TRA Life and Health for you

We promote and fund projects and events that support our goals.
Suggestions, ideas and initiatives are always welcome!

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Bonn Spatial Biology Club

© Uni Bonn

Bonn Organoid Club

© Uni Bonn

Mission Networking

Bonn Conference on Mathematical Life Sciences

Conference Poster
© Sabrina Fuchs

Mathematical modelling and analysis are nowadays essential for all fields of the life sciences, ranging from basic research to clinical application. To discuss the state of the field and potential future development, we would like to invite you to the

Bonn Conference on Mathematical Life Sciences

Bonn, April 17-20, 2023

Funding opportunities and events

Transdisciplinary Research Prize TRA2

The University of Bonn Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) aim to jointly support highly innovative, transdisciplinary collaborative research projects from researchers from at least two different TRAs. The funded projects should address new and relevant questions at the interface between disciplines or should aim at the development of new tools, which push the borders of existing research questions.

The successful proposals (up to three) will receive a funding of up to 50.000 EUR. This funding can be freely used for the described project within DFG funding regulations and should ideally be spent in 2024.

Expected are joint applications from at least two project leaders from at least two different TRAs, working in different research areas. Only university members of the TRAs are eligible to apply.

Application deadline is April 7, 2024.

Please find more information here.
Application form

Talks, seminars, events

Life Science events: Bonner Forum Biomedizin provides an overview about talks, seminars, workshops in Bonn 

Please send your seminar announcements to


Avatar Brömer

Dr. Meike Brömer

TRA Manager

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About us

Organization, objectives, team, membership


Research program, topics, projects


Postdocs, Bonner Forum Biomedizin, Partners

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