Prizes and Awards for Excellent Teaching

The University of Bonn Teaching Prize

Beyond recognizing excellence in teaching, the ‘University of Bonn Teaching Prize’ is also awarded for exceptional performance in curriculum development, the organization of degree programs, the successful introduction of new forms of teaching and a range of other areas. Nominations for the ‘University of Bonn Teaching Prize’ are made by the faculties or the Bonn Center for Teacher Education (BZL) on the basis of student evaluations of teaching or by these bodies after consultation with students. Each faculty can nominate up to four teachers, depending on its size. Each prize comes with a check for €4,000. The Rectorate selects the prize winners on the basis of the grounds submitted in the nominations. The prizes are awarded on an annual basis in a ceremony incorporated in the Universitätsfest.

Prize winners 2024

Faculty of Catholic Theology
JProf. Br. Dr. Stefan Walser OFMCap

Faculty of Law and Economics
Prof. Dr. Alexander Scheuch, Department of Law, Institute for Commercial and Economic Law
Helene Mass, Ph.D., Department of Economics,  Institute for Microeconomics

Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Clara Jürgensen, Teaching hospitals
Julia Pieper, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Faculty of Arts
PD Dr. Sara Izzo, Institute of Classical and Romance Philology
Jonas Romstadt, Institute of German Studies, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies
Dr. Shiro Yukawa, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Martin Baunach, Department of Pharmacy
PD Dr. Bastian Kubis, Department of Physics/Astronomy
Dr. Thomas Roggenkamp, Department of Earth Sciences, Geography
Prof. Dr. Estela Suarez, Department of Computer Sciences

Faculty of Agriculture

Dr. Stefan Pätzold, INRES - General Soil Science and Soil Ecology, Geography

Bonn Center for Teacher Education
Anke Backhaus

Former Prize Winners

Faculty of Protestant Theology
Dr. Arnold Becker, Language Lecturer for Latin and Greek

Faculty of Law and Economics
Julian Hettihewa, Department of Law, Institute for Public International Law
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hakenes, Department of Economics, Institute of Finance and Statistics

Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Benedict Jürgensen, Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery
Prof. Dr. Philipp Sasse, Institute of Physiology I

Faculty of Arts
Alba Iglesias Martín, Romance Studies

Dr. Erika Linz, Department of Language, Media Studies, and Musicology
Dr. Sebastian Speitel, Department of Philosophy

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Margherita Disertori, Department of Mathematics

Dr. Simone Giertz, Department of Earth Sciences, Geography

Prof. Dr. Finn Kristian Hansen, Department of Pharmacy

Prof. Dr. Walter Witke, Department of Biology

Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Dr. Ute Weisz, Institute of Nutritional and Food Science

Bonn Center for Teacher Education
Dr. Regula Krapf, Mathematical Institute

Faculty of Catholic Theology
Prof. Dr. Christian Blumenthal, Department of New Testament

Faculty of Law and Economics
PD Dr. Kathrin Brei, Department of Law
Helene Mass, Ph.D., Department of Economics, Institute of Microeconomics

Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Dariusch R. Hadizadeh, Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Dr. Florian Recke, Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Faculty of Arts
Jan Voosholz, Institute for Philosophy
Dr. Hendrik Hess, Institute for Historical Studies
Prof. Dr. Kristian Berg, Department of German and Comparative Literature and Culture

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze, Department for Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Heiko Röglin, Department of Informatics
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schmieden, Department of Physics/Astronomy
Dr. Wilfried Assenmacher, Department of Chemistry

Faculty of Agriculture
Dr. Jan Martin Brockmann, Institue of Geodesy and Geoinformation

Faculty of Protestant Theology

  • Mag. theol. Anja Block, Department of Old Testament

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Peter Glaubach, Department of Law, Criminology Seminar
  • Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hakenes, Department of Economics, Institute of Financial Economics and Statistics

Faculty of Medicine

  • PD Dr. Stilla Frede, Faculty of Medicine, nomination of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for the Molecular Biomedicine Division
  • Dr. med. Ambra Marx, Psychosomatic medicine and Psychotherapy
  • Dr. med. Gregor Massoth, Anaesthesia

Faculty of Arts

  • PD Dr. habil. Felix Selgert, Institute for Historical Studies
  • David Moroney, M.A., Institute for English, American and Celtic Studies
  • Nora Jaeger, M.A., Art History Institute

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Prof. Dr. Herbert Dreiner, Physics/Astronomy Section
  • Prof. Dr. Arne Lützen, Chemistry Section
  • Dr. Toni Kühl, Pharmacy Section

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Dr. Ernst Tholen, Institute of Animal Sciences, Animal Breeding/Pet Genetics

Bonn Center for Teacher Education

  • PD Dr. Udo Käser, Work area Diagnosis and Promotion

Faculty of Catholic Theology

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Jochen Sautermeister

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Dr. Simon Dato, Department of Economics
  • Prof. Dr. Jens Koch, Department of Law

Faculty of Medicine

  • Dr. med. Andreas Fleischer, Anesthesiology / Skillslab
  • Dr. med. Thorsten Hornung, Dermatology

