24. May 2024

Editorial: Everything new from May Editorial: Everything new from May

A new way of working: The university's administration has not only moved into a new building, but has also completely redesigned its physical workspace: with open spaces for collaborative working, multifunctional meeting rooms and much more. Healthy, modern and, of course, excellent to adequately support the university's researchers: That is the goal!

Alles neu ab Mai
Alles neu ab Mai © Originalfoto: V. Lannert. Montage mit Adobe Firefly
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This mission also continues in the digital realm: with the service portal, the administration has redesigned its knowledge database and the processes behind it. Not only can all information now be found clearly in one place, but researchers can now also access a lot of information at the click of a mouse.

In general, digitalization is constantly changing the university. With the new digital strategy, research, teaching and administration are being rethought. This ranges from robotics to ethical dimensions, from the new Marvin high-performance computer to the employees who are networking research and administration in new ways as digitalization managers. They listen to the faculties and bring in the needs of the faculties in order to develop solutions for requirements. In this forsch you will find some examples of where things are currently happening.
Forsch itself is also changing: under many articles you will find a QR code that will take you to all the additional digital offers, such as the read-aloud podcasts or long-form interviews. Have you noticed that the layout has also changed? You can look forward to a new concept for forsch! We hope you enjoy reading it.

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