Social Media

The University of Bonn engages in dialogue with various target groups via its official social media channels. We provide updates on topical issues from the worlds of science, academia and research and insights into student life at this University of Excellence.

The University of Bonn across numerous channels

The University of Bonn maintains an active presence on Facebook1, Instagram2, LinkedIn3 and X4. Our various channels connect people all over the world and foster dialogue between researchers, students and staff. The University of Bonn’s YouTube channel5 shows videos on current topics and events at the University.

Its central channels are looked after by the Online Communications department, which is part of the University Communications division. All of the information they contain is published on behalf of the University of Bonn.

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Our netiquette

The University of Bonn welcomes active use of its services and invites users to engage in dialogue via its channels. To ensure a friendly climate of conversation in our comment columns, however, weask them to observe our netiquette principles.

Talk to your fellow users politely, respectfully and with mutual consideration. Any debate should be objective, fair and constructive.

We will not tolerate any offensive, xenophobic, criminal, racist, sexist, pornographic, anti-constitutional or disparaging content, which is not permitted.

Content, comments and anything else that is mentioned must be objectively related to the topic of the post. Spam and promotional content are prohibited.

Personal attacks and insults leveled against individuals, particularly on account of their religion, background, nationality, physical condition, sexual identity, political beliefs, age or gender, are not allowed.

The University of Bonn maintains a neutral worldview. Our channels are not a place for spreading political or religious messages.

Spam is not wanted. In particular, posts with criminal, radical, anti-constitutional, pornographic, insulting, disparaging or illegal content will be deleted immediately, the user banned from using University of Bonn social media pages and the violation reported to the operators of the different channels. Users who violate our rules will be banned from the page and reported to the operators.

The editorial team reserves the right to hide, delete and, if necessary, report any content that violates the University of Bonn’s netiquette principles.

For employees


Avatar Martin

Esther Martin

Avatar Keranidou

Litsa Keranidou


Online Editor/Social Media Manager
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