Lena Funcke of the University of Bonn Receives the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize1
Clausius Assistant Professor Dr. Lena Funcke of the University of Bonn is one of ten researchers to receive a Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Endowed with a purse of 200,000 euros, the DFG characterizes the Prize as Germany’s most prestigious award for researchers in early stages of their careers. 
Bring on the portr[AI]ts!2
They have achieved great things – but their faces are often unknown: The exhibition "Missed Images" presents forgotten female scientists with realistic portraits, without ever having been photographed in this way. With the help of artificial intelligence, photographer Gesine Born created these images to honor important women and their achievements. Starting Thursday, April 10, 2025, at the initiative of the University of Bonn's Equal Opportunities Officer, Gabriele Alonso Rodriguez, twelve of these images will be on display at the Bonn University Museum.
Stefan Grimme once again among the most cited researchers worldwide3
Prof. Dr. Stefan Grimme, theoretical chemist at the University of Bonn, is one of the “top ten” most cited researchers worldwide according to a recent evaluation by the platform topresearcherslist.com.
Secondary School Kids Learning About Foreign Policy—the Fun Way4
Traveling back in time to the immediate aftermath of World War II ... In a speech to the US Congress, American President Harry S. Truman outlined steps to stop the expansion of the Soviet Union and contain communism. These included in particular the Marshall Plan to get the European economy back on its feet. Was Western Europe facing an imminent Soviet attack? What was to be done? This turbulent time is interesting historically, and also yields valuable strategic insights. 
University of Bonn Passes Diversity Re-Audit5
The University of Bonn initially passed the Shaping Diversity audit in 2020. Now following a re-audit the Stifterverband has granted the institution a three-year renewal of the Shaping Diversity certificate. The auditors noted in particular the “outstanding progress made in the advancement of women” and that the University has launched numerous projects and implemented a host of measures since the initial audit.
Marvin: the Supercomputer Redefining Research at the University of Bonn6
Marvin the supercomputer has been available to researchers for exactly a year. The University of Bonn is now taking a look back over 365 days in which its computing power has helped bring countless projects to life. At an event on the Poppelsdorf Campus, researchers and other staff recently had the opportunity to celebrate a whole year of successful high-performance computing (HPC) and crown the three most exciting projects from all manner of different disciplines.
New Landing Stage for the University Boathouse in Time for Start of Rowing Season7
Following a year of renovation works that left them without direct access to water, rowers from University Sports are as of now finally able to use the remodeled landing stage of the University boathouse in Bonn-Beuel.
Kilo-Degree Survey Confirms Standard Model of Cosmology8
An international research team has analyzed data from 41 million galaxies in order to estimate the distribution of matter in the universe. The data confirm a long-established model – much to the team’s surprise.
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