artificial intelligence associative learning atopic dermatitis autoimmunity autonomic dysfunction B-cells bacterial kinases behavior behaviour bioanalytics biochemistry bioengineering bioethics biomarkers biomaterials biomechanics biomolecular archaeology brain function brain imaging brain plasticity brain tumor classification cancer cancer research cardiac arrythmia cardiac cell-therapy cardiac optogenetics cardiology cardiovascular diseases cardiovascular MRI cell activation cell biology cell-cell communication cell metabolism cell reprogramming cell stress cellular biophysics cellular signal transduction cGMP signaling chemical analytics chemical biology chemistry of natural products chemoresistance chloroplast protein import chromatin dynamics chronic inflammation circuit dynamics clinical microbiology CNS CNS pathology cognition cognitive and translational neuroscience cognitive-computational neuroscience complex genetics compound discovery, natural products computational modeling computational neuroscience computer vision connectomics cortical malformations craniofacial malformations cyclic nucleotides cytoskeleton danger signaling pathways data integration data visualization decision making deep brain imaging deep learning Dekan der Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät dental biomechanics developmental biology developmental pathways in cancer dietary immunology differentiation digital medicine DNA damage/repair DNA nanotechnology dopaminergic system Drosophila eHealth endocytosis energy homeostasis epidemiology epigenetics epigenomics epilepsy epilepsy surgery epileptogenesis ethics of big data and AI evolution evolutionary developmental biology extracellular vesicles familial colorectal cancer fat tissue feeding behavior female health filariasis food science functional genomics G-protein-coupled receptors gastrointestinal polyposis syndromes general practice and family medicine genetic networks genetics genetics and epigenetics of germ cell tumors genome analysis genome editing genome stability genomic stability glial cells global health GPI-anchor deficiencies green algae gut-brain-axis gut microbiome health governance heparin hepatobiliary tumors hereditary gastrointestinal tumor syndromes hereditary tumour syndromes high-end MRI technology high-resolution light microscopy host genetics human behaviour human genetics identification and characterisation of rare germline variants IgE receptor image analysis image processing immune cells immune regulation immune signaling immune tolerance immunity immunology immunology of arthritis immunometabolism immunomodulation immunotherapy infection inflammasome inflammation inflammatory diseases innate immunity interacting stochastic systems intercellular communication learning learning and memory lung organoids lysosomes machine learning macrophages magnetic resonance imaging male-pattern hair loss mass spectrometry mathematical modeling of the immune system mathematical modelling mechanotransduction medical ethics medical imaging medication safety medicinal chemistry membrane proteins mental health disorder mental health tech metabolism metabolomics metaflammation microbiology microbiome microbiome in large-vessel vasculitis microglia microtubuli migration mitochondria mitosis mode of action molecular biology molecular imaging molecular pharmacology mouse genetics MRI sequence/method development mucosal immunology multifactorial diseases Multiple Sclerosis n-3 fatty acids nanobodies Natural killer cells / innate lymphoid cells neglected tropical diseases network anatomy neural circuits neural coding neural network dynamics neurobiology neurodegenerative diseases neurodevelopment neuroeconomics neurological and psychiatric diseases neurological disorders neuron neuron-glia crosstalk neuron-glia interaction neuronal circuits neuronal metabolism neuronal networks neurophysiology neuroscience neuroscience of social perception neurovascular cell biology new rheumatological imaging methods nucleic acid chemistry nucleic acids nutrition research obesity oncologic imaging oncological gastroenterology optogenetics organelle networks organoid models organoids paleopathology palliative medicine Parkinson's Disease past global health patient-generated data perception and memory peroxisomes personalized medicine pharmaceutical biochemistry pharmacology pharmacometrics phosphatases plant-based components plant immunity plant pathogens plasticity platelets precision medicine preclinical Alzheimer's disease primary cilia prokaryotes PROTACs protease inhibition protein aggregation protein degradation protein quality control protein transport proteomics psychiatric disorders quantitative systems biology radiology religion resilience resistance retina retroelements RNA/ribosome biology sensory circuits and processing sensory processing single cell omics single-cell transcriptomics skin disorders social decision making spatial memory spingolipid metabolism spinocerebellar ataxia spirituality stem cells stress-associated psychiatric disorders Stroke and small-vessel disease stromal cells structural biology sulphur metabolism symbiosis synapses synaptopathies synergy research synthetic biology systems biology systems medicine T-cell biology T-helper cells taxonomy therapy resistance threat avoidance tissue homeostasis toxicology transcriptional CDK transcriptomics translation regulation translational neuroimaging translational phytomedicine tropical medicine tumor tumor genetics tumor immunology tumor microenvironment tumor models vascular biology ventricular arrythmics viral immunevasion viral infection viral infections viral latency virus-host interaction visual neuroscience visual system wearable sensors zoology Count Persons (1) Member Research topics Details Prof. Dr. Valentin Stein AMPA receptors, brain function