Support. Guidance. Advice.

Theme Weeks: Doubts About Your Studies?

Are you having doubts about your studies? Are you struggling to motivate yourself? Do you have learning difficulties? Do you already know that you want to change your subject? Are you considering dropping out of your studies altogether? If so, take part in the Study Doubts theme weeks!


Time period
March 10 - 28, 2025

Registration form
Participation is free of charge.
Registration is required for some offers.


19 universities in North Rhine-Westphalia offer a broad program of lectures, workshops and real talks with peers. Regardless of which university you study at, you can take advantage of the entire program free of charge. Find out more and talk to experts and other students. You will find a variety of impulses on the topics of (re)orientation/positioning, decision-making, alternatives to studying, changing subject and university, job & application as well as real talk with peers.

Please note, the program is mainly in German. English offers are indicated.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Panel debate

Online via Zoom

During the panel discussion, experts will talk about support options, perspectives and alternatives when students have doubts about their studies. The audience can ask individual questions.

  • What services and support are provided for people having doubts about their studies?
  • What sensible options or alternatives are there for people having doubts about their studies? 
  • If I want to switch program/university or withdraw, how do I go about it? What do I need to bear in mind?
  • What will employers say when they learn that I switched program/university or withdrew completely? How do I present that in my curriculum vitae?
  • How can I get support from the people around me? / How do I tell my parents?
  • What do I need to bear in mind in terms of funding?
  • Bonn/Rhein-Sieg Employment Agency
  • Study advisory and counseling service at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
  • Career Service at the University of Bonn
  • Cologne Chamber of Crafts
  • Bonn/Rhein-Sieg Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service at the University of Bonn
  • Testimonial

Meeting-ID: 647 1912 0461, Kenncode: 273623


Zoom participation link4, meeting ID: 302 028 7427, identification code: 574935

Would you like to reorient yourself, e.g. because you want to change your subject/university, drop out of your studies altogether or have other plans? Are you wondering how to do this and where to find information?
I present various online research options for searching for study and training opportunities as well as career prospects. You will receive information on how you can find out which apprenticeship or course of study suits your strengths and interests. We also have time for your questions on these topics.

You are also welcomed to contact us for advice outside the theme weeks.5

Participation link6

The Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) provides information about dual studies and training as an entry into the public service, especially at the BZSt. The careers of civil servants and their career prospects will be presented with a focus on financial administration.

Further information can be found at: www.karriere.bzst.de7

Participation link8

Are you considering dropping out of your studies and looking for alternatives?
Then a dual apprenticeship could be just right for you! In our short presentation, you will find out everything you need to know about switching to a shortened dual training program. We have been successfully placing people who have dropped out of university in such training courses for 10 years, because the economy appreciates the valuable skills you already have.

Who are we?
Passgenaue Besetzung9 is a free advice and placement service of the Bonn/Rhein-Sieg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). We know the training market in the region and have good contacts with IHK training companies who will be happy to offer you a training place.

What does dual training offer you?
In IT professions in particular, you can shape your career and receive a monthly training salary right from the start. Dual training combines practical experience in the company with theoretical knowledge from vocational school. This prepares you optimally for the job market. After your apprenticeship, you will have the opportunity to quickly build a career and even progress to Bachelor's or Master's level.

How long does the apprenticeship last?
Normally three years, but under certain conditions it can be shortened to 18 months (training starts in February) or 24 months for students leaving university.

Contact partners:
Elvira Fray                                                       Heiko Oberlies
Phone +49 228 2284 230                            Phone +49 228 2284 197
E-mail:                          E-mail:

Further information can be found at: www.relaunch-your-career.de10

Zoom participation link11, meeting ID: 640 6335 5873, identification code: 385789

Are you thinking about changing your field of study? Perhaps you are also considering changing universities? There can be many reasons for this.

The lecture by the Central Student Advisory and Counseling Service is therefore intended to provide an overview of the main steps involved in changing degree course and university. On the other hand, it will show you what other considerations may go hand in hand with a change of degree program or university. In addition, you will receive information on research and orientation options as well as on central advice and service centers. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and plan your individual next steps.

More information on changing subject and university.12

You are also welcomed to contact us for advice outside of the theme weeks.5

Zoom participation link13, meeting ID: 645 1644 3286, identification code: 496522

Why is it worth studying abroad? What opportunities are there at home and abroad? And what should I pay attention to when planning? Answers to these questions can be found in the online lecture.

