University is Communication

University Communications and Press Office

University Communications organizes the central communication activities of the University of Bonn and is responsible for maintaining and developing its communication channels. We help to establish good, successful communications between members of the University, the media and the public, thereby assisting the University in fulfilling its important research and teaching responsibilities. 

Our Services

A stack of newspapers can be seen.
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Press Service

Not a day goes by without something new at the University. New knowledge is created every day by researchers at the University of Bonn. From Hofgarten to Venusberg, we provide the news faster than anyone else.

Eight colorful dial telephones stand in a cabinet.
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Our team will advise you on all matters relating to communications, press relations and public relations. 


The University magazine, brochures and reports—the University of Bonn creates its own publications to provide information about its work.

Online Editing

The thousands of central webpages at the University of Bonn need constant editing to keep them up-to-date. We do that!

Social Media

We use social media to keep in contact with our fans and friends in Bonn and around the world

Corporate Design

Our corporate design ensures high recognition of the “University of Bonn” brand. We can help you use it.

Video and Photo Service

We put research and teaching in the proper light. We use photos and videos to present the University of Bonn and its members.

forsch. The University Magazine

What moves the University of Bonn? Who are the people behind the research results and programs offered? Read about it here!

Latest News
Transfer-Oriented Research for Practical Purposes8
The Competence and Research Unit for Intervening in, Preventing of and Coming to terms with Abuse of Power and Sexualized Violence (the “IPA Hub”) will begin its work in the Department of Moral Theology at the University of Bonn’s Faculty of Catholic Theology on May 1, 2025. It will engage in interdisciplinary cooperation and with networks of partners in Germany and abroad from academia, the private sector, the Church and society to tackle key challenges posed by the abuse of power and sexualized violence in transfer-oriented research and make its findings accessible on a practical level.
Postdoc Day 2025 – The Broad Spectrum of Bonn’s Science Landscape9
PhD – and then what? Germany’s research landscape includes a wide variety of institutions, ranging from universities and universities of applied sciences to world-renowned research centers. The Postdoc Day 2025 on Thursday, April 3, 2025, 12:30 p.m. - 18.00 p.m. offers postdocs and PhD candidates in the final phase of their doctoral studies a unique opportunity: you can explore the work of numerous non-university research institutions that are members of the Bonn Research Alliance (BORA). These institutions will introduce themselves at a “market of opportunities” and through short presentations. Additionally, many service units of the University of Bonn will showcase their support services for early-career researchers.
"Science needs facts, not emotions"10
Climate change threatens the existence of many people and ecosystems. In view of the scientific findings, many researchers are also worried about the future. Should they talk openly about their feelings?  In the new episode of the Hypothesis Podcast, climate researcher Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper from the Department of Development Geography at the University of Bonn discusses the thesis “Science needs facts, not emotions” with host Denis Nasser. This episode is in English.
Modern Study Hall and Lounge11
The Chemistry Department Library reopened in late February of 2025 upon completion of extensive modernization and interior design work. The library has been transformed into a contemporary learning space that meets the needs of today’s students. Along with its books and journals, the library now offers some 65 variously configured individual and group workstations equipped with modern technology.
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