Inflammatory diseases influence the course of hair loss1
Asthma, atopic dermatitis or Hashimoto's thyroiditis as concomitant diseases are risk factors for clinical features associated with a poor prognosis in circular hair loss, also known as alopecia areata (AA). In patients with three atopic diseases, namely atopic dermatitis, asthma and rhinitis, the average age of onset of AA is about ten years earlier than in patients without chronic inflammatory comorbidities. This has now been established by researchers from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the University of Bonn in a large cohort study of affected patients. Their results have now been published in the journal "Allergy".
Improved Efficiency and Resource Conservation—But Greater Dependence Too?2
Digitalization is ushering in far-reaching change in all areas of our lives, not least in the agricultural sector. Researchers from the University of Bonn have now presented a study on how international agricultural corporations and Big Tech firms are using digital platforms to transform the agriculture industry. They make it clear that, although the technologies harbor significant potential, they also risk amplifying existing power structures and creating new dependencies.
Africa: Better roads promote greater dietary diversity3
A balanced diet is important for reducing hunger and malnutrition. Researchers thus advocate that small farmers in low- and middle-income countries should try to produce as many different foods as possible for their own consumption. However, a new study is now questioning this recommendation to some extent. It suggests that good access to regional markets is more important than farmers growing a large diversity of crops on their own smallholding. Better-functioning markets increase the variety of foods available locally, which benefits the population as a whole. The results are being published in the journal “Nature Food.”
Colored nuclei reveal cellular key genes4
The identification of genes involved in diseases is one of the major challenges of biomedical research. Researchers at the University of Bonn and the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) have developed a method that makes their identification much easier and faster: they light up genome sequences in the cell nucleus. In contrast to complex screenings using established methods, the NIS-Seq method can be used to investigate the genetic determinants of almost any biological process in human cells. The study has now been published in Nature Biotechnology.
“Becoming engaged from a place of openness and curiosity is key”5
In a time of multiple crises, the enormous loss of biodiversity is one of our greatest challenges, the consequences of which are already affecting countless people around the world. It is evident by now: Something has to change - but what and how? Dr. Stefan Partelow, head of the “Transformation and Governance” research area at the Center for Life Ethics at the University of Bonn, is working on precisely this question. As one of many scientists, he contributed to the Transformative Change Assessment of the World Biodiversity Council IPBES, which has now been published: It aims to understand and identify factors in human society that can be used to bring about transformative change for the conservation, restoration and wise use of biodiversity while considering social and economic objectives in the context of sustainable development.
University of Bonn Welcomes New Schlegel Professor6
The University of Bonn has appointed yet another outstanding Schlegel Professor financed from Excellence funding. Professor Maja Köhn is set to inject fresh momentum into the Institute for Cell Biology as its Managing Director. Her main area of work is studying phosphatases.
University of Bonn Researcher Involved in Sensational Find in Frankfurt7
Some time ago, archaeological excavations in the Praunheim district of Frankfurt am Main uncovered a burial ground from the 3rd century. Inside one of its graves, the archaeologists came upon a complete skeleton accompanied by grave goods, in this case an earthenware jug and an incense burner in the shape of a chalice. However, it was not until they were cleaning the bones that they discovered something else—an amulet capsule, which has now turned out to be a truly sensational find. Professor Markus Scholz, an archaeologist and expert in Latin inscriptions based at Goethe University Frankfurt, has managed to decipher the inscription on the capsule with the help of church historian Professor Wolfram Kinzig from the University of Bonn and a number of other researchers.
New findings on blood clotting8
A deficiency in blood plasma coagulation factor XIII leads to a disruption in the cross-linking of fibrin, the "glue" in blood coagulation. The enzyme therefore plays an essential role in blood clotting. Researchers at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the University of Bonn, together with Thermo Fisher Scientific in the Netherlands, deciphered the previously unknown structure of the Factor XIII complex using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), even at the atomic level. This enabled them to visualize the effects of disease-causing, clinically relevant factor XIII mutations in the structure of the coagulation complex. Their results have now been published in the print edition of the journal “Blood”.