Faculty of Arts

  • Dr. Birgit Zacke, Department of German and Comparative Literature and Culture
  • Marthe-Siobhán Hecke, Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies
  • Beryl Büma, Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Eberle, Department of Mathematics
  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Gruß, Department of Biology
  • Prof. Dr. Nadine Marquardt, Department of Geography
  • Privatdozent/Adjunct Professor Dr. Anke Schiedel, Department of Pharmacy

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Schieber, Nutrition and Food Sciences

Bonn Center for Teacher Education (BZL):

  • Dr. Nils Thönnessen, BZL/Department of Geography, working group for geography didactics

Faculty of Protestant Theology

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Isabelle von Kalm, Department of Law
  • Prof. Dr. Lorenz Götte, Department of Economics

Faculty of Medicine

  • Dr. med. Stefanie Schliwa, Institute for Anatomy
  • Prof. Dr. Helmut Stark, Head of the Department of Prosthodontics, Preclinical Education and Dental Materials Science

Faculty of Arts

  • Julia Reuschenbach, Department for Political Sciences and Sociology: an interview with Uni Bonn TV
  • Privatdozent/Adjunct Professor Dr. Beate Hintzen, Department for Classical and Romance Philology
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ove Sutter, Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Gansäuer, Department of Chemistry
  • Dr. Mario Valdivia Manchego, Department of Earth Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Annette Scheersoi, Department of Biology (Subject Didactics): an interview with Uni Bonn TV
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Department of Molecular Biomedicine

Faculty of Agriculture

Bonn Center for Teacher Education

  • Daniel Schönbauer, M. Ed., BZL/Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies, English Subject Didactics

Faculty of Catholic Theology

  • Privatdozent/Adjunct Professor Dr. Oliver Wintzek, Department of Dogmatics and Theological Propaedeutics

Faculty of Protestant Theology

  • Charlotte Loesch, Center of Religion and Society (ZERG)

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Hintermaier, Department of Economics
  • Dr. Stephan Seiwerth, Department of Law

Faculty of Medicine

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Brossart, Medical Clinic and Polyclinic III for Hematology and Oncology
  • Privatdozent/Adjunct Professor Dr. Ernst Heinrich Helfgen, Polyclinic for Prosthodontics, Preclinical Education and Dental Materials Science

Faculty of Arts

  • Hendrik W. Ohnesorge, Department for Political Sciences and Sociology
  • Dr. Tobias Weller, Department of History
  • Dr. Horst Ulrich Wölfel, Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Apl. Prof. Dr. Christoph Hanhart, Department of Physics/Astronomy
  • Privatdozent/Adjunct Professor Dr. Gösta Hoffmann, Department of Earth Sciences
  • Dr. Thoralf Räsch, Department of Mathematics
  • Dr. Elisabeth Witt, Department of Biology

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Dr. Marina Möseler, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Jun. Prof. Dr. Anne Sanders, Institute of German and International Civil Procedure Law and Conflict Management
  • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kube, Institute for Applied Microeconomics

Faculty of Medicine

  • Prof. Dr. Markus M. Nöthen, Institute of Human Genetics
  • Dr. Christof Völker, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Faculty of Arts

  • Prof. Dr. Ines Stolpe, Department of Oriental and Asian Studies, Section Mongolian Studies
  • Dr. Dieter Faulhaber, Department of Language, Media Studies, and Musicology, Section Intercultural Communication and Multilingualism Studies
  • Christianna Stavroudis, Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Dr. Matthias Frank, Section IV of the Institute for Computer Science
  • Dr. Stefan-Seven Jester, Kekulé Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
  • Apl. Prof. Dr. Manfred Nutz, Department of Geography

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Wüst, Institute of Nutritional and Food Science

Faculty of Catholic Theology

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Jochen Sautermeister, Department of Moral Theology

Faculty of Protestant Theology

  • Privatdozent/Adjunct Professor Dr. Axel Graupner, Faculty of Protestant Theology, Section for the Old Testament

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kube, Institute for Applied Microeconomics
  • Jun. Prof. Dr. Anne Sanders, Institute of German and International Civil Procedure Law and Conflict Management

Faculty of Medicine

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieber, Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Allergology
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Philipp Saße, Physiology Institute

Faculty of Arts

  • Thomas Grünhage, M. Sc., Department of Psychology, Section Differential Psychology and Biological Psychology
  • Dr. Valerie Lemonnier-Mönig, Department for Classical and Romance Philology, Section Romance Philology
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Schmitz, Department for Classical and Romance Philology, Section Greek and Latin Philology

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Prof. Dr. Gerd Bendas, Pharmaceutical Institute, Pharmaceutical Chemistry II
  • Prof. Dr. Sergio Conti, Institute for Applied Mathematics, Section Applied Analysis
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Linden, Institute of Physics
  • Prof. Dr. Walter Witke, Institute of Genetics

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Privatdozent/Adjunct Professor Dr. Thomas Eichert, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Section Plant Nutrition

