Combining a career with family responsibilities

Working and researching with childcare responsibilities

Many researchers and other members of staff face the challenge of combining their career with family responsibilities. We are here to provide advice and support. Find out useful information about maternity protection, parental leave and financing or learn more about our childcare facilities.

A man is drinking coffee whilst working on a laptop
© Colourbox

Temporary staff

Temporary staff can find out everything they need to know about third party funded temporary employment, flexible working hours and much more.

A young girl is playing outside; her parents are visible in the background
© Colourbox

Maternity protection, parental leave and parental benefits

Maternity protecttion, maternity benefit, parental leave and parental benefits – who can apply and how does the application process work?

A pocket calculator, money and a pen are lying on a family allowance transfer slip
© Colourbox

Further state benefits

Family allowance, accommodation benefit, advances on child maintenance and the additional family allowance ensure that your family is financially secure.

A girl and a woman are playing with building blocks
© Colourbox

Childcare at the University of Bonn

Good childcare is a prerequisite for combining a career with family responsibilities. The University of Bonn cooperates with a range of childcare facilities. 

A man and a young girl are lying on the floor drawing
© Colourbox

Emergency childcare and childcare during events

Flexible (emergency) childcare and babysitters facilitate participation in conferences, congresses and other official duties, making day-to-day life easier.  

Children playing Twister on a meadow
© Martin Magunia

Vacation childcare

The University of Bonn provides childcare for children of university members aged between 4 and 13 during the Easter, summer and fall vacations.

Parent-child rooms and diaper changing tables at the University

Diaper changing tables as well as parent-child rooms for university members are located in various institutes and buildings of the University of Bonn.

© Colourbox
Colorful socks hanging on a clothesline
© Familienbüro

Free baby and children's clothes  available

Students and low-income employees can pick up used baby and children's clothes free of charge at the Office of Family Services after making an appointment by phone (+49 228 / 73-72 73).

  • Winter and summer clothing in sizes 56 to 104
  • Socks, overalls, sleeping bags, caps

University members who would like to donate used children's clothing are welcome to contact us as well.

With this service, the Office of Family Services would also like to contribute to sustainability.

School and education

The german education system

School attendance is mandatory in Germany. Children are required to start school in the year in which they turn six by Semptember 30. The school system in NRW offers different types of schools, organized into the following academic levels: Primary school (1st to 4th grade), Secondary school level I (5th to 10th grade) and Secondary school level II (11th to 14th grade). 


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Karin Kick

Please also read

Equal Opportunity and Diversity 

The University of Bonn is committed to diversity and equal opportunity in all its activities.

Coronavirus Information 

Where can I obtain rapid tests at the University? How are digital examinations conducted? Stay up-to-date! 

Healthy Campus 

Take part in free-of-charge events and find out how to stay mentally, physically and socially healthy. 

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