Anja Schneider
Prof. Dr. Anja Schneider
TRA Steering Committee
  • Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e. V. (DZNE)
  • Klinik für Alterspsychiatrie und Kognitive Störungen
  • neurodegenerative diseases
  • biomarkers
  • extracellular vesicles
Pathomechanisms and biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases, extracellular vesicles, mechanisms of disease propagation.
Ausgewählte Publikationen

Mukherjee C, Kling T, Russo B, Miebach K, Kess E, Schifferer M, Pedro LD, Weikert U, Fard MK, Kannaiyan N, Rossner M, Aicher ML, Goebbels S, Nave KA, Krämer-Albers EM, Schneider A*, Simons M*. *Shared Senior Authorship. (2020) Oligodendrocytes Provide Antioxidant Defense Function for Neurons by Secreting Ferritin Heavy Chain. Cell Metab. Aug 4;32(2):259-272

Bartels C, Wagner M, Wolfsgruber S, Ehrenreich H, Schneider A; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2018). Impact of SSRI Therapy on Risk of Conversion From Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Dementia in Individuals With Previous Depression. Am J Psychiatry 175(3):232-241.

Stuendl A, Kunadt M, Kruse N, Bartels C, Moebius W, Danzer KM, Mollenhauer B, Schneider A (2016). Induction of alpha-Synuclein aggregate formation by CSF exosomes from patients with Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. Brain, 139; 481–494.

Kunadt M., Eckermann K., Strauss K., Rai S., Kügler S., Stündl A., Lockhart L.F., Schwalbe M., Krumova P., Oliveira L., Bähr M., Möbius W., Ludolph A.C., Levin J., Giese A., Kruse N., Mollenhauer B., Geiss-Friedlander R., Freischmidt A., Feiler M., Danzer K.M., Zweckstetter M., Jovin T., Simons M., Weishaupt J.H., Schneider A (2015). Sumoylation regulates exosomal sorting of alpha-Synuclein for extracellular release. Acta Neuropathologica.

Anja Schneider
Prof. Dr. Anja Schneider
TRA Steering Committee
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