Person register

Count Persons (180)
Avatar Prof. Dr. Clemens Albrecht
Prof. Dr. Clemens Albrecht
History of ideas and science, Organizational sociology, Reconciliation in interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective, Sociology of culture, Sozioprudenz, The Illusion of the Obvious. On Truth and Reliability in Times of Crisis
Avatar  Thorben Alles
Thorben Alles
Ethics of argumentation, Philosophy of science and epistemology of theology, The Illusion of the Obvious. On Truth and Reliability in Times of Crisis, Theological hermeneutics, Theories of reasoning
Avatar  Max Alt
Max Alt
Digital Music Culture, Sound Design, Sound Studies, Theory and history of popular music
Avatar  Ansar Anas
Ansar Anas
Borderland identities in South and Southeast Asia , Diaspora identity, Digitalisation of Migration, Everyday life of Refugees in the Global South, Forced Migration and Labour, Labour migration and Gender in the Gulf States
Avatar Prof. Dr. Christoph Antweiler
Prof. Dr. Christoph Antweiler
Cultural universals, Ethnicity, Indonesia, Local Knowledge, South East Asia
Avatar Dr. Ann-Kathrin Armbruster
Dr. Ann-Kathrin Armbruster
hermeneutics, resilience and vulnerability, Semantization
Avatar Prof. Dr. Rainer Banse
Prof. Dr. Rainer Banse
(De-)Democratization and Power Structures, Legal Psychology (forensic diagnostics, evaluation research, treatment of offenders, etiology of pedophilia), Social Psychology (Relationship research, intercultural research, indirect measurement methods), Traffic psychology (evaluation of prevention measures, test development, traffic safety)
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Wolfram Barfuß
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Wolfram Barfuß
Collective Learning, Complex Systems, Cooperation Sustainability, Human-Environment, Interactions, Mathematical modeling
Avatar Dr. Alice Barth
Dr. Alice Barth
Change and comparability of attitude measurements, Change in urban neighborhoods (gentrification), Diet and lifestyles, Multivariate analysis models (multiple correspondence analysis, latent class analysis, factor and principal component analysis, etc.), Quality of data, Relational sociological theories (Bourdieu, Elias, Simmel), Stability
Avatar PD Dr. Daniel Bauer
PD Dr. Daniel Bauer
Developing life-history-embedded religious interpretation patterns and semantics in and on the basis of literature and narratives, Development of a concept of a (symbolically structured) lifeworld through which hermeneutic knowledge of execution and in particular the performative dimension of religious practice can be profitably developed in religious education (following, among others, Habermas), Question about religious semantics in our symbolically structured world, Religious education relationship determination between a not necessarily religious concept of meaning and belief, Religious educational significance of the concept of a postsecular and plural society, Religious semantics of the concept of education in its development process, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges", Significance of Christology for religious educational processes
Avatar Prof. Dr. Florian Baumann
Prof. Dr. Florian Baumann
Labor Economics, Law and Economics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Christian Bayer
Prof. Dr. Christian Bayer
Finance and Inequality, Macroeconomics: economic cycle, monetary policy, inequality, investment, consumption, labor markets
Avatar Prof. Dr. André Beauducel
Prof. Dr. André Beauducel
experimental and psychophysiological research on personality, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, psychometric personality traits, the structure of intelligence
Avatar  Susanne Bell
Susanne Bell
Communities, collective identities and culture of remembrance, Disaster and crisis research, especially the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley in 2021, social conflict dynamics, cohesion and division, SOZIAHR
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jan Bemmann
Prof. Dr. Jan Bemmann
Bioarchaeology, Cities in the steppe, Human-environment relationships, Pastoral nomadism
Avatar Prof. Dr. Maren Bennewitz
Prof. Dr. Maren Bennewitz
Autonomy and autonomous systems, Digitalization, Law and Economics
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lisa Biber-Freudenberger
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lisa Biber-Freudenberger
connection between human development and conservation, Global North/South, International nature conservation, land use conflicts and sustainable development goals
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jörg Blasius
Prof. Dr. Jörg Blasius
Applied Statistics, (De-)Democratization and Power Structures, Lifestyle research, Methods of empirical social research, Social inequality, Urban sociology
Avatar Prof. Dr. Gerhard Blickle
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Blickle
dark personality traits (psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism) in professional life, Emotion recognition ability in professional interactions, Emotionserkennungsfähigkeit in beruflichen Interaktionen, political skills in professional interactions, psychological career research
Avatar Prof. Dr. (Gastprof) Ryszard Bobrowicz
Prof. Dr. (Gastprof) Ryszard Bobrowicz
Comparative Law and Religion
Avatar Dr. Annette Boeckler
Dr. Annette Boeckler
Jewish Bible interpretation, Jewish liturgy, Jewish religious law, Jewish theology
Avatar  Susanne Böller
Susanne Böller
Computational Social Science , Ethno-religious infrastructures (clubs, places of worship and shops), Segregation, Social networks, Sorting processes in schools
Avatar Prof. Dr. Martin Böse
Prof. Dr. Martin Böse
Criminal and criminal procedure law, economic criminal law, International and European criminal law
Avatar Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Braganza
Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Braganza
Artificial Intelligence & Mental Health. A transdisciplinary approach, Experimental neurophysiology, Network simulation, Proxy-based optimization in complex systems (e.g. artificial intelligence, scientific research, etc.)
