Program overview of the opening of the academic year 2024/2025

Traditionally anchored elements such as the traditional entry of the rectorate and the deans in gowns, proclamations, the commemoration of our deceased university members and the rector's review and outlook have been part of the opening of the Academic Year for many decades.

A keynote speech by Professor Christian Bauckhage entitled “The world of tomorrow - How artificial intelligence will change our lives” will provide an insight into current research in the field of computer science.

The students, represented by their AStA chairperson, also publicly comment on the current situation of the university and the moderation will be taken over by students of the campus radio bonnFM. The ceremony will be musically framed by the performances of the ensembles of the Forum Musik and the International Choir of the University.



Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch, Rector of the University of Bonn

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch, Rector of the University of Bonn

Jazzchoir of the Forum Musik of the University of Bonn

Prof. Dr. Christian Bauckhage, Institute of Computer Science of the University of Bonn

Jazzchoir of the Forum Musik of the University of Bonn

Janna Reif, Chairperson of the AStA of the University of Bonn

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch, Rector of the University of Bonn


Picture gallery - program items in 2023


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Sandra Gesell

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Johanna Labes

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