Digital Issues of forsch
You can find all issues of the digitally prepared forsch since 2021 below.
New Outlook
The spring issue 2023/01 explains the move from the main building, how the university saves energy and what microplastics are all about
Changing perspectives, broadening horizons
The fall issue 2022 looks into diversity at the University of Bonn and the economic impact within the city.
Cells in 4.7 Seconds Weightlessness
The spring issue 2022 brings a bunch of interesting topics - what's going on with the new Lenné-Cafeteria, the Hofgarten, and more.
Sustainable & Connected
The issue of winter 2021 was all about sustainability and solidarity in times of distance and pandemic. Read how the University of Bonn met the challenges of 2021.
Reconnecting Pathways
The issue of spring 2021 focuses on new beginnings. The rectorate starts in a new term and digital studies offer opportunities. This issue takes you on our journey.
Magazines in Print Circulation
Read Older Digital forsch-Issues
Older German issues can be found in the PDF archive of the University and State Library Bonn.
Sebastian Eckert