Rectorate of the University of Bonn
The University of Bonn is led by the Rectorate. The members of the Rectorate are the Rector1, who is the head of the Rectorate, the Provost2 and six Vice Rectors, each with their own areas of responsibility. The Rectorate is assisted by its Executive Management. For the first time in the history of the University of Bonn, the Rectorate has achieved gender equality since May 2021.

The Rector is the head of the University of Bonn. He acts as its representative and ensures that University rules are observed. He is also the head of the Rectorate. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch has been the 143rdRector of the University of Bonn since May 2015.

Provost Holger Gottschalk has been the head of the University administration, which includes nine divisions and six units, since 2017. Dr. Holger Impekoven is the Vice Provost. The Provost is an ex officio member of the Rectorate.

Vice Rectorate for Equal Opportunity and Diversity
Vice Rector is Professor Dr. Irmgard Förster.

Vice Rectorate for Digitalization and Information Management
Vice Rector is Professor Dr. Maren Bennewitz.

Vice Rectorate for Research and Career Development
Vice Rector is Professor Dr. Ilona Grunwald.
Vice Rectorate for International Affairs
Vice Rector is Professor Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch.

Vice Rectorate for Sustainability
Vice Rector is Professor Dr. Annette Scheersoi.

Vice Rectorate for Learning, Teaching and University Development
Vice Rector is Professor Dr. Klaus Sandmann.

Rectorate’s Executive Management
Managing Director is Dr. Martina Krechel-Engert.