You are also welcomed to contact us for advice outside of the theme weeks.14

Participation link15

Are you considering dropping out of your studies and looking for alternatives?
Then a dual apprenticeship could be just right for you! In our short presentation, you will find out everything you need to know about switching to a shortened dual training program. We have been successfully placing people who have dropped out of university in such training courses for 10 years, because the economy appreciates the valuable skills you already have.

Who are we?
Passgenaue Besetzung9 is a free advice and placement service of the Bonn/Rhein-Sieg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). We know the training market in the region and have good contacts with IHK training companies who will be happy to offer you a training place.

What does dual training offer you?
In commercial professions in particular, you can shape your career and receive a training salary right from the start. Dual training combines practical experience in the company with theoretical knowledge from vocational school. This prepares you optimally for the job market. After your apprenticeship, you will have the opportunity to make a career quickly and even progress to Bachelor's or Master's level.

How long does the apprenticeship last?
Normally three years, but under certain conditions it can be shortened to 18 months (training starts in February) or 24 months for those leaving university.

Contact partners:
Elvira Fray                                                      Heiko Oberlies
Phone +49 228 2284 230                           Phone +49 228 2284 197
E-mail:                         E-mail:

Further information can be found at: www.relaunch-your-career.de16

Counseling offers

Marion Becker
+49 228 73-7306 (Mon-Thu)
Consultations in presence or video consultation via Zoom are also possible after prior contact.

Advice on doubts about studying due to health impairment

  • Do you have a long-term health impairment, e.g. due to a chronic or mental illness (Crohn's disease, MS, depression, PTSD, autism spectrum disorder, etc.)?
  • And do you have doubts as to whether you can reconcile your studies and your health?
  • Or are you already experiencing difficulties with your studies or problems coping with these challenges and don't know what to do next?
  • Do you need compensation for disadvantages in your studies and examinations?

If you can answer at least one of these questions with “yes” - or “maybe” - then I will be happy to advise you as the “Representative for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses” - even outside of these theme weeks, of course!

Because chronic or mental illnesses, partial performance disorders such as dyslexia/dyscalculia or other dyscalculia or other long-term impairments are also forms of disabilities and have no less of an impact on studying than physical and sensory impairments - but in a different way. Recognizing this and acknowledging the consequences is often not easy for teachers, advisors and fellow students - and perhaps not for you either? And is this perhaps why you have shied away from taking advantage of appropriate counseling services? Then perhaps these theme weeks are a good opportunity to make up for it.

Counseling is confidential and solution-oriented!

I am also happy to advise you outside of the theme weeks.17

Jeanette van Lier: +49 221 257-5291
Training and advancement in the notary's office - competent contact persons for legal questions in central areas of life

Whether it's a property purchase agreement, power of attorney, marriage contract, will or founding a limited liability company. A notary's office is there to help with very important questions in a person's life. Notaries do not only employ fully qualified legal staff. In particular, employees who have completed training as notary clerks and, if necessary, in-service training, work independently in all areas of the notary's office. In addition to processing notarial deeds, expert employees can draft deeds themselves, discuss their wishes with clients and are available to them as their first point of contact. Even without a degree, a meaningful, varied, challenging and independent job with attractive remuneration awaits you in the notary's office.

The Rheinische Notarkammer, based in Cologne, offers training positions for notary clerks all year round in the greater Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Mönchengladbach, Aachen and Duisburg areas. 

We will be happy to inform you about the tasks in the notary's office, the entry and career opportunities and answer your questions. Our training and further education officer, Ms. Jeanette van Lier, will also be happy to be your contact person outside of the theme week. 

Video: How to become a notary's assistant18

We are also happy to advise you outside of the theme weeks.19

Simone Wichterich: +49 261 9528-969

The General Student Advisory and Counseling Service at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences offers advice on topics such as transferring to degree programs at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences and transferring to dual study programs.

Video “Difference between university and college”20

We are also happy to advise you outside of the theme weeks.21

Telephone number: +49 2241 865-9656

During the open telephone consultation hour, all topics relating to study doubts and study orientation can be discussed.

