22. August 2024

Call for proposals “Networking to promote young talent” with reference to the potential profile area “Social Cohesion” or “Social Cohesion and Social Media” Call for proposals “Networking to promote young talent” with reference to the profile area “Social Cohesion”

Social cohesion has many facets. For example, “the Council of Europe defines social cohesion as the ability of a society to ensure the well-being of all its members and to manage differences and divisions by minimising inequalities and avoiding marginalisation, and to ensure the means to achieve the well-being of all.” Social media, among others, play a special role in our society - with both integrating and fragmenting effects that need to be systematically empirically tested.
At the same time, this correlates with questions about individual knowledge and skills, habits, behavioural styles and personality traits, but also about motives, goals and (educational) contexts, which can only be answered through cooperation between economics, sociology, law, psychology, theology, media studies and others.

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In addition to the profile-building call "'Social Cohesion' or 'Social Cohesion and Social Media'", the TRA Individuals & Societies is offering one-off funding (total amount: up to EUR 10,000; funding period: 2024-2025) for the conception and development of an interdisciplinary network of young researchers who will develop a common research question and research approach in one of the above-mentioned subject areas, carry out the preparatory work for a third-party funding application and submit an application in the medium term (e.g. DFG network application, EU Cost Action, etc.). A supplementary application to the above-mentioned profile-building call (deadline: January 15, 2025) is possible and is expressly welcomed.

Über die eingegangenen Anträge entscheidet der Lenkungsausschuss der TRA Individuals & Societies gem. der allgemeinen Verfahren zur Mittelvergabe.
Im Rahmen des Auswahlprozesses finden neben den bekannten Förderzielen insbesondere die folgenden Kriterien Berücksichtigung:

  • interdisziplinäre (sowie ggf. zudem transdisziplinäre) Zusammensetzung der Gruppe von Antragssteller*innen
  • innovative und kollaborative Gestaltung des Netzwerkes und seiner Aktivitäten
  • mittelfristige Perspektiven des Netzwerkes (Bezug zum potentiellen Profilbereich sowie zu potentiellen Drittmittelformaten und entsprechenden Vorarbeiten)
  • Verortung (innerhalb) der TRA Individuals & Societies
    bspw.: Inwiefern wird ein Ziel/ werden mehrere der Ziele der TRA – gerne mit Bezug zur jeweiligen fachlichen und/ oder gesellschaftlichen Relevanz – adressiert?
  • Übergeordnete Ziele der EXU
    bspw.: Inwiefern wird eines/ werden mehrere der übergeordneten EXU-Ziele im Rahmen der beantragten Initiative adressiert?

Bis wann und wie kann ein Antrag gestellt werden?

Für diese Ausschreibung können die Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen der TRA Individuals & Societies laufend bis zum 30.09.2024 per E-Mail (johanna.tix@uni-bonn.de) einen Antrag einreichen. Bitte vereinbaren Sie vor der Antragsstellung einen Beratungstermin mit Johanna Tix (per E-Mail s.o., oder telefonisch: +49 (0) 171/ 33 160 47). Gerne können Sie sich auch bei weiteren Fragen an sie wenden.

Information on submitting an application

Who can submit an application?
All young researchers at TRA Individuals & Societies (including doctoral candidates working with a member who already has a doctorate) can submit an application. You can find the membership application here.

What can (not) be funded?
Only activities that serve to build a network for young researchers to develop a common research question and to carry out preliminary work for a third-party funding application and to submit the application are funded. As a rule, no investment costs can be funded. The funds are subject to annuality.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the funding opportunities within the framework of this funding line and those of TRA Individuals & Societies as a whole (see also the guide in eCampus).

How should the application be structured?

Applications can be submitted using the standard TRA Individuals & Societies application form (the current version is available on eCampus) and must be submitted taking into account the known funding criteria (see homepage and eCampus).
In addition to the application form, the application includes the following documents:
a) a sketch including

  • a description of the planned network and its activities for setting up/expanding
  • a description of research questions and approaches in the topic area of ​​the call that the network will potentially work on together
  • a formulation of goals (content, strategic; short, medium, long term; potential third-party funding formats)

b) a timetable including intermediate goals/milestones
c) a financial plan including a differentiated cost breakdown for individual
application items
The application (a-c) comprises a maximum of four pages in total.

Selection process
The steering committee of TRA Individuals & Societies decides on the applications received in accordance with the general procedures for allocating funds. In addition to the known funding objectives, the following criteria are taken into account in the selection process:

  • interdisciplinary (and possibly also transdisciplinary) composition of the group of applicants
  • innovative and collaborative design of the network and its activities
  • medium-term perspectives of the network (reference to the potential profile area as well as to potential third-party funding formats and corresponding preparatory work)
  • Location (within) the TRA Individuals & Societies
    → e.g.: To what extent is one/several of the TRA's objectives addressed - preferably with reference to the respective technical and/or social relevance?
  • Overarching objectives of the EXU
    → e.g.: To what extent is one/several of the overarching EXU objectives addressed within the framework of the initiative applied for?

By when and how can an application be submitted?

For this call, young researchers at TRA Individuals & Societies can submit an application by email (johanna.tix@uni-bonn.de) until September 30, 2024. Please arrange a consultation appointment with Johanna Tix before submitting your application (by email as above, or by phone: +49 (0) 171/ 33 160 47). You are also welcome to contact her if you have any further questions.


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