19. July 2021

Pfizer Poster Prize for Covid19-Modelling Mathematical Epidemiologist Elba Raimundéz won the Pfizer Poster Prize for Covid19-Modelling.

Mathematical Epidemiologist Elba Raimundéz won the Pfizer Poster Prize for Covid19-Modelling at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology. Her work addresses the limitations of publicly available case numbers for epidemiological modeling demonstrated on data of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan. This work motivated another collaborative research initiative on parameter and prediction uncertainties, which is currently funded by the TRA Modelling.

Epidemiological models are widely used to analyze the spread of diseases such as the global COVID-19 pandemic. However, these models are based on simplifying assumptions. This limits the reliability of parameter estimates and predictions. Elba Raimundéz from the Interdisciplinary Research Unit Mathematics and Life Science and her co-authors address these shortcomings in their work on "COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan demonstrates the limitations of publicly available case numbers for epidemiological modeling". She has now been awarded with the Pfizer Poster Prize for her presentation at this year's meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB) which was held between June 13-17, 2021. Congratulations!

This work motivated another collaborative research project with her colleague Dilan Pathirana, currently funded by the TRA Modelling: the project "UNCOVer: Uncertainty Quantification of COVID-19 Epidemiological Models", involving applied mathematics and infectious diseases epidemiology, aims to elucidate the parameter and prediction uncertainties of epidemiological models of the COVID-19 epidemic.

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