Nacaps – National Academics Panel Study
A longitudinal study of doctoral students and doctoral graduates

Nationwide Doctoral Study Nacaps

Nacaps (National Academics Panel Study) systematically collects information at regular intervals on doctoral conditions and successes, career intentions and career paths, as well as on the general living conditions of doctoral students and doctoral graduates. The aim is to make the data useful for research, universities and science policy. The University of Bonn has been participating in the study of the German Center for Higher Education and Science Research (DZHW) since 2019.

How do I participate?

As an enrolled doctoral student of the University of Bonn you will receive an email in spring 2023 inviting you to participate in the Nacaps online survey. If you are not enrolled as a doctoral student and would like to participate in the study, please write to us at:

Your feedback is important for the University of Bonn to be able to support doctoral candidates and postdocs even more specifically on their individual path during and after their doctorate. More information about the study at:

© Nacaps


Learn about the study and get an overview of selected results from the first survey in 2019.

Study Results

The Nacaps data portal provides the key results of current and past cohorts. Using over 40 indicators for seven subject areas, it provides an overview of the conditions for doctoral studies and the situation of doctoral students.

Results University of Bonn

In the fall issue of our newsletter, we summarized some exciting survey results from PhD students at the University of Bonn. 


Avatar Teichrib

Carina Teichrib

Project Manager PhD Data

Also See

PhD Statistics

Learn more about the annual doctoral statistics and the composition of Bonn's doctoral students. 

Qualification Program    Doctorate plus

Expand your skills with our qualification program Doctorate plus.

Bonn Doctoral Bulletin

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