28. September 2022

Enjoy the Botanic Garden Barrier-Free Enjoy the Botanic Garden Barrier-Free: Garden guide provides information in plain language

Garden guide provides information in plain language

A special guide to the University of Bonn’s Botanic Garden has just been released: a 30-page walking tour written in Leichte Sprache, or plain, easy-to-understand German.

Cover of Booklet
Cover of Booklet © University of Bonn
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It has been developed and published by the garden’s custodian, Dr. Cornelia Löhne, and Martina Steinheuer from the University’s Office of Disability Resources, with support from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Leichte Sprache eG and funding from the Friends of the University of Bonn Botanic Garden association.

The book, which includes a map, provides information about the University of Bonn’s three botanic gardens as well as explaining what a “botanic garden” actually is. The guide describes the role the various gardens play in studying, teaching and research and details why they are important for nature conservation.

Information written in Leichte Sprache will use simple terms, short sentences, a lot of pictures and a larger font size. The photos in this garden guide were contributed by 15 members of the University of Bonn, among others. Leichte Sprache helps people who find reading, understanding and learning particularly challenging.


The new garden guide for the Botanic Garden at the University of Bonn


There are 3 botanic gardens in Bonn.

You read the name of the garden like this:

Bo-ta-nic Gar-den.

There are a lot of special plants in the Botanic Garden.

Such as trees.

And flowers.

The plants come from all over the world.

Many universities look after botanic gardens.

And scientists study the plants.

Anyone can visit a botanic garden.

You have to pay to enter some of them.


The Botanic Garden at the University of Bonn

now has a guide written in Leichte Sprache.

This garden guide is a book.

The book has a lot of information

about the Botanic Garden.

The garden guide explains

how the University uses a botanic garden.

A botanic garden is good for nature.

This is also explained in the garden guide.

The book also has a garden map.

The garden map shows where various plants are.

The garden guide also shows the various paths

around the Botanic Garden.

The garden guide was a big project.

Many people worked together to make

the garden guide in Leichte Sprache.

The garden guide was written by Martina Steinheuer

with Cornelia Löhne from the Botanic Garden.

Leichte Sprache means:

speaking and writing in a way that

many people will understand.

Leichte Sprache helps many people.

There are rules for Leichte Sprache.


Such as these 5 rules:

·        Write in short sentences.

·        Do not use any words from other languages.

·        Use a large font.

·        Use pictures or photos to explain.

·        Use a font that is easy to read.


The opposite of Leichte Sprache is:

difficult language.

Or slang.



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