Study Orientation and Getting to Know the University of Bonn
The University of Bonn offers diverse opportunities for school students of various ages to get to know the University. Our programs cover the full range from children’s university and science races to university-preparatory events. We offer academic guidance and support to upper-level high school students and other prospective students, for instance by helping them to review their individual readiness for university and by providing insights into the realities of university study. Workshops, information events and one-on-one counseling sessions give prospective students the opportunity to reflect on issues related to what lies ahead in terms of university and career choices.

Choosing a degree program
Find out which academic discipline is really the best fit for you by attending our workshops, for example, or by completing a subject-specific Online Self-Assessment (OSA) offered by the University of Bonn.

Introductory and orientation events
Selected taster lectures, University of Bonn Days, or first-hand study information: our information events can support you in your academic choices.

Academic Orientation Services for Schools
The Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service (ZSB) offers a comprehensive range of general academic orientation programs as well as suitable measures to support the implementation of career guidance at upper-level secondary schools.
Youth University (Junge Uni)
Would you like to know what scientists and students at the University of Bonn are doing their research on? Do you feel like visiting one of our many institutes or listening to a lecture in an auditorium? Then Youth University is the right program for you! Browse our website to learn more about our program, which includes children’s university, science races, and special offerings at our museums as well as programs to help you prepare for university. Youth University is also the right place to start when contacting people at individual University departments. In addition, we have compiled key university terminology in a special lexicon. Just take a look around!

Degree programs A-Z
What can I study at the University of Bonn? Our online program directory contains all degree programs at a glance as well as additional information on degrees, program contents and possible careers.

Advice and information
Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service (ZSB), subject-specific study advisory services or student-run advising services provided by the student councils: Whatever your concern, the University of Bonn’s network of advisory services has the right person to answer your questions.

Why study at the University of Bonn?
University of Excellence – The University of Bonn ranks among Germany’s leading educational and research institutions. Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals are testimony to our ambition to produce world-class research.
Dr. Lena Ruwoldt-Schwerin
(currently on parental leave)
Kathrin Herrmann
Ina Habermann
See also
Study Advice and Support
Be it in a brief consultation or an individual counseling session – we will take your concerns seriously and discuss them with you in an open, unbiased way.
We offer academic orientation workshops on a regular basis. These workshops are designed to help you reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses.
OSA portal
The OSA portal provides an overview of a wide range of online self-assessments (in German) for all areas of study and degree programs in Germany.