Always on the safe side

Better Safe than Sorry - How Early-Career Researchers Overcome Risks and Avoid Pitfalls when Submitting Applications and Performing Research

An Online Lecture Series on Compliance Topics for Early-Career Researchers 

What do I have to consider when handling research data? What do third-party funding institutions expect from me? What can I use research funds for? What rights do I have to my research results? Who am I even allowed to cooperate with?

Answers to these and many other questions can be found in the online lecture series Better safe than sorry - How early-career researchers overcome risks and avoid pitfalls when submitting applications and performing research.

Successful researchers know the legal and ethical requirements for their research projects. Compliance aspects are becoming increasingly important, especially when applying for and carrying out third-party funded projects - for example, for project funding the German Research Foundation (DFG) expects applicants to provide information on the legal framework.

The lectures of the series are offered in German or English.

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Why participate?

Our aim is to support you in successfully carrying out your research projects, keeping an eye on all legal and administrative guidelines and avoiding unnecessary stumbling blocks. Take the opportunity to exchange ideas with our experts and discuss your questions.

Who can participate?

The lecture series is aimed at postdocs, doctoral students and other interested early-career researchers who wish to acquire basic knowledge on compliance-matters related to research. 

The lecture series at a glance

POSTPONED to December 15, 2023, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., online

Scientific misconduct? That won't happen to me! But to avoid misconduct, you have to know how to do it correctly. Learn how to avoid risks and get to know the different aspects of good repractice in our event. In this event, we also raise awareness for ethical issues in your everyday research.

Read more and register now 

November 21, 2023, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., online

How can I talk about my research on social media? What platforms and content could work for me? And how do I get listeners and multipliers to pay attention? The focus of this lecture is on the transfer of expertise on social media.

Read more and register now

6. Dezember 2023, 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr, online

Kooperieren Sie mit Wissenschaftler*innen und Einrichtungen in anderen Ländern? Dann sollten Sie diese Veranstaltung nicht verpassen. Hier erfahren Sie mehr über den Umgang mit sensitivem Wissen und potenziellem Missbrauch von Forschungsergebnissen im Kontext internationaler Kooperation.

Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung

December 12, 2023, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., online

Digital management of research data is an essential part of every well managed research project and a requirement for many providers of third-party funding. Organize your research data and learn more about research data management at the University of Bonn.

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January 25, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., online (CANCELED)

Are you doing research for or with a partner? You want to transfer rights or use your research knowledge to start a business? That sounds great! But what are the legal issues to consider? Which contractual regulations are needed and who signs such a contract? And how do I make the leap from science to entrepreneur?

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31. Januar 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, online

Welche Anlaufstellen und Beratungsmöglichkeiten gibt es an der Uni Bonn zum Thema Machtmissbrauch? Wie hängt Machtmissbrauch mit Guter Wissenschaftlicher Praxis zusammen? Was steckt in der Richtlinie zum Schutz vor sexualisierter Diskriminierung und Gewalt? In dieser Veranstaltung erfahren Sie, welche Maßnahmen die Universität Bonn zum Schutz vor Machtmissbrauch und Diskriminierung implementiert hat und wo Betroffene Hilfe finden.

Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung

7. Februar 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, online

Fragen der „Nachhaltigkeit in der Forschung“ oder der „nachhaltigen Forschung“ werden immer wichtiger. Einheitliche Definitionen oder Angaben, was diese Begrifflichkeiten genau beinhalten, gibt es aber bislang nicht. Dieser Vortrag gibt einen Überblick über die aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie der Universität Bonn und diskutiert zudem praktische Hilfestellungen zur Projektorganisation und zur Antragstellung.

Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung

27. Februar 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr, online

Wie nenne ich mein Projekt? Welche Informationen muss ich auf die Projekt-Website stellen? Wo publiziere ich meine Forschungsergebnisse und was wird von Drittmittelgebern erwartet? Alle diese Fragen haben eine rechtliche Dimension, die Sie kennen sollten. Diese Veranstaltung liefert Ihnen erste Einblicke, damit es später kein böses Erwachen gibt.

Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung

March 19, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., online

In this event, professors from the University of Bonn with vast experience in reviewing grant applications share their knowledge on the factors of success and the pitfalls you have to avoid when writing grant applications

Read more and register now

Compliance Certificate

If you participate in at least six events of the series, you have the possibility to apply for a Certificate Compliance. Both German and English language events from different semesters can be credited for the certificate. For issuing the certificate, please contact the BGZ by e-mail.


Bonn Graduate Center


+49 228 / 73-60141


Alte Sternwarte
Poppelsdorfer Allee 47
53115 Bonn

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