Avatar Jun. Prof. Dr. Carmen Brandt
Jun. Prof. Dr. Carmen Brandt
Bengali language and culture, (De-)Democratization and Power Structures, Development and Identity Politics in Bangladesh, Language and writing policies in modern South Asia, Minority discourses and nation-building, Special grant program Covid-Call
Avatar Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun
Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun
Ethics of emerging technologies (in particular: synthetic biology, genome editing, stem cell research), Ethics of psychological deviance, Political ethics (democracy, rule of law, civil society), Recognition and vulnerability as topics of (theological) ethics, Science and Technology Studies, Shame
Avatar  Peter Bröckerhoff
Peter Bröckerhoff
Justification of norms as questions of applied ethics, especially in the context of the justification of the welfare state and its financing, Social self-formation in and through technology and its influence on people's normative self-image
Avatar Prof. Dr. Carsten Burhop
Prof. Dr. Carsten Burhop
Business History, Ecological transformation processes and new social Questions, Economic history, Finance and Inequality, Financial history
Avatar Jr. Prof. Dr. Christopher Busch
Jr. Prof. Dr. Christopher Busch
Contemporary literature research, German literature from the 18th to 21st centuries, Interferences between the history of literature, ideas, books and social history, Moralistic spellings
Avatar Dr. Deborah Casewell
Dr. Deborah Casewell
Ethics, Moral philosophy, Ontology, Religion
Avatar Prof. Dr. Stephan Conermann
Prof. Dr. Stephan Conermann
Avatar Dr. Florian Cord
Dr. Florian Cord
conjunctural analysis, crisis theory, critical theory, discourses and politics of the Anthropocene , media studies, popular and pop culture, posthumanism and the ‘nonhuman turn’, theories and forms of power, theories and forms of subjectivity and identity
Avatar Prof. Dr. Nina Dethloff
Prof. Dr. Nina Dethloff
Comparative law, European and International Private Law, Family Law, Reproductive medicine law
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jan Dietrich
Prof. Dr. Jan Dietrich
Cultural contacts between Ancient Israel, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece , Old Testament anthropology, Old Testament intellectual history and history of ideas, Old Testament legal and ritual history, The Book of Leviticus
Avatar Dr. Sarah Diner
Dr. Sarah Diner
Ethical Principles in Pain Management, Ethics of Emerging Biotechnologies, Pandemic Preparedness , Towards New Demarcation Criteria for Borderline-Consciousness
Avatar Prof. Dr. Thomas Dohmen
Prof. Dr. Thomas Dohmen
Behavioral Economics, Measurement, determinants and development of personality traits and preferences and their influence on decisions and life success
Avatar Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Durner
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Durner
Ecological sustainability and new social question, Environmental law, Infrastructure law, Planning law
Avatar PD Dr. Christoph Ernst
PD Dr. Christoph Ernst
Aesthetics & theory of audiovisual media (film & television), Analog/Digital – Basics of comparative digitization research, Autonomy and autonomous systems, Diagrammatics & media aesthetics of information visualization, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges", Special grant program Covid-Call, Theories of implicit knowledge & digital media, especially interface theory, Media theory & media philosophy, especially media & imagination
Avatar Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ettinger
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ettinger
basic mechanisms of cognitive and motor functions, their changes in the spectrum of mental disorders and their modulability using psychological and pharmacological approaches
Avatar Dr. Katharina Fackler
Dr. Katharina Fackler
Affect and the Senses, Black Feminism, Civil Rights Protest, Critical Ethnic Studie, Critical Ethnic Studies, Early American Maritime Literature, Life Writing, Oceanic Studies, Postcolonial Studies and the Environmental Humanities, Poverty Studies, Theory and History of Social Photography, Visual Culture Studies
Avatar Prof. Dr. Armin Falk
Prof. Dr. Armin Falk
Behavioral economics, Experimental economic, Labor economics
Avatar Dr. Enrico Fels
Dr. Enrico Fels
International relations, Security and strategy research
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rosario Figari Layus
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rosario Figari Layus
civil society and human rights activism, conflict transformation, gender-based violence in the context of armed conflict and authoritarianism, human rights, peace and conflict research, political violence, Reconciliation, Reconciliation research, Shrinking Spaces, transitional justice and coming to terms with the past
Avatar  Johannes Fröh
Johannes Fröh
Digital theology mit besonderem Bezug auf: digital religious communication & media, hybrid church, Semantization of digital communication
Avatar Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel
Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel
Aesthetics, AI postdocs: Joint postdoc programme of the CST Bonn and the LCFI Cambridge for philosophy of AI, Ancient philosophy, Certified AI, Ethics for Future, Institute for Philosophy and the New Humanities, Philosophy of religion, Recommender Systems. Legal and Ethical Issues, Theoretical philosophy (epistemology, ontology/metaphysics, philosophy of mind)
Avatar  Esther Gardei
Esther Gardei
anti-Semitism and ideologies, memory, law, culture, Reconciliation in interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective, the history of the German Jews / German-Jewish history, the memory policy of the National Socialists
Avatar Prof. Dr. Klaus Gärditz
Prof. Dr. Klaus Gärditz
Constitutional law, Ecological transformation processes and new social Questions (closed), General administrative law and administrative procedural law Scientific law, Pharmacology & toxicology in law, Scientific law
Avatar Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin von Gaudecker
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin von Gaudecker
Economic inequality, tax and transfer systems, Economic preferences, Household finances, Life-Cycle Behaviour, Special grant program Covid-Call
Avatar Dr. Charlotte Gauvry
Dr. Charlotte Gauvry
