Erasmus+ worldwide

The experience at the University of Bonn was great

Erasmus experience of Doris Tarcirio Kavindi, student from Tanzania

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© Doris Tarcirio Kavindi (private)

Doris Tarcirio Kavindi

I chose to apply for this position because I wanted to gain experience in a developed nation, compared to where I am from, Tanzania. When I was nominated for the Erasmus+ worldwide scholarship, I was excited and eager to be in Germany. The preparation was not as smooth as I anticipated. It was hard for me to get the flight ticket to Germany, because it was expensive for me.

Before leaving Tanzania, it was important for me to learn some German words, and the dos and don’ts. I wanted to make sure that I did not break any rules and laws that were put forth in the country I was going to. I chose to participate in the Erasmus+ worldwide program because I wanted to expand my knowledge, learn how developed nations do their things and be funded. The international office played a big part in informing me what I ought to do. Our Erasmus Departmental Coordinator sent someone to pick us up at the Airport and take us to where we were accommodated. The accommodation was great, prepared, a fine place.

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© Doris Tarcirio Kavindi (privat)

I chose the courses I took because I am thrilled about gender, they related to what I was studying at my home country and I was done with examinations. There was a big difference in the process of learning compared to my home university. The experience at the University of Bonn was great, the teachers were friendly and concerned about the welfare of students. In one of the courses, there was group work which ensured that I connected with my fellow students and learn to work harmoniously with others.

Life in Bonn was fun. I had time to visit different countries and places. People I met were friendly and very helpful. Although for me the German language was very hard, the traditions are great, and the transport system is reliable, a very clean city and the art is inspiring. At the beginning, my time in Bonn was great but towards the end, I started to miss my home.

All in all, I would encourage future exchange students to participate because experiences differ, and generally, the program is great. I would like to go abroad for a visit as the experience was great for me.

Program: Erasmus+ worldwide
Home university: Mzumbe University, Mzumbe (Tanzania)
Time of stay: Summer Semester 2024

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