“Does my subject still meet my expectations? Am I studying in the right place? Am I satisfied with my current life situation?” Many students experience doubts during the course of their studies. Such doubts first of all make it clear that a person is coming to terms with their current situation.

Do you have doubts about your studies? Then take action! Counseling can help you gain clarity, discover new perspectives and find new paths!

We are also happy to advise you outside of the theme weeks.22

Georg Dick: +49 221 97302032,
Udo Schäfer: +49 221 97301025,

The Cologne Bar Association offers training positions for paralegals in the Aachen/Bonn/Cologne area. If you are interested, please contact the training mediators Georg Dick and Udo Schäfer by phone or e-mail. Personal appointments are also possible by prior arrangement.

Information on vocational training as a paralegal.23

We are also happy to advise you outside of the theme weeks.24

Ulrike Pütz: +49 221 2022-279

The Career Workshop of the Cologne Chamber of Skilled Crafts (HWK) offers telephone and/or video consultations for students who have dropped out of university and are looking for a dual apprenticeship. Anyone interested in training can find out about dual training occupations with a HWK qualification and available training places.

We are also happy to advise you outside of the theme weeks. 25

Celestina Trost
International Office
Poppelsdorfer Allee 53
53115 Bonn

Do you need a break from your studies? Would you like a change of scenery? A stay abroad can offer new perspectives and help you to reassess the situation at home. You are welcome to come to the individual consultation to find out whether a stay abroad is an option for you. We can also talk about the various options - semester or year abroad, internship, language course or summer school? There are many opportunities for new impulses and ways to develop yourself further.

We will also be happy to advise you outside of the theme week.14

The Central Student Advisory and Counseling Service would like to support you in finding the right path for you. Regardless of whether you have doubts about your studies, are thinking about changing courses or dropping out, whether financial or personal challenges are affecting your studies or you simply have a queasy feeling in your stomach when you think about university.

Presence: Poppelsdorfer Allee 49, 53115 Bonn, 2nd floor, room 2.010, Theresa Fabian
Tuesday, 18.03.2025

By telephone: +49 228 73-5520
Tuesday, 11.03.2025
Tuesday, 25.03.2025

We are also happy to advise you outside the theme weeks.26

The Employment Agency offers you individual advice sessions by telephone, each of which focuses on developing a strategy for your professional future that suits you personally.

Possible counseling topics: Switching to training or dual studies (free offers from employers throughout Germany in your desired region are arranged here), career opportunities with studies or training, change of course, university or type of university, alternative financing models and/or bridging options until a new start.

Presence: Poppelsdorfer Allee 49, 53115 Bonn | 3rd floor | room 3.001
Tuesday, 18.03.2025

By telephone: +49 228 924-4020
Wednesday, 19.03.2025

Outside of office hours, you are welcome to send an e-mail to Please include a brief description of your request and a telephone number.

Elvira Fray: +49 228 2284-230
Heiko Oberlies: +49 228 2284-197

The IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg's “Passgenaue Besetzung” offers a telephone consultation hour for students who have dropped out of university and are looking for a dual training place.

Thursday, 13.03.2025, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday, 14.03.2025, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 
Thursday, 20.03.2025, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday, 21.03.2025 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

Career with an apprenticeship

Ending your studies before graduating and completing a dual vocational training program instead is an opportunity, not a failure!

The Bonn/Rhine-Sieg Chamber of Industry and Commerce's “Matching Apprenticeships” program brings together people who want to do a dual apprenticeship and companies that offer an apprenticeship in an IHK training occupation.

With its “Relaunch-your-Career” project, the Bonn/Rhine-Sieg Chamber of Industry and Commerce offers university drop-outs the opportunity of a shortened turbo apprenticeship in selected professions.

University dropouts who are looking for a dual training position can register in our applicant management system:
Tailor-made staffing9 and www.relaunch-your-career.de16

We are also happy to advise you outside of the theme weeks27.

Registration by e-mail, information see below.

Do you have doubts about your studies because there seem to be no career prospects after graduation? Perhaps you don't know how to find out what you would really enjoy doing professionally?
Take advantage of the Career Service's offer to talk to Dr. Anke Bohne about ideas for career prospects and ways to find your way in a 25-minute career consultation. 