Artificial Intelligence & Mental Health, German philosophy (especially phenomenology, Brentano school, neo-Kantianism), philosophy of language, Wittgenstein, Philosophy of mind (phenomenal consciousness, representationalism, illusionist theories), Towards New Demarcation Criteria for Borderline-Consciousness
Avatar Prof. Dr. Peter Geiss
Prof. Dr. Peter Geiss
Analysis of national historical “master narratives” in the context of international understanding/peacekeeping, Basic epistemological questions in the subject of history, German-French comparative analysis of interpretive traditions as well as practices and formats of teaching history in schools, Media history in international relations, Transfer between specialist science and teaching practice
Avatar Dr. Sergio Genovesi
Dr. Sergio Genovesi
Certified AI, Ethics of AI, Recommender Systems. Legal and Ethical Issues
Avatar Prof. Dr. Werner Gephart
Prof. Dr. Werner Gephart
Comparative analysis of legal cultures, Corona normativities, Social theory and legal analysis, Sociology of religion, literature, media, art and culture: legal analysis as cultural research, Transdisciplinary analysis of digital society, climate change and pandemic crises
Avatar Dr. Holger Gerhardt
Dr. Holger Gerhardt
experimental economics, How does soft power work? Neural mechanisms of attraction-based influence, neuroeconomics
Avatar Dr. Sandra Gilgan
Dr. Sandra Gilgan
Alternative sustainability, Different facets of modern and popular Confucianism in China, especially in the context of education and activism, Migration: Reflexivity in (Forced) Migration Studies
Avatar Prof. Dr. Susanne Gössl
Prof. Dr. Susanne Gössl
Autonomy and autonomous systems
Avatar Prof. Dr. Stefan Greiner
Prof. Dr. Stefan Greiner
Church labor law, Collective labor law, Social security law, Systemic issues of labor law in the European context
Avatar Dr. Thomas Grosse-Wilde
Dr. Thomas Grosse-Wilde
Criminal Law General Part, Law and Economics, Legal Philosophy, Legal Theory, Special grant program Covid-Call
Avatar Prof. Dr. Kristina Großmann
Prof. Dr. Kristina Großmann
Categories of differentiation such as gender and ethnicity in Southeast Asia with a focus on Indonesia, (De-)Democratization and Power Structures, Global Noth/South, Human-environmental relationships, Islam, Sustainability
Avatar Prof. Dr. Anke Grutschus
Prof. Dr. Anke Grutschus
Collocation research: syntax and semantics of multi-word units, contrastive collocation research, Computer-mediated communication, language use in social media, (De-)Democratization and Power Structures, Language change: change in meaning, grammaticalization, constructionism, Language in comics, Language variation: Argentine Spanish, Swiss French, Parisian French, French in Quebec, Antillean French, Lexical semantics: cognitive theories of metaphor and metonymy, Prosody: Spanish and French, Proximity language and fictitious orality, Speech reproduction: theoretical modeling, quotation markers
Avatar Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Birke Häcker
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Birke Häcker
comparative law within Europe and between common law systems, German, English and European private law, legal historical foundations
Avatar Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hakenes
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hakenes
Banking, Digitalization, Law and Economics, Financial Regulation, Industrial Economics
Avatar Dr. Aurélie Halsband
Dr. Aurélie Halsband
Applied ethics, Artificial intelligence, Biodiversitätsverlust , Biodiversity loss, Bioethics, Climate change, Environmental ethics, Intergenerational justice, Klimawandel, Medical ethics, Reproductive technologies, Sustainability
Avatar Dr. Johanna Hartung
Dr. Johanna Hartung
individual differences in developmental processes and measurement of psychological constructs of cognition, Influence of contextual factors, Special grant program Covid-Call, Well-being and personality across the lifespan and suitable methods to examine these
Avatar Prof. Dr. Adrian Hermann
Prof. Dr. Adrian Hermann
Buddhism and Christianity in the religious history of the 19th and 20th centuries, Collaborative Humanities Research and Teaching Lab, Digitization and scientific collaboration, Documentary film, Religious history as media history, Religious theory formation, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges", Special grant program Covid-Call
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Hermann
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Hermann
Behavioral Economics, Circular Economy, Digital Transformation, Economic Preferences
Avatar Dr. Camilla Heyer
Dr. Camilla Heyer
Classroom management, Disruptions in lessons, Empirical teaching research, Inclusion, Special needs education focus on learning, Stress management in teacher training
Avatar Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hilz
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hilz
Conflict management, Consent, Europe, Foreign policy, Globalization, Security policy
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Svenja Hippel
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Svenja Hippel
Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Digitalization, Law and Economics, Law and Economics , SOZIAHR
Avatar Prof. Dr. Christoph Horn
Prof. Dr. Christoph Horn
Philosophy of Antiquity, Practical Philosophy, Reconciliation in interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective
Avatar Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge
Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge
cultures of knowledge production and sharing, innovation development processes and science policy, mobilities, borders and boundaries, natural resources governance and sense-making, ocial, political and ecological environments, risks and ‘realities’, social construction of knowledges, social, political and ecological environments, risks and 'realities', transformative science, inter- and transdisciplinarity
Avatar Prof. Dr. Kathrin Hörschelmann
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Hörschelmann
Critical & Feminist Security Studies, Cultural Geography, Emotional Geographies, Entangled Geographies of (In)Security Citizenship and Participation, Geographies of Childhood and Youth, Identity and Inclusion, Media Geography, Migration, Political Geography, Social and Cultural Change in Post-Socialist Societies
Avatar Prof. Dr. Gizem Hülür
Prof. Dr. Gizem Hülür