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Prof. Dr. Rainer Zaczyk, Department for the Philosophy of Law
  • Prof. Dr. Dennis Gärtner, Institute for Microeconomics

Faculty of Medicine

  • Dr. Henrike Steudel, Institute of General Practice and Family Medicine

Faculty of Arts

  • Prof. Dr. Mechthild Albert, Department for Classical and Romance Philology
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Reuter, Department of Psychology
  • Prof. Dr. Harald Wolter-von dem Knesebeck, Department of Art History

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Bartolomaeus, Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Ecology
  • Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers, Department of Geography
  • Prof. Dr. Heiko Röglin, Institute for Computer Science
  • Prof. Dr. Norbert Wermes, Physikalisches Institut

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Heckelei, Institute for Food and Resource Economics

Faculty of Protestant Theology

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Meyer-Blanck, Department of Religious Education

Faculty of Catholic Theology

  • Prof. Dr. Reinhold Boschki, Department of Religious Education, Adult Faith Formation and Homiletics

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Prof. Dr. Dennis Gärtner, Department of Economics, Institute for Microeconomics
  • Prof. Dr. Moritz Brinkmann, Department of Law, Institute of German and International Civil Procedure Law and Conflict Management

Faculty of Medicine

  • Prof. Dr. Helmut Stark, Polyclinic for Prosthodontics, Preclinical Education and Dental Materials Science

Faculty of Arts

  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Antweiler, Department of Oriental and Asian Studies, Section Southeast Asian Studies
  • Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich, Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies
  • Prof. Dr. Elke Brüggen, Department of German Language and Literature, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Section German Medieval Studies

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Beck, Department of Chemistry, Institute for Inorganic Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Sven Burgdorf, Department of Molecular Biomedicine, Institute of Molecular Biomedicine
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Kreck, Department of Mathematics, Mathematical Institute
  • Prof. Dr. Ambre Luguet, Department of Earth sciences, Steinmann Institute for Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology Endogenous processes

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Wüst, Institute of Nutritional and Food Science

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Prof. Dr. Dennis Gärtner, Professorship for Economics
  • Prof. Dr. Moritz Brinkmann, Professorship for Civil Law, German and International Civil Procedure Law and Insolvency Law

Faculty of Medicine

  • Prof. Dr. Lukas Radbruch, Professorship for Palliative Medicine

Faculty of Arts

  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ettinger, Head of the Department of General Psychology I
  • Prof. Dr. Ingo Stöckmann, Professor of Modern German Literature
  • Temporary Professor Dr. Britta Hartmann, Professorship for Film/AV/Media Studies

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Gütschow, Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Arne Lützen, Professor of Organic Chemistry
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Weber, Professor of Computer Science
  • Privatdozent/Adjunct Professor Dr. Elisabeth Soergel, Research Assistant in the Institute of Physics

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Prof. Dr. André Lipski, Professor of Food Microbiology and Hygiene

Faculty of Protestant Theology

  • Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kinzig, Professor of Church History

Faculty of Catholic Theology

  • Prof. Dr. Gerd Höver, Professor of Moral Theology, Department of Moral Theology

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Prof. Dr. Alois Kneip, Professorship for Statistics
  • Prof. Dr. Rainer Zaczyk, Professorship for Criminal Law and the Philosophy of Law

Faculty of Medicine

  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Breuer, Professor of Pediatric Cardiology, Center of Pediatric Medicine

Faculty of Arts

  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Schrenk, Christian Archeology, Department of Christian Archeology
  • Prof. Dr. Reiner Banse, Professor of Social Psychology, Department of Psychology, Social and Legal Psychology
  • Prof. Dr. Konrad Vössing, Professor of Ancient History, Department of Ancient History

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Prof. Dr. Klaus Mohr, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Institute
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Rapoport, Professor of Pure Mathematics, Mathematical Institute
  • Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Hammer, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Helmholtz Institute for Radiation and Nuclear Physics
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Bredow, Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Prof. Dr. André Lipski, Professor of Food Microbiology and Hygiene, Department of Food Microbiology and Hygiene

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Prof. Dr. Alois Kneip, Professorship for Statistics, Department of Economics, Institute for Social Sciences and Economics, Financial Economics and Statistics
  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Heyers, Professorship for Civil Law, Department of Law

Faculty of Medicine

  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Voos, Physiological Chemistry, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Prof. Dr. Max P. Baur, Medical Statistics, Documentation and Data Processing, Institute for Medical Biometry, Computer Science and Epidemiology

Faculty of Arts

  • Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich, English Philology, Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies
  • Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Bonnet, Art History Institute of Art History and Archaeology
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Reuter, Center for Economics and Neuroscience

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Jaehde, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Institute of the University of Bonn
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Langer, Professor of Micropaleontology, Steinmann Institute of Geology, Mineralogy, and Palaeontology
  • Prof. Dr. Rainer Manthey, Professor of Computer Science, Institute for Computer Science III
  • Privatdozent/Adjunct Professor Dr. Bernhard Metsch, Helmholtz Institute for Radiation and Nuclear Physics

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Prof. Dr. Björn Waske, Remote Sensing in the Agricultural Sciences
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