This offer can be used by students and graduates of the University of Bonn. 
Tuesday, 11.03.2025, 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, 13.03.2025, 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, 18.03.2025, 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, 20.03.2025, 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Information on registration and other dates outside the theme weeks.28

Themed Weeks of Study Doubts at 19 universities in North Rhine-Westfalia

19 universities in North Rhine-Westphalia offer a broad program of lectures, workshops and real talks with peers. Regardless of which university you study at, you can take advantage of the entire program free of charge. Find out more and talk to experts and other students. You will find a variety of impulses on the topics of (re)orientation/positioning, decision-making, alternatives to studying, changing subject and university, job & application as well as real talk with peers.

Header überregionale Thementage Studienzweifel
© Unsplash

Psychological Counseling

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Volker Lannert

Psychological Counseling at the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service provides advice and support to all students at the University of Bonn, including doctoral students. We are not attached to any faculty and will advise you confidentially, impartially and with a focus on finding solutions.

Psychological counseling is also available in English.

Many students will experience uncertainties or doubts during their studies or regarding their choice of degree program. Discussing the issue with friends or family can be a helpful first step. It can be a relief to discover that you don’t have to face this situation on your own. Dialog and shared reflection often lead you to find new momentum and possibilities.

Sometimes, however, you might still not make any headway, in which case it may make sense to discuss your current situation with the help of a professional. As your first port of call if you’re having doubts about your studies, the staff at the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service will be happy to tell you about your options and alternatives and give you expert, impartial advice and support as you make your decisions.

If, despite all this information, you’re still struggling to make a decision and time is dragging on, e.g. if the issue is dominating your thoughts, if you’re finding it hard or even impossible to think positively, if you’re experiencing severe anxiety and worries or if you’re finding the situation stressful in another way, do not hesitate to ask Psychological Counseling at the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service for help.

Come and seek counseling early so that your problems do not fester.

How does Psychological Counseling at the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service work? 

In personal meetings, you can obtain counseling – including preventive advice – regarding psychological concerns, insecurities or problems that can have a negative impact on your quality of life or academic success. Our counselors will help you develop new perspectives, your own constructive solutions and strategies to tackle challenges. If necessary, we can also give you advice on finding a psychotherapist and/or put you in touch with other people who will be able to help. In addition, we organize group sessions on specific issues.

What issues can I come to Psychological Counseling at the Central Student Advisory and Counseling Service with?
Common reasons for seeking counseling include stress, doubts, anxiety, problems with concentration and motivation, negative thoughts, depressive moods, understanding symptoms, lethargy, procrastination, detrimental learning and working strategies, examination issues, difficulties making decisions or settling in as well as personal challenges. All of these and many other issues can impair your quality of life and get in the way of academic success.

Will the things I talk about during my consultation be shared with anyone else?
No! The psychologists are bound by professional discretion. Nobody will be told about your visit or the matters discussed without your permission.

How can I get an appointment with Psychological Counseling at the Central Student Advisory and Counseling Service? 
You can make appointments using the appointment form29. Dates and times for initial consultations are released up to 30 working days in advance. You are welcome to check back every day to see if you can book an appointment yet.

Does Psychological Counseling also organize workshops/coachings?

As well as one-to-one consultations, Psychological Counseling also offers small-group workshops and coachings on a regular basis. 
Typical topics include dealing with exam stress, learning strategies, time and self-management, improving self-esteem, etc.

You can find a list of all workshops and coachings organized by the Central Student Advisory and Counseling Service here. 30

Psychological Counseling at the Studierendenwerk

If you’re not feeling well, you shouldn’t be afraid to seek help. We are a team of psychologists with extensive experience in counseling and clinical psychology and a background in psychotherapy. We specialize in depth psychology, psychoanalysis, systemic therapy and trauma therapy. Our consultations are free of charge and confidential. No information will be shared with your family, the University or your health insurer. Everything we discuss will remain between us. 

We offer one-to-one consultations and, on request, sessions involving family members or other caregivers.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Studierendenwerk Bonn/Ann-Kathrin Busse

Relaxation and self-care

  • Looking for proactive, mindful relaxation as part of your daily routine?
  • Want to discover new possibilities and relaxation techniques?
  • Need more self-care in your day-to-day life?