Cognition, Micro- and macro-longitudinal research methods, Special grant program Covid-Call, Well-being and social relationships across the lifespan
Avatar  Marvin Jonas Immesberger
Marvin Jonas Immesberger
Computational Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Tobias Janz
Prof. Dr. Tobias Janz
Global history of music, Music aesthetics, Music history, Music of the 17th to 21st centuries, Music philosophy, Music sociology, Music theory (history and systematics), Sound
Avatar Prof. Dr. David Kaldewey
Prof. Dr. David Kaldewey
Identity work in science: models and concepts of research in a global perspective, Research atmospheres: sociology and ethnography of the university, Science-political language: semantic couplings between science, politics and society, Special grant program Covid-Call, Structure-forming self-endangerment: major social problems as an ordering category of late modernity, The crisis of facticity: science communication in science research
Avatar Prof. Dr. Martin Keßler
Prof. Dr. Martin Keßler
History of biblical interpretation, History of Natural Law in Scottish Enlightment, History of the Reformation, History of theology and preaching in the 18th and 19th centuries, Reception of the Church Fathers in the modern era
Avatar Prof. Dr. Friedrich Kießling
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Kießling
(De-)Democratization and Power Structures, German and European History in the 19th and 20th Century, History of International Relations, History of the Federal Republic 1949-1990, Modern History of Ideas and Modern Intellectual History, The Federal Republic and the National Socialist Past
Avatar Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kinzig
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Kinzig
biblical exegesis and homiletics in the Early Church, Cyril of Alexandria, history and dogma of the Early Church and beyond, history of Jewish-Christian relations, modern history of theology, Church History, and Christian archaeology as academic disciplines, pagan polemics against Christianity and Christian apologetics, the role of Christianity in modern society and politics
Avatar Dr. Elisabeth Kirndörfer
Dr. Elisabeth Kirndörfer
Feminist geographies & intersectional perspectives, (Post)Migration, Racism, (urban) citizenship
Avatar Dr. Marina Kiroudi
Dr. Marina Kiroudi
ChaPTheR, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges"
Avatar Dr. Sarah Klosterkamp
Dr. Sarah Klosterkamp
coming soon
Avatar PD Dr. Simone Knewitz
PD Dr. Simone Knewitz
American literature and cultural studies with a focus on: cultural rhetoric and aesthetics, economic criticism, law and culture, television and digital culture, critical white studies, (De-)Democratization and Power Structures
Avatar  Matthias Kräkel
Matthias Kräkel
Organization Economics, Personnel Economics, Theory of the Firm
Avatar Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich
Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich
Contrasts English-German, (De-)Democratization and Power Structures, Impact of socio-cultural changes on recent language change in the UK, USA and Germany, Language change in English and in general, Language contact, Modality and aspect, Translation studies
Avatar Prof. Dr. Andreas Krebs
Prof. Dr. Andreas Krebs
Aspects of the question of God, Ecclesiology – ecumenism – interreligious dialogue, Empirical church research – faith and church in secular society, Gender theologies, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Old Catholic theology and theology history, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges", Theology in the Anthropocene
Avatar Dr. Damien Krichewsky
Dr. Damien Krichewsky
Democracy, Development, Environmental sociology, India, Organizational sociology, Political sociology, Qualitative research methods, Socio-ecological transformation, Sociological theory
Avatar Prof. Dr. Christine Krüger
Prof. Dr. Christine Krüger
City history, Gender history, History of anti-Semitism, History of civil society, History of nationalism, History of war experiences/history of peace and conflict, History of youth, Jewish history
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hanno Kruse
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hanno Kruse
Migration and Integration, Segregation, Social networks, Spatial inequality
Avatar Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath
Bioethics, environmental ethics, technology ethics, business ethics, Ethics, applied ethics, Forms of ethical evaluations, Natural philosophy, Philosophy of biology, Research ethics and scientific integrity
Avatar Dr. Lena Laube
Dr. Lena Laube
Comparative Migration and Border Studies, European studies, Global inequality, Migration: Reflexivity in (Forced) Migration Studies , Political sociology
Avatar Prof. Dr. Stephan Lauermann
Prof. Dr. Stephan Lauermann
Auctions, Political Economy, Search
Avatar Prof. Dr. Fani Lauermann
Prof. Dr. Fani Lauermann
eacher motivation and teaching quality, educational and career choices, educational trajectories, Motivation and performance
Avatar Prof. Dr. Johannes Lehmann
Prof. Dr. Johannes Lehmann
Aesthetics of the Classical Period, Heinrich von Kleist, Historical and Literary Anthropology, History of Affects/Emotions, Intercultural relations between Germany and France, Law and Literature, Literature and Theories of Violence, Literature of Realism, Poetics, rhetoric and aesthetics between the Enlightenment and Romanticism, Sturm und Drang, especially J.M.R. Lenz, Theater history and theory, Theories of Realism, Theories of the Comic
Avatar Prof. Dr. Dennis Lehmkuhl
Prof. Dr. Dennis Lehmkuhl
History and philosophy of natural sciences, especially physics
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dominic Lemken
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dominic Lemken
Consumer behavior related to sustainable nutrition, in particular on the interaction of food environments and decision making
Avatar Dr. Imke Lichterfeld
Dr. Imke Lichterfeld
Contemporary/21st Century English Drama, Early Modern Drama (Renaissance Revenge tragedy, History & Histories, Shakespeare's Romances), Modernism (Virginia Woolf)
Avatar Dr. Jan Linhart
Dr. Jan Linhart
Consequences of the so-called ontological turn in the humanities and philosophy, Decolonial theories and practices, Ethical aspects of globalization, Indigenous movements and indigenous intercultural education, Ontological interpretations of quantum physics, Ontological models of recent intellectual philosophy, Pluriversal, Science and technology studies (STS)
