Fit to study
Information and services for students

Healthy studying practices

We provide a range of information and services designed to improve the health and well-being of students at the University of Bonn. This provision covers both physical and mental health as well as measures to ensure a healthy social climate.

Doctoral researchers at the University of Bonn are invited to take part in a stress management intervention study tailored to their needs. The results of the study will be deployed to develop and run a long-term stress management seminar for doctoral students at the University of Bonn.
We have summarized all the important information about the study and the seminar here.
Learn more1

We provide regular updates on Facebook2 and Instagram3 about healthy studying practices. 

Healthy Campus Bonn Logo
© Lina To

Healthy studying - WDR report

At the end of October, WDR was a guest at Healthy Campus and published a report on the topic of “Healthy studying”. It presents some of our projects as well as our new rooms and purchases that encourage physical activity and explains the ideas behind them in more detail. Take a look at it for yourself!

Frau, die am Schreibtisch sitzt und sich streckt
© Colourbox

Healthy On Demand

Stay fit and healthy whilst working from home.

© Colourbox

Workshops & seminars

Strategies for a healthy university experience.

Tomatensalat mit Dressing in einer Schüssel
© Colourbox

Healthy eating

Improve your concentration and performance.

Hochschulsportteam auf einem Beachvolleyballfeld
© Volker Lannert


A range of courses and events organized by University Sports.

Studierende im Beratungsgespräch mit einer Frau
© Colourbox

Advice services

Help and support tailored to your needs.

Team Uni Bonn im Ziel beim Bonner Firmenlauf
© Volker Lannert


Take part in initiatives focusing on healthy eating, exercise and health.

Your contact person

Avatar Shepherd

Hannah Shepherd

Healthy Study Coordinator

Together shaping our university health management strategy

Start page


About us

Our milestones


The Healthy Campus Bonn team

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