Customized programming of human stem cells1
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) have the potential to convert into a wide variety of cell types and tissues for drug testing and cell replacement therapies. However, the "recipes" for this conversion are often complicated and difficult to implement. Researchers at the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD) at TU Dresden, Harvard University (USA) and the University of Bonn have found a way to systematically extract hundreds of different cells quickly and easily from iPS using transcription factors, including neurons, connective tissue and blood vessel cells. Researchers can use this transcription factor source through the non-profit organization Addgene. The results have now been published in the journal "Nature Biotechnology".
Ice sheets at the poles influence each other2
Over the last 40,000 years, ice sheets thousands of miles apart have been influencing each other through changes in sea level. An international team of researchers with the participation of the University of Bonn compared models of ice sheet changes during the latest ice age cycle with newly available geological records. The study, led by Natalya Gomez of McGill University in Montreal (Canada), shows for the first time that changes in the Antarctic ice sheet in the south during this period were influenced by melting ice sheets in the northern hemisphere. The results have now been published in the journal Nature.
Transdisciplinary success3
Research across subject boundaries: Researchers from the University of Bonn have been awarded a prize by the University's Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life and Health" for three special projects in the life sciences. The steering committee of the research area rewards the three project teams with 50,000 euros each for their creative and innovative approaches. Up to three researchers work together on one project. They come from the disciplines of biology, pharmacy, medicine and mathematics.
University of Bonn represented in the ranking "Highly Cited Researchers 2020"4
With a total of 14 researchers, the University of Bonn is represented this year in the international ranking of "Highly Cited Researchers".
Awareness week: waving a flag for antibiotics5
Antibiotics are a not only crucial weapons in the fight against bacterial infections, but form central pillars for many advanced therapeutic interventions in modern medicine. However, these drugs are losing efficacy because of the rise of antibiotic resistance. World Antimicrobial Awareness Week aims to increase awareness of the growing problem of global antimicrobial resistance among the general public, health workers and policy makers. In a joint initiative, the universities Bonn and Tübingen support this important effort.
Robot ethicist will join the University of Bonn6
Living and working with robots changes people. How can artificial intelligence (AI) be innovative and respect social values at the same time? In the future, one of the world's leading experts in the field of robot ethics will be conducting research on these questions at the University of Bonn. Prof. Aimee van Wynsberghe has been selected by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a Humboldt Professorship and will receive EUR 3.5 million—the highest endowed research prize in Germany intended to attract renowned scientists from abroad to carry out long-term research at German universities. Aimee van Wynsberghe comes from the Technical University of Delft (Netherlands) and plans to begin her work at the University of Bonn on February 1, 2021.
Corona study on early super-spreading event in Gangelt published7
After the preliminary publication on the preprint server medRxiv in May 2020, the study by scientists of the University of Bonn about the first coronavirus outbreak in Germany in the community of Gangelt has been published in the renowned scientific journal Nature Communications.
European universities discuss corona pandemic8
The Universities of Bonn (Germany) and St Andrews (Scotland) are hosting a digital panel discussion with high-profile guests on the role of science in the corona pandemic, set for Tuesday, November 17, 2:00 to 3:30 pm (MEZ). The public event is organized by Scotland House in Brussels.