Then Psychological Counseling at the Studierendenwerk Bonn invites you to try out its digital services:
Self-care and mindfulness exercises33

Atemmeditation – Atemübung zum Entspannen

Atemtechnik - Atemübung Nr. 2 zum Entspannen

Advice and support from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)

The Department for University Policy is the first place to go to with any questions relating to examination regulations and the University itself.

How is the advice you provide relevant to people who are having doubts about their studies or considering withdrawing?
We mainly deal with cases of involuntary withdrawal, i.e. particularly when someone is at risk of failing their final attempt at an examination or has already failed. The students will then ask whether they can appeal against the examination decision so they can continue their studies. Sometimes they will come to us after their first or second attempt in order to seek advice in good time. Those who have already failed and have no more chances left come to find out about alternative degree programs and how they can get recognition for what they have achieved so far. In extreme cases – and this is unfortunate – they won’t make themselves known until after they have been deregistered.

What do you advise them to do in such situations?
Even if you have only failed a written examination once or twice, you should check whether it was marked correctly. For example, people taking their third attempt often talk about inconsistencies in previous written examinations. There’s nothing we can do if that happens, unfortunately. This is frustrating, because they might be taking their third attempt when they shouldn’t have to.

How can such a situation be avoided?
It’s important to bear in mind in this context that, if you can’t sit a written examination due to illness, you must say so straight away! The same applies to term papers: if you’re ill, you should tell your examination office immediately so that the deadline can be extended if necessary. When you’re actually sitting your written examination, you must report any noise, mistakes in the questions, etc. to proctors right away and make sure they are recorded. If you don’t complain there and then, you won’t be able to appeal or prove anything further down the line.

What do people need to bear in mind if, despite everything, they have failed and have no more attempts  left?
People who have failed and have no more attempts left need to keep an eye on the deadlines for applying for other degree programs or for vocational training. This can sometimes be as early as the beginning of May for degree programs with restricted admission. The University’s Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service also offers advice to those considering switching to another degree program or subject. This can be helpful, particularly in terms of getting study achievements recognized.

The counseling team in the Department for University Policy can be contacted at, and consultations are held (currently) via email on Mondays and Fridays. Telephone consultations can also be arranged by email.

Please note that the advice and support provided by the General Students’ Committee (AStA) is given by students and makes no claim to be complete or correct.

You can find more information atür_Hochschulpolitik34.

How is the advice you provide relevant to people who are having doubts about their studies or considering withdrawing?
Students come to Psychosocial Counseling for all kinds of reasons. As well as seeking professional help for mental health issues, these reasons also include all the other problems that make them feel unhappy and/or overwhelmed in their everyday lives, be this socially, in general or specifically related to their studies. The fact that students often feel dissatisfied with what they have achieved in their studies or that they have chosen the wrong path is often relevant in this context. It really depends. Some of the people we talk to see their doubts about their studies to be the problem in itself, while for others it plays second fiddle to other, more prominent crises or conflicts in their studies that are causing them doubt or uncertainty. There are also differences in terms of whether the problem vaguely buzzes around in the person’s head or whether they have already given it a lot of detailed thought and are mainly having difficulties making a decision. As studying is an integral part of many young people’s lives, it’s bound to trigger conflicts at some point that they need help to resolve. Psychosocial Counseling is here to offer a starting point if people feel unable to overcome these conflicts on their own. Having doubts about one’s studies isn’t unknown territory for us, in other words. On the contrary, it’s something we deal with all the time.

What questions or problems can people come to you with?
It’s often about the question of whether a person feels they fit in. Many people say they feel as if their fellow students are coping much better with the demands of their studies or already seem to have a much clearer plan and thus give the impression of being keener and more focused. This makes the people affected feel they don’t belong. It’s a similar scenario when students don’t get the grades they think they should and fall short of their own expectations. They might also realize at some point during their studies that they have deviated from their original path, which makes it hard to imagine having a career in the field they had initially chosen. This robs them of a goal that they feel is worth aiming for and that they can focus their enthusiasm and motivation on. So they soon start thinking about changing to another degree program or withdrawing from university. Conflicts can undoubtedly arise in a social context, too. If, for instance, a student’s family has done a lot to enable them to study, this can provoke an inner conflict, which makes it very hard for them to make the decision to withdraw.

