Seeing Failure as an Opportunity

Fuck Up Stories - Student Edition

Too much social pressure? Chosen the wrong degree program? Overwhelmed or even expelled from the University? Having doubts about one’s studies has become a widespread phenomenon. This is demonstrated once a year at the Fuck Up Stories – Student Edition (FUS), where courageous speakers talk about their failure to succeed at university, their shattered career plans and what they did next.

Dealing openly with setbacks is an important aspect of the Fuck Up Stories: failure is part and parcel of this and can even be a necessary experience in order to reorientate yourself and forge your own path successfully. At the event, the speakers will talk candidly and extremely personally about their own doubts, fears and challenges during their studies. How did they manage to make a new start after supposedly messing up their studies? What did they learn from it? How did their friends, parents and fellow students react?

Timing and registration

Date and time
July 10, 2025, 7:30 - 8:15 p.m.

Campus Poppelsdorf (Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5, 53115 Bonn) as part of the CAMPUS Garden1
In case of rain, in Lecture Hall 2 of the Lecture Hall Center (right next door).

Participation is free.
You do not need to register in advance. 

The event will be held in German

Our speakers 2025


More information to follow.


More information to follow.


More information to follow.


More information to follow.

Looking back 2019-2024

At the previous events, brave speakers told their own personal stories with authenticity, emotion and honesty. When did the doubts begin to creep in? What path did they find for themselves? Did they have any support? And where are they now?

Fuck Up Stories 2024

FuckUp Nights Bonn - Student Edition #5

FuckUp Nights Bonn – Student Edition #4

FuckUp Nights Bonn - Student Edition #3

FuckUp Nights Bonn - Student Edition #2

FuckUp Nights Bonn - Student Edition #1

Contact information and organization

Avatar Fabian

Theresa Fabian

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service | Project Next Career
Avatar Jenkner

Lea Jenkner

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service | Project Next Career

See also

Doubts about your studies

Here you can find information and support if you’re having doubts about your studies.

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service

The Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service can help you with any questions relating to your studies. Please feel free to arrange a consultation.

First-hand reports

Here you can find many more personal stories told by (former) students who had doubts of their own.

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