Careers beyond Academia
Skills and Training Program Doctorate plus

Upcoming Workshops in the Business and Organizations Track

The Three Tracks in our Skills and Training Program Doctorate plus

© Volker Lannert/HCM

Reseach Track

Would you like to stay in research after your doctorate and work as a scientist at a university or a research institution?

© Lannert/Uni Bonn

Research Management Track

Would you like to work in an exciting and growing professional field at the interface between science and administration?

© colourbox

Business and Organizations Track

Would you like to pursue a career in an organization or company outside of the science sector after completing your doctorate?


Avatar Kutzer

Patrik Kutzer

I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the design and content of our Doctorate plus program.
Avatar Bradley

Eileen Bradley

Feel free to contact me with any organizational questions you may have about the Doctorate plus Program.

Also see

Skills and Training Doctorate plus

Expand your skills with our training program Doctorate plus.

Funding and Support

Learn about the numerous funding opportunities and grants for doctoral students.

Events & Opportunities

Find out what's new and see upcoming events.

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