Sustainability in Teaching

Our Vision

Issues related to sustainability and sustainability research play a key role in teaching. We develop new teaching and study offerings which are integrated into curricula as a visible part of the various degree programs. The University’s sustainability strategy is continuously further developed in a participatory process within the framework of our BOOST 1(Bonn Program for Sustainability Transformation) sustainability agenda. Strategic objectives and measures for teaching are being developed in a dedicated working group.

Working through a range of formats, the University of Bonn offers all its students the opportunity to engage with sustainability topics in an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented manner. In line with the UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) program, we take on special responsibility for empowering future generations to better structure society to meet future challenges and more prudently approach the environment and our use of natural resources.

© Universität Bonn

Current teaching activities on the topic of sustainability

The University of Bonn offers all interested parties a regularly changing program of courses on sustainability topics.

Below you will find events that are open to students from all faculties. The complete list of lectures can be found here3.

Service Learning

Service learning aims to combine academic knowledge and research with responsible action in civil society. Students work together with partners outside the university to independently design projects or regularly get involved in socially relevant institutions.

© Bernadett Yehdou/ Universität Bonn

The Future Challenge - Working together for more sustainability in daily life

Climate neutrality and sustainability are widely discussed topics, but implementing them in everyday life remains a major challenge for many. However, the journey does not have to be arduous or discouraging—rather, it becomes easier the more people participate and support one another.

This is precisely where the University of Bonn’s new seminar concept, The Future Challenge, comes in. It brings people together to develop the skills needed to integrate sustainability into daily life effectively.

Public lecture series in the current semester

Sustainability—Concepts, Topics and Perspectives 

The sustainable transformation of society is a key challenge of our times, touching on questions and problems from all areas of life. The University of Bonn, a University of Excellence, sees itself as an agent of change and wants to help shape pending transformation processes with the research it undertakes. Many researchers are studying sustainable development issues, thus establishing a valuable knowledge base for answering pressing social questions and making political decisions. Researchers of this lecture series provide an overview of key sustainability questions in their respective area of research.

uni-vl-Poppelsdorf-240824-05001 (1).jpg
© Volker Lannert/Universität Bonn


The University of Bonn hosts one of only 16 UNESCO Chairs in Germany, which are characterized by outstanding research and teaching in the areas in which UNESCO works. At the UNESCO Chair in Human Water Systems, Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers and her team are studying the sustainable use of water as a resource from a transdisciplinary perspective. 

Interdisciplinary Activities

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Gregor Hübl/ Uni Bonn

Campus Ackerdemie

Run in partnership with Acker e.V., the CampusAckerdemie program shows future teachers how to set up their own school garden and integrate it effectively into the everyday life of their school.

Research-based teaching focuses on topics such as environmental interrelationships, food production and sustainable eating.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Gregor Hübl / Uni Bonn

Joint degree program with the United Nations University (UNU)

The Master’s degree program in the Geography of Environmental Risk and Human Security is offered jointly with the Institute for Environment and Human Security at the United Nations University. It is research-based and focuses on the issues of vulnerability, resilience and adaptation.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Humboldt n

“Spielend nachhaltig?” (“Effortlessly Sustainable in Gaming?”) Gamification in Sustainability Communication

Looking at the potential and limits of gamification, the lecture series invites attendees to explore new paths toward sustainability communication that inspire both at a theoretical and practical level.

Experts from universities and universities of applied sciences across North Rhine-Westphalia and the gaming community present the potential and limits of visual communication, methods, education and communication models.

Funding Instruments

© Colourbox

A grant program that’s diverse, sustainable and digital

The “vielfä” (“”) internal grant program is designed to further develop studying and teaching at the University of Bonn with an eye on the future.

Funding is awarded on an annual basis.

© Universität Bonn / Barbara Frommann

Sustainability poster competition

Students from all faculties and departments whose courses included aspects of sustainability were able to enter this competition and showcase their projects to a wide audience by presenting a poster.


Establishment of the Service-Learning Coordination Office


Establishment of the UNESCO Chair of Human-Water Systems


Launch of the Campus Ackerdemie pilot project

See also

Sustainability in research at the University of Bonn

Vice Rectorate for Sustainability and Sustainability Unit

Bonn Program for Sustainable Transformation—BOOST

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