Avatar Jun.-Prof.Dr. Jacqueline Lorenzen
Jun.-Prof.Dr. Jacqueline Lorenzen
Administrative procedural law, Ecological transformation processes and new social Questions (closed), Environmental law (in particular climate protection and environmental energy law, water law, procedural instruments), European law (in particular European administrative law), Law of sustainability (especially issues of sustainable urban development, sustainability and constitution), Security law, SOZIAHR
Avatar Jr. Prof. Dr. Kaat Louckx
Jr. Prof. Dr. Kaat Louckx
history and sociology of (national) sociologies, history of climate reflexivity in 19th and early 20th century sociological thought, history of social statistics and big data gathering practices (methods, normative underpinnings), representations of the social body in 19th and 20th century sociological thought, study of the construction of social problems through statistics and ‘classificatory grids’ (in terms of inclusion and exclusion), study of the national and international embedding of big data gathering practices (institutions, international networks and organizations that fostered the development of global statistics)
Avatar  Zheng Luberg
Zheng Luberg
Analysis of individual learning, Digitality in learning, Interaction-based and process-oriented, (Project by BZH and SLZ: Supported autonomous foreign language learning), Teaching and testing
Avatar Dr. Rogelio Madrueño
Dr. Rogelio Madrueño
Global development and global threats
Avatar Prof. Dr. Sabine Mainberger
Prof. Dr. Sabine Mainberger
Aesthetics and art theory, Charis - Gabe - Gnade - Grazie: Aktuelle und historische Dimensionen einer Begriffskonstellation, Graphisms and literature, Line practices and discourses, Literary forms of philosophy, Literature and other arts (especially visual), Literature and other forms of knowledge, Literatures of various European languages
Avatar Prof. Dr. Paul Marx
Prof. Dr. Paul Marx
Attitude research, Inequalities in political participation and representation, Labor market policy, Policy field analysis, Political socialization, Politics and emotions, Tax and redistribution policy
Avatar Jr. Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer
Jr. Prof. Dr. Maximilian Mayer
Autonomy and autonomous systems, China's foreign and energy policy, Digital Fragmentations and Digital Sovereignty, Global impact of China's rise, International technology policy and (global) governance of infrastructures, especially digital ecosystems, Internationale KI, Theories of international relations
Avatar Dr. Jan Mehlich
Dr. Jan Mehlich
Ethics-by-design, Human-technology interaction in the health and care sector, Normative innovation research, Responsible research & innovation, Role of innovators in the normative technology discourse, Science and technology ethics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Michael Meier
Prof. Dr. Michael Meier
Aspects of applied computer security, with an emphasis on attack and malware analysis as well as detection, Digitalization, Law and Economic
Avatar Dr. Judith Meurer-Bongardt
Dr. Judith Meurer-Bongardt
Gender studies, Northern European literature of the interwar period and the present with a focus on the following perspectives: "Ecocriticism", Utopia studies
Avatar Prof. Dr. Sabine Meyer
Prof. Dr. Sabine Meyer
AI and society, Comparative law, Consumer law and litigation, Cultural identity and law, (De-)Democratization and Power Structures, Digitalization, Private international law
Avatar Dr. Shushanik Minasyan-Ostermann
Dr. Shushanik Minasyan-Ostermann
Civil society participation in the southern Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia), Common foreign and security policy of the EU, European foreign energy policy in the Caspian region, European Neighbourhood Policy / Eastern Partnership, Russian, Turkish and Iranian regional policy in the southern Caucasus, Security issues and stability problems in the southern Caucasus
Avatar Jr. Prof. Dr. Julia Mink
Jr. Prof. Dr. Julia Mink
Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Ecological transformation processes and new social Questions (closed), Qunatification of the societal costs of pollution and climate change, SOZIAHR
Avatar  Merlin Monzel
Merlin Monzel
aphantasia and hyperphantasia, consciousness, Multisensory imagination, neurocognition
Avatar Prof. Dr. Christian Moser
Prof. Dr. Christian Moser
Charis – Gift – Grace: Historical, Cultural and Social Dimensions of a Complex Concept, Comparative studies of contemporary literary references, Conceptual history of the barbaric, Cultural and media history of subjectivity, Gift and sociality in literature and cultural theory of the 'long 18th century', Literature and ethnography, Literature and globalization processes, Poetics of the anecdotal
Avatar Dr. Sebastian Müller
Dr. Sebastian Müller
Consumer Ethics, Economic Philosophy, Public Health Ethics, Social Ontology
Avatar Prof. Dr. Sabrina Müller
Prof. Dr. Sabrina Müller
Church development and innovation, Contextual, feminist and postcolonial theologies, Digital religion and theology, Empirical theology and citizen science, Homiletics in a culture of digitality, Pioneering and the future of the ministry, Religious experience and practical theological anthropology
Avatar Prof. Dr. Laura Münkler
Prof. Dr. Laura Münkler
Legal philosophy, Legal theory, Public law and health law
Avatar Dr. Laurance O'Hara
Dr. Laurance O'Hara
Legal theory, Political and administrative sciences, especially behavioral law and behavioral public administration, Public law, Special grant program Covid-Call
Avatar Prof. Dr. Andreas Odenthal
Prof. Dr. Andreas Odenthal
Liturgical history of the Middle Ages (Liber Ordinarius research), Liturgical reforms in the Lutheran Reformation, "Ritual experience" in the dialogue between theology and psychoanalysis (as part of ritual studies), Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges"
Avatar Dr. Hendrik W. Ohnesorge
Dr. Hendrik W. Ohnesorge
history and foreign policy of the United States of America (US global order policy, transatlantic relations), How does soft power work? Neural mechanisms of attraction-based influence, influence of leaders on global political formation, Phenomena of power and power shifts (especially the form of soft power)
Avatar Dr. Katharina Opalka
Dr. Katharina Opalka
