13. September 2022

Bruns, Hanna, & Kranich, Svenja (2022). Terms of address: A contrastive investigation of ongoing changes in British, American and Indian English and in German Bruns, Hanna/Kranich, Svenja: Terms of address: A contrastive investigation of ongoing changes...

Bruns Kranich Terms of address.png
Bruns Kranich Terms of address.png © Hermann Traub @pixabay
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Bruns, Hanna, & Kranich, Svenja (2022). Terms of address: A contrastive investigation of ongoing changes in British, American and Indian English and in German. Journal of Contrastive Pragmatics, 3(1), 112-143.Sarah Dietrich-Grappin. Anders Üben in der Tertiärsprache Spanisch: Ein Mehr an echter Lernzeit durch herkunfts- und fremd­sprachliches Vor­wissen. In: Hispanorama (2022; 178), 79-84.

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