Unifest 2025

Conditions of Participation


In principle, all graduates who would like to take part in the University Festival can register between March 15, 2025 and June 1, 2025 inclusive using the registration form on the Unifest website here1.

Registrations received after the registration deadline can no longer be considered due to organizational reasons. We kindly ask for your understanding! The final confirmation for participation in the event will be made after the confirmation of the responsible examination offices in mid-June 2025. After approval, you will receive a confirmation e-mail in which the number of accompanying persons will also be confirmed. Participating graduates do not have to be enrolled at the University of Bonn at the time of the event.

If there are any uncertainties regarding the conditions of participation, please contact your respective examination office in advance (before the registration deadline!).

For graduates who have already completed their studies, the following applies:

All graduates who have completed their studies (Bachelor, Master, Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen) in the academic year 2024/2025 up to and including June 1, 2025 can participate. In addition, graduates from previous years can also participate in the event if they have not yet participated in the event up to the current graduation year (participation in the "Digital Unifest" 2020 does not count here). However, the degree must not be older than 6 years (i.e. it must have been awarded after 01.01.2019).

For Bachelor's and Master's graduates, the following also applies:

Bachelor's and Master's students who can demonstrate a credit score of at least 132 LP (Bachelor's) or 60 LP (Master's) by June 1, 2025 and have already registered for the Bachelor's or Master's thesis can also participate, even if they have not yet fully completed their studies.

Furthermore, graduates can also participate in the festivities after both degrees, i.e. once after the Bachelor's degree and a second time after the Master's degree.

In any case, registration for the event must be made by June 1, 2025!

For Diplom and Magister graduates applies:

Diplom and Magister students must have submitted and passed their Diplom or Magister thesis by June 1, 2025.

In any case, registration for the Unifest must be completed by June 1, 2025!

For graduates of the Faculty of Catholic Theology also applies:

Students of Catholic Theology with the degree objective "Magister Theologiae" or "Kirchliches Examen" who have a credit score of 270 LP by the registration deadline and have registered for the final thesis are eligible to participate.

For the degree programs of the Faculty of Catholic Theology that are not specifically mentioned, the general conditions for students in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs listed above apply.

For graduates of the Faculty of Protestant Theology also applies:

Enrolled students of the degree programs in Protestant Theology with the final goal "Magister Theologiae" or "Kirchliches Examen", who are admitted to the final examination in the degree program, may participate, provided they have already submitted the academic term paper and the practical theological paper in due time. Graduates of the degree program in Protestant Theology who have passed the “Kirchliches Examen” are eligible to participate, provided they were enrolled in the degree program in Protestant Theology at the University of Bonn in the semester in which they passed the “Kirchliches Examen”. Students in the one-year Master's degree programs in Biblical Studies or Ecumenical Studies who have at least 27 credit points as of June 1, 2025 and have already registered for the Master's thesis can also participate, even if they have not yet fully completed their studies.

For the degree programs of the Faculty of Protestant Theology that are not specifically mentioned, the general conditions for students in Bachelor's and Master's degree programs listed above apply.

The following applies to graduates of human medicine and dentistry:

All graduates who have completed their degree (“Staatsexamen”) in the academic year 2024/2025 (incl. summer semester 2025) can participate. For more information, please contact your department.

The following applies to graduates of the Faculty of Law:

The law degree program concludes with the first (legal) examination, which consists of the state compulsory subject examination (70%) and the university specialisation examination (30%). 

Eligibility to participate in the University Festival is given if

1. the compulsory state examination has been passed (the oral examination must be completed before the University Festival) and

2. all required examinations of the Bonn spezialisation area studies — i.e. the seminar plus 6 written examinations according to SPB-PO 2015 or at least 3 written examinations according to SPB-PO 2023, at least 2 of which are from the core area — have already been bindingly registered before the university festival and

3. the passing of the spezialisation area studies has been at least mathematically determined on the basis of only the SPB examination results already assessed in the respective student account.

The spezialisation area examination is deemed to have been passed if an average of at least 4.0 points has already been achieved in all required partial examinations (written examinations and the seminar paper). 

When calculating the pass mark, the seminar paper counts four times (40%) according to SPB-PO 2015 and SPB-PO 2023. Each of the 6 final examinations according to the SPB-PO 2015 counts 10% each or, in the case of the 3 best relevant examinations according to SPB-PO 2023, 20% each. 

In addition, the SPB-PO 2015 applies: If examinations were taken abroad or at other universities, an average of 4.0 points must also have been achieved in the 2 best "Bonn" final examinations in the case of graduation according to the SPB-PO 2015. In accordance with SPB-PO 2023, at least 4.0 points must also have been achieved in the best supervisory paper in a core subject.

If the evaluation of the seminar performance is decisive for the mathematical passing of the SPB examination and this evaluation is still pending, admission to the graduation ceremony can unfortunately not be granted.

The following applies to graduates of the teacher training program:

Graduates of the teacher training program must generally fulfill the participation requirements for bachelor's or master's degree graduates listed above. When registering for the Unifest attendance event, student teachers must indicate "yes" for the teaching degree. When you select a faculty and the resulting subject selection, you determine with which faculty you will march in as part of Unifest and from which faculty you will receive your decorative certificate.

Example: If you are studying Math and English for a teaching degree and feel that you belong more to the Faculty of Arts than to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, then in the first step you select "yes" for Teaching degree. In the second step, select "Faculty of Arts" under Faculty and in the third step your subject "English". You will then wear the sash of the Faculty of Arts, march in with the Faculty of Arts and you will receive your decorative certificate from the Faculty of Arts.


Team "Unifest"


+49 228 / 73-70 45



3rd floor, room 3.024
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn

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