Cross and Resurrection, Existential Theology (Paul Tillich), Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges", Spirituality (especially spititual practices, Taizé), Theology of the 19th century (Albrecht Ritschl), Theories of narrativity and Performanz
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jens Gerrit Papenburg
Prof. Dr. Jens Gerrit Papenburg
Autonomy and autonomous systems, Media Technologies of (Music) Listening (History, Culture, Management), Music and Media, Pop Music Research, Sound Studies
Avatar Dr. Stefan Partelow
Dr. Stefan Partelow
Commons, Environmental governance, Oceans and coasts , SocialByNature, Sustainability transformation
Avatar Prof. Dr. Daniela Pirazzini
Prof. Dr. Daniela Pirazzini
Argumentative text structures of French, Italian and Spanish, (De-)Democratization and Power Structures, Metaphor comparison in the German and Romance languages, Multilingualism and language variants, Text grammar of French, Italian and Spanish, Translation theory
Avatar Prof. Dr. Andrea Polaschegg
Prof. Dr. Andrea Polaschegg
Bible in/as literature, Comparative studies of German-language literature (East/West Germany, Austria, Switzerland), Confessional cultures, Cultural history of German Orientalism, History of literature, culture and science of the 18th to 20th centuries, Literature in the system of the arts, Media and genre poetics, Song, Transformations of antiquity
Avatar Prof. Dr. Sven Rady
Prof. Dr. Sven Rady
Dynamic decision problems, Equilibrium models and games, Optimal learning and strategic experimentation
Avatar Prof. Dr. Cornelia Richter
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Richter
ChaPTheR, DFG-FOR 2686: Resilience in Religion and Spirituality. Endurance and the Formation of Powerlessness, Fear and Anxiety, Natural law and the concept of freedom, Philosophy of Religon and Hermeneutics, Reconciliation in interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges", Situational Dogmatics, The Illusion of the Obvious. On Truth and Reliability in Times of Crisis
Avatar Jr. Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Riedl
Jr. Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Riedl
Basic questions of social and moral philosophy, Child welfare and children's rights, Political ethics: questions of recognition and representation, Questions about the relationship and communication between theory and practice, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges", Technology ethics and sustainability (AI, transhumanism), Theological ethics
Avatar  Valentin Ris
Valentin Ris
Digitality of auditory culture, Digitalization, Musical media and their theory, Sound Studies, Techniques and technologies of musical practice
Avatar Dr. Scott Robbins
Dr. Scott Robbins
Artificial Intelligence & Mental Health. A transdisciplinary approach, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics of Technology, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Technology, Recommender Systems. Legal and Ethical Issues
Avatar Dr. Matthew Ryan Robinson
Dr. Matthew Ryan Robinson
ChaPTheR, Enemy, Stranger, Neighbor, Friend: Religion and the Semantization of In-/Out-Groups, Intercultural Theology and Religious Studies, Qualitative Research Methods, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges", Special grant program Covid-Call, Systematic Theology, What Does Theology Do, Actually? Observing Theology and the Transcultural (WDTD)
Avatar Prof. Dr. Bert Roebben
Prof. Dr. Bert Roebben
ChaPTheR, Inclusive school development, Interreligious learning, Practical theology, Religious didactics, Religious education, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges"
Avatar Dr. Iulian Romanyshyn
Dr. Iulian Romanyshyn
Eastern European politics , EU foreign and security policy, EU-NATO cooperation, Nuclear non-proliferation, Transatlantic relations
Avatar PD Dr. Jens Rometsch
PD Dr. Jens Rometsch
Aesthetics, Classical German Philosophy (especially Kant and Hegel) and its Consequences, Early Modern Period, Epistemology, Hermeneutics, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Theoretical Philosophy
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Luna Rösinger
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Luna Rösinger
Basics of criminal law, criminal procedure and sanctions law, Coping with the corona pandemic, in particular mechanisms for justifying intervention and the concept of “permissible risk”, Legal concept of solidarity, Shame
Avatar Jr. Prof. Dr. Jan Rüggemeier
Jr. Prof. Dr. Jan Rüggemeier
Ancient associations, History of Early Christianity, Methodology, Narratology and Cognitive Linguistics, Urbanity
Avatar  Sofia Saleem
Sofia Saleem
Gender and Education in Pakistan
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jochen Sautermeister
Prof. Dr. Jochen Sautermeister
Fundamental questions of theological ethics, Medical ethics (especially organ transplantation, mental illness, ethical questions at the end of life, reproductive medicine), Moral psychology, Moral theology seminar, Relationship, personality and sexual ethics (especially ethics of life forms), Resilience, mindfulness and spirituality, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges", The Illusion of the Obvious. On Truth and Reliability in Times of Crisis, Theological-ethical theory of the moral subject (especially identity)
Avatar Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. MUDr. Valentin Sebastian Schäfer
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. MUDr. Valentin Sebastian Schäfer
Development of teaching studies: design and implementation of modern teaching methods in medical education., Early detection of psoriatic arthritis: development of modern concepts for timely diagnosis and intervention., Imaging diagnostics in rheumatology: specialization in large vessel vasculitic diseases and polymyalgia rheumatica., Immunology of arthritis: in-depth research into the immunopathology of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis., Influence of sport on the musculoskeletal system: research into the interactions between regular physical activity and the health of the musculoskeletal system., Microbiome and microbiota analysis in large vessel vasculitic diseases: investigation of the role of the microbiome in pathogenesis and therapy., Molecular imaging: development and application of innovative imaging techniques at the molecular level., Pulmonary manifestations in arthritis: investigation of the effects of arthritis on lung function.
