Digital Issues of forsch

You can find all issues of the digitally prepared forsch since 2021 below. 

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© Uni Bonn

New Outlook

The spring issue 2023/01 explains the move from the main building, how the university saves energy and what microplastics are all about

© University of Bonn

Changing perspectives, broadening horizons

The fall issue 2022 looks into diversity at the University of Bonn and the economic impact within the city.

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© Uni Bonn

Sustainable & Connected

The issue of winter 2021 was all about sustainability and solidarity in times of distance and pandemic. Read how the University of Bonn met the challenges of 2021.


Reconnecting Pathways

The issue of spring 2021 focuses on new beginnings. The rectorate starts in a new term and digital studies offer opportunities. This issue takes you on our journey.




Magazines in Print Circulation



The most read articles of the last year
Pierre-Carl Link used the coronavirus pandemic as a chance to study in Bonn. Now he is a professor in Zurich
32-year-old Pierre-Carl Link can look back on a life full of twists and turns. Since August, he has been a professor of education at the University of Teacher Education in Special Needs in Zurich, specializing in social and emotional development disorders. Prior to that, he lived in a monastery for three years, worked at various universities and is also studying theology in Bonn. How does that all fit together?
“Stick at it”: Visiting lecturer Dunja Hayali has been bringing together students and media makers
Thirty-four fascinated students, a wealth of media expertise and Wilma the dog on board too: at the four-day block seminar entitled “Mächte, Medien, Mythen” (“Powers, Media, Myths”), Dunja Hayali talked about agenda-setting, honed participants’ media literacy and got them excited about journalism in all its flavors. 
The University of Bonn is supporting flood victims from its own ranks
Heavy rain triggered catastrophic flooding in large swathes of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia in mid-July, claiming lives and causing massive damage to property. At the University of Bonn, it soon became clear that members of the University were also in mortal danger and had lost their homes and possessions. Through the “WIR helfen” (“WE help”) campaign, the University management collected donations and provided relief with a minimum of red tape.

Read Older Digital forsch-Issues

Older German issues can be found in the PDF archive of the University and State Library Bonn.


Avatar Eckert

Sebastian Eckert

Editor for University communication
Wird geladen