Artificial intelligence to detect brain hemorrhages1
Research across disciplinary boundaries: the Institute for Applied Mathematics at the University of Bonn and the Clinic for Neuroradiology at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) have received funding of around 160,000 euros for a joint project on the automated detection of brain hemorrhages using artificial intelligence. The project is supported by the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn.
Future Prize winner presents physics experiment to University of Bonn2
How is it possible for a picture of Albert Einstein to turn into Marylin Monroe? Physics students and lecturers at the University of Bonn now have a new experiment at their disposal that illustrates "Fourier optics", a method particularly useful for the targeted processing of images. The experiment came about through an initiative by physicist and alumnus Dr. Michael Kösters. Last year, he and two colleagues received the German Future Prize, which is awarded by the President of Germany for outstanding research and development projects in the field of technology and innovation. In a lecture at the Physics Colloquium of the University of Bonn, Michael Kösters spoke about his field of research, namely laser systems for the generation of extreme ultraviolet light for Mikrochip manufacturing, and presented the demo experiment. It will be used in lectures and practical courses.
Winning a $100,000 Machine Learning Competition3
How can parcel delivery be optimized with a mass of routes and parcels? More precisely, how can algorithms learn and use the knowledge and behavior of experienced drivers? To solve this problem, mathematician Prof. Dr. Stephan Held from the University of Bonn, together with two colleagues from Canada and Denmark, has now emerged as the winner of a worldwide competition - the "Amazon Last Mile Routing Research Challenge". The competition is organized by Amazon and the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics in Boston. The prize money of $100,000 for the winning team attracted 2,285 participants from all over the world this year.
"I want to pass on knowledge"4
What influence do endogenous cannabinoids have on neurodegenerative diseases? Bolanle Fatimat Olabiyi is investigating this question in her doctoral thesis at the ImmunoSensation2 Cluster of Excellence. Her big goal for the future is to continue boosting research in her home country of Nigeria. An article from forsch 2021/01
Thawing permafrost releases greenhouse gas from depth5
Which effects did the heat wave of summer 2020 have in Siberia? In a study led by the University of Bonn, geologists compared the spatial and temporal distribution of methane concentrations in the air of northern Siberia with geological maps. The result: the methane concentrations in the air after last year's heat wave indicate that increased gas emissions came from limestone formations beneath the thawing permafrost. The study is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Seeing better by looking away6
When we fixate an object, its image does not appear at the place where photoreceptors are packed most densely. Instead, its position is shifted slightly nasally and upwards from the cellular peak. This is shown in a recent study conducted at the University of Bonn, published in the journal Current Biology. The researchers observed such offsets in both eyes of 20 healthy subjects, and speculate that the underlying fixation behavior improves overall vision.
“Who makes history?” The return of the person-centered approach7
What influence do individual personalities have on political decisions and the course of history? This question lies at the heart of a new publication entitled Der Faktor Persönlichkeit in der internationalen Politik (“The personality factor in international politics”). It is edited by Dr. Hendrik W. Ohnesorge, a research associate at the Chair in International Relations and Managing Director of the Center for Global Studies (CGS), and Professor Dr. Xuewu Gu, current holder of the chair and Director of the CGS. Bernd Frye talked to Hendrik W. Ohnesorge. An article from forsch 2021/01.
Economy: Michael-Burkhard Piorkowsky highlights the importance of households8
“Economics is a human thing,” says a convinced Michael-Burkhard Piorkowsky. The researcher, who held the Professorship for Household and Consumption Economics at the University of Bonn before his retirement, has written a book that takes this statement as its title. Johannes Seiler asked him some questions about it. An article from forsch 2021/01.
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