Avatar Dr. Kirsten Schäfers
Dr. Kirsten Schäfers
Creation Theology, Divine-Human Dependencies, especially in the prophetic literature of the OT, Minor Prophets, Old Testament, Pentateuch, Textual Criticism and Textual History, especially of the Pentateuch
Avatar Prof. Dr. Conrad Schetter
Prof. Dr. Conrad Schetter
Afghanistan, Central Asia, East Africa, Humanitarian aid & development cooperation, Intervention policy, Migration: Reflexivity in (Forced) Migration Studies – Gemeinsam (Flucht-)Migrationsforschung reflektieren, Peace processes, Refugee research, Spatial conflicts, Violent conflicts
Avatar Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper
Prof. Dr. Lisa Schipper
Climate adaptation, development, equity and justice, knowledge politics, post-development, science-policy interface, Social by Nature, Social by Nature
Avatar Jr. Prof. Dr. Amelie Schiprowski
Jr. Prof. Dr. Amelie Schiprowski
Empirical Labor and Public Economics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie
Autonomy and autonomous systems, German and European history, Globalization, International relations and international security, Political decision-making processes, Reconciliation process in Bosnia in the international framework, Strategy
Avatar Prof. Dr. Winfried Schmitz
Prof. Dr. Winfried Schmitz
Ancient slavery, Athens and Sparta in archaic and classical times, Early Christian inscriptions, Greek family and social history, Greek legal history
Avatar Dr. Björn Schmitz-Luhn
Dr. Björn Schmitz-Luhn
Interdisciplinary health research, Interdisciplinary research in the fields of law, ethics and related areas, in particular the law and ethics of digitalization, Medical law, Social law and questions of distributive justice, Think Journey: "Futures: Towards where do we want to live?"
Avatar Prof. Dr. Mathias Schmoeckel
Prof. Dr. Mathias Schmoeckel
History of evidence law (6th - 18th century), History of international law (19th and 20th century), civil law (20th century) and National Socialism, History of Natural Law in Scottish Enlightment, Inheritance law, Law and religion (canon law, Reformation)
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter
Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter
Analog/Digital – Basics of comparative digitization research, Artificial intelligence, Autonomy and autonomous systems, Collaborative Humanities Research and Teaching Lab, Critical media theory, Institute for Philosophy and the New Humanities, Intermediality, Media philosophy, Quantum computers, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges", Sound Studies, Special grant program Covid-Call, Theory and history of digital media, Theory and history of photography, Three-dimensional images
Avatar PD Dr. Johannes Schultz
PD Dr. Johannes Schultz
How does soft power work? Neural mechanisms of attraction-based influence, Neurobiological basis of the perception of social signals and decision making in social contexts
Avatar Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz
Interreligious and intercultural philosophy of religion, Latin American philosophy
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hanna Schwank
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hanna Schwank
economic history, labor market economics, SOZIAHR
Avatar Dr. Marion Schwermer
Dr. Marion Schwermer
Action theory of decision and decisiveness, Inclusion and participation
Avatar PD Dr. Felix Selgert
PD Dr. Felix Selgert
Corporate governance, Digital history, Information extraction from handwritten and printed sources for the Immediatzeitungsberichte of the Prussian administrative districts, Innovations and patents, State building
Avatar Prof. Dr. Foroud Shirvani
Prof. Dr. Foroud Shirvani
Constitutional and administrative law, Constitutional history of the modern era, European law
Avatar Dr. Aline Simonetti
Dr. Aline Simonetti
Food and food environments, The intersection between consumer behaviour, nutrition, and sustainability
Avatar  Sascha Sistenich
Sascha Sistenich
Activist/Solidarity Ethnography, Aktivistische/Solidarische Ethnografie, Anthropology of the Future, Gender and Queer Research, Queer Anthropology, Social Movement and Democracy Research
Avatar Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Soeffner
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Soeffner
Everyday cultures, Methodology and methods of hermeneutics in the sociology of knowledge, Reconciliation in interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective, Sociological theory, Sociology of knowledge, culture, media and religion
Avatar Prof. Dr. Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider
Prof. Dr. Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider
Copyright, Digitalization, Law and Economics, Information and Data Law
Avatar Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stichweh
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stichweh
