Your feedback on our event AU Your feedback is important to us. Please take a few minutes to reply to the questions below. Your responses help us assess and continuously improve the quality of our events. Event title: Date: Your trainer: Your rating: The event followed a clear structure in terms of content and timing. Kein Wert strongly agree generally agree agree disagree strongly disagree The course material was presented in a way easy to understand. Kein Wert strongly agree generally agree agree disagree strongly disagree The course material was presented using a balanced approach between theory and practice. Kein Wert strongly agree generally agree agree disagree strongly disagree The instructor was very knowledgeable about the subject matter. Kein Wert strongly agree generally agree agree disagree strongly disagree The instructor created an atmosphere which made efficient and constructive work possible. Kein Wert strongly agree generally agree agree disagree strongly disagree The event increased my knowledge and I learned valuable methods/techniques. Kein Wert strongly agree generally agree agree disagree strongly disagree A result of the event I will apply the following as a result of the event: Your comments or suggestions Do you have any further comments or suggestions? What did you like about the event in particular? What could be improved? Overall rating Please answer the following question according to the school grading system. A B C D E F (A - very good // F - fail) How did you hear about our event? University of Bonn circularAcademic Career Development newsletterE-MailBonner Graduate Center homepageHuman Resource Development homepageOther Other desired topics Which topics would you like to find out more about or see covered at future events? Absenden