21. December 2023

University of Bonn Cycles for the Climate University of Bonn Cycles for the Climate

City Cycling 2023 proves particularly effective for University and City of Bonn

The University of Bonn came top in this year’s “Best Team” category, clocking up a total of 58,512 kilometers.

Bürgermeisterin Gabi Mayer mit den Teamkapitäninnen der Unterteams mit den meisten Kilometern Dr. Christina Strohmenger und Julia Rötten sowie Jennifer Sobotta, Stabsstelle für Nachhaltigkeit und Dr. Katja Stöver, Healthy Campus Bonn (v.l.n.r.). Benjamin Grimm, Teamkapitän des Hauptteams, fehlte bei der Siegerehrung.
Bürgermeisterin Gabi Mayer mit den Teamkapitäninnen der Unterteams mit den meisten Kilometern Dr. Christina Strohmenger und Julia Rötten sowie Jennifer Sobotta, Stabsstelle für Nachhaltigkeit und Dr. Katja Stöver, Healthy Campus Bonn (v.l.n.r.). Benjamin Grimm, Teamkapitän des Hauptteams, fehlte bei der Siegerehrung. © Volker Lannert/Universität Bonn
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More people than ever before took part. Cycling over 900,000 kilometers, the 209 teams from Bonn put in a barnstorming performance overall in City Cycling 2023, which ran from September 3 to 23. The event is supported by Healthy Campus Bonn, University Sports and Team N (N for “Nachhaltigkeit,” or “sustainability” in German) at the University of Bonn and coincided with its “Sustainable September” campaign month.

City Cycling is a Germany-wide competition that sees people get on their bikes to promote climate action. As well as enjoying being out and about on two wheels, the initiative is also about encouraging as many of us as possible to start cycling every day and thus do our bit to protect the climate.

The many kilometers cycled saved 146 metric tons of carbon emissions and reduced air and noise pollution in the city.

The University of Bonn was represented by 311 keen riders, putting it second in the “Largest Team” category. However, it went one better in the “Best Team” category, securing first place—meaning that it had racked up more kilometers than anyone else!

The best local City Cycling teams and individual riders were presented with awards by Mayor of Bonn Gabi Mayer on November 15, 2023.

The mayor’s words of thanks to the award-winners applied equally to all participants: “Over the past few weeks, you’ve sent out a clear and vital signal in support of climate action in our city and shown how its plan to become climate-neutral by 2035 can be achieved. As a city, we’re working hard on making cycling even more attractive as a healthy, environmentally friendly and space-saving alternative to driving. A few improvements can already be seen in and around the city, with a few more currently being planned and put into action.”


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