Democratic and authoritarian political systems in the world society of the 21st century, (Ent-)Demokratisierung und Machstrukturen, Genesis and structure of the scientific system of modernity (18th-21st centuries), Inequality and asymmetric dependence, The university as a world organization: historical and comparative perspectives Theory of human social systems, Theory and history of functional differentiation, Theory of world society
Avatar Prof. Dr. Klaus von Stoch
Prof. Dr. Klaus von Stoch
Christian theology of Islam with a focus on Koranic sign theology and Koranic theology of religions, Christology, Comparative theology, Legal aesthetics, Religion and violence, Scriptural hermeneutics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Ines Stolpe
Prof. Dr. Ines Stolpe
Civil society networks, Cultural and political history of Mongolia, Educational philosophy, Everyday cultures, transfer and social change, Intercultural awareness, Mongolian language and culture, Post-socialism research, Relationships between spatial and social mobility
Avatar Prof. Dr. Klaus von Stosch
Prof. Dr. Klaus von Stosch
coming soon
Avatar Prof. Dr. Grit Straßenberger
Prof. Dr. Grit Straßenberger
Democracy theory and civil society research, Leadership theory and elite research, Performative conceptions of politics, Political theory and history of ideas, Reconciliation in interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges"
Avatar Prof. Dr. Kerstin Stüssel
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Stüssel
Autobiography and authorship, Contemporary literary studies, Gender and familiarity, Literature and bureaucracy, Literature and institutionality, Realism
Avatar  Dominik Suri
Dominik Suri
Approaches for environmental protection and conservation, Development economics , Rule-following behavior and human cooperation, Social norms, Special grant program Covid-Call, Sustainable governance of the commons
Avatar Prof. Dr. Ove Sutter
Prof. Dr. Ove Sutter
Anthropology of Policy, Civil society refugee aid, Protest of social movements
Avatar Prof. Dr. Caja Thimm
Prof. Dr. Caja Thimm
Autonomy, Digital media, Internationale KI, Media ethics, Organizational communication, Political communication, Social Media, Special grant program Covid-Call
Avatar  Maria Ullrich
Maria Ullrich
Citizenship Studies, Migration: Reflexivity in (Forced) Migration Studies
Avatar  Jan Voosholz
Jan Voosholz
AI postdocs: Joint postdoc programme of the CST Bonn and the LCFI Cambridge for philosophy of AI, Epistemology, Institute for Philosophy and the New Humanities, Ontology and metaphysics, Philosophy of science
Avatar Dr. Rosalie Waelen
Dr. Rosalie Waelen
All with a focus on AI, Applied ethics, Practical philosophy, Social critique
Avatar JProf Stefan Walser
JProf Stefan Walser
Changes in faith from a systematic-theological perspective, Church in the tension between faith individuality and institutionalized community, Faith and (ambiguity) tolerance, Faith and identity formation, Personality of God, Religious indifference, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges"
Avatar Dr. Simon Weber
Dr. Simon Weber
Ancient Philosophy, Political Philosophy
Avatar  Jakob Wegmann
Jakob Wegmann
Labour markets and taxes
Avatar Dr. Monika Wehrheim
Dr. Monika Wehrheim
Colonial Latin American Chronicles, Environmental Discourses in Latin America and Cultures of Remembrance in Chile and Peru, Gender Studies, Latin American Literature of Independence,
Avatar Prof. Dr. Matthias Weller
Prof. Dr. Matthias Weller
Art and cultural property protection law, in particular restitution issues, in particular restitution of Nazi-looted art, Dispute resolution (court proceedings, arbitration proceedings, mediation), Israeli-German Dialogues: Provenance Research and Restitution Rules for Nazi-Confiscated Art in a Binational Perspective, Streitbeilegung (Gerichtsverfahren, Schiedsverfahren, Mediation)
Avatar Prof. Dr. Claudia Wich-Reif
Prof. Dr. Claudia Wich-Reif
(De-)Democratization and Power Structures, linguistic patterns, linguistic varieties and variation, including Low German as a regional language
Avatar  Rasmus Wittekind
Rasmus Wittekind
Political Liberalism & Republicanism, Political Thought around 1800, Semantizing the future. Agency and integrity in face of "Grand Challenges"
Avatar Prof. Dr. Christiane Woopen
Prof. Dr. Christiane Woopen
Ethics for Future, Pluriversal, Think Journey: "Futures: Towards where do we want to live?"
Avatar Prof. Dr. Aimee van Wynsberghe
Prof. Dr. Aimee van Wynsberghe
Applied Ethics of AI, Care Ethics, Ethics and Technology, Ethics for Future, Recommender Systems. Legal and Ethical Issues, Robot Ethics, Sustainable AI, Values in Design
Avatar Prof. Dr. Daniel Zimmer
Prof. Dr. Daniel Zimmer
Commercial law, Digitalization, Law and Economics, Law and economics, Law of digitalization, Rechtsökonomie (Law and Economics)
Avatar Prof. Dr. Florian Zimmermann
Prof. Dr. Florian Zimmermann
Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Christoph Zuschlag
Prof. Dr. Christoph Zuschlag
History of collecting, Israeli-German Dialogues: Provenance Research and Restitution Rules for Nazi-Confiscated Art in a Binational Perspective, Provenance Research
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