How can you help?
Although we would never want or be able to make someone’s decision for them, merely getting feedback in a conversation with someone who’s not been involved can help to get a better idea of how serious a problem actually is. Having a chat to get things clear in your head can do a lot to take the weight off your shoulders and guide you toward new options for positive achievements and possibilities that you weren’t able to see previously. If you have already more or less made up your mind to switch or withdraw from university, we can also help you gather various arguments together and come up with a plan for what next steps to take in order to actually achieve what you want.

Do you have any tips for students who are having doubts about their studies or considering withdrawing from university?
The best thing to do is always to tackle emerging doubts sooner rather than later before negative feelings and oppressive thoughts take hold. In a worst-case scenario, severe psychological stress can even develop. We are always pleased to help in difficult situations so that nobody need be left alone with their own thoughts and conflicts. We also want to share our firm belief that any problem can be solved. As this might not seem immediately obvious to you, you are welcome to pop in and talk to us or to other people in your circle who you trust. We want to give you the courage to always think from the perspective of the solution and to look for ways of achieving it rather than feeling you will always be at the mercy of your own problems with no help in sight.

Finally, it’s important to reiterate that switching degree program or withdrawing from university can also be a solution to a problem. Although this decision shouldn’t be made in haste, don’t let any time you might already have invested or any expectations that might have been unfulfilled prevent you from taking your future happiness in your own hands if it turns out to be the right decision for you.

The Psychosocial Counseling team can be contacted at and is currently offering telephone and email consultations.

Please note that the advice and support provided by the General Students’ Committee (AStA) is given by students and makes no claim to be complete or correct.

You can find more information at

How is the advice you provide relevant to people who are having doubts about their studies or considering switching degree program?
The Welfare Advice team is the right place to come to once you’ve decided to switch degree program or withdraw from university. In other words, many students will already have made a decision and will have questions about formal and organizational matters, such as study financing. We can also certify documents relating to your studies, which you might need in order to enroll or apply somewhere, for example.

What questions do students ask you?
Most of the questions relate to financing. A lot is about BAföG, part-time jobs, accommodation benefit and student loans. The rules can often be complicated, particularly for students from outside the EU, so we’re happy to help.

How exactly do you do so?
We start by taking a look at the student’s individual situation, which can sometimes be a very detailed process. We then explain the various possible solutions. In complex cases, we go away, do some more research and then report back. If necessary, we put the person in touch with other advisory services that specialize in the relevant problem, such as the Accommodation and Legal Advice team at the General Students’ Committee (AStA) or the University’s Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service.

The Welfare Advice team can be contacted at and is currently offering email consultations every day between 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm.

Please note that the advice and support provided by the General Students’ Committee (AStA) is given by students and makes no claim to be complete or correct.

You can find more information at

There are many support offers for all questions concerning doubts about your studies, not only during the theme week, but all year round.

You’re not the only one experiencing doubts about your studies!

If you’re having doubts about your studies and simply don’t know whether to carry on, switch degree program or do vocational training instead, you’re definitely not alone. Ceyda, Nadja, Farina and Florian used to be in the same position and found a solution. Here, they give you a few tips:

Farina - Studienzweiflerin

Ceyda - Studienwechselerin

Florian - Studienaussteiger

On the website of the NRW-wide project Next Career, you will also find advice/counseling opportunities, information, and personal testimonials from (former) university dropouts.

© Next Career

Contact information and organization

Avatar Jenkner

Lea Jenkner

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service | Project Next Career
Avatar Fabian

Theresa Fabian

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service | Project Next Career

These recommendations aim at providing you with a short overview on which measures to take for protecting your data and third-party personal data to the greatest extent possible.

  • Participation is always voluntary. 
  • Confidential information, in particular personal data on third parties, may not be shared during the online consultation. The same applies when using the integrated chat function. 
  • Camera settings should always be chosen in a way to ensure that no confidential information is disclosed in the background. 
  • If you have third parties present that are not visible on screen, all video conference participants should be made aware of their presence.
  • When using the “share screen” function, no confidential information, in particular personal information, about third parties should become visible. Furthermore, participants are not permitted to take screenshots.
  • Online consultations may not be recorded.

Zoom is a videoconferencing tool by a US provider. When using Zoom, personal data is inevitably collected and passed on to the provider and to third parties. For an overview of which data is affected, please check

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