Erasmus+ worldwide

The welcome at the University of Bonn was exceptional!

Erasmus experience of Daudi Ngonge Bigirwa, student from Tanzania

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© Daudi Ngonge Bigirwa (private)

Daudi Ngonge Bigirwa

I am a PhD student at Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania. I participated in the Erasmus student exchange program during the summer semester of 2024. I chose to participate in this program because I believed it would provide me with an opportunity to meet international experts at the University of Bonn who could assist with my research work. Also, I expected the program would enable me to network with international students and experts, contributing to my future career growth. Information about this program was obtained from my home University, Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania.

All the travel logistics were arranged in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Erasmus incoming team at the University of Bonn, and I managed to travel to Germany on time. Similarly, the accommodation arrangements were well-coordinated, and everything went as planned. The welcome at the University of Bonn was exceptional. My study buddy picked me up from Cologne-Bonn Airport and dropped me off at my dormitory at Am Krausfeld 16. The next day, she helped me to get a SIM card, purchase necessary items, and familiarize myself with the university campus. From that day onward, I began gradually adapting to the new environment.

Studying at the University of Bonn was a great experience as it exposed me to new ways of learning. I was particularly inspired by the e-learning mode, where some lectures were conducted via Zoom meetings. I took three courses related to ecosystem services, climate change, and academic writings, as I believe they will contribute significantly to my future academic career. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to discuss my research work with environmental economists from the Department of Agricultural Economics at the Center for Development Research (ZEF). These discussions were fruitful in enriching my research. I also met with PhD students from the Departments of Geography and Agricultural Economics, and we exchanged ideas about our studies.

Staying in Bonn was a good but challenging experience. The positive aspects included the beautiful and clean environment, reliable transportation services, the town's security, the well-planned city layout, and the stunning churches, especially St. Mary Roman Catholic Church on Adolfstraße, where I worshiped every Sunday. However, I faced a few challenges, for instance, many people are quite reserved and, in my dorm, it was common to live under the same roof without greeting each other. Also, the cost of living in Bonn was high. I found that many things are more expensive compared to my home country Tanzania, which made my life somewhat difficult since the Erasmus+ scholarship I received was not enough to cover all expenses. I was surprised by costs such as semester fee, broadcasting fee, and health insurance, which I assumed would be covered by the scholarship. Future Erasmus+ program participants should ensure they can cover additional expenses, as the Erasmus+ scholarship does not cover all costs.

Participating in the Erasmus+ program is excellent for gaining international exposure and networking with the global community. I strongly encourage more students to take part in this program.

Program: Erasmus+ worldwide
Home university: Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro (Tanzania)
Time of stay: Summer Semester 2024

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