22. August 2024

Call for proposals for the development of the potential profile area “Social Cohesion” or “Social Cohesion and Social Media” (Deadline: 15.01.2025) Call for proposals for the development of the potential profile area “Social Cohesion” (Deadline: 15.01.2025 )

Social cohesion has many facets. For example, “the Council of Europe defines social cohesion as the ability of a society to ensure the well-being of all its members and to manage differences and divisions by minimising inequalities and avoiding marginalisation, and to ensure the means to achieve the well-being of all.” Social media, among others, play a special role in our society - with both integrating and fragmenting effects that need to be systematically empirically tested.

At the same time, this correlates with questions about individual knowledge and skills, habits, behavioural styles and personality traits, but also about motives, goals and (educational) contexts that can only be answered through cooperation between economics, sociology, law, psychology, theology, media studies and others.

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Against this background, the two topic areas "Social Cohesion" (in general) and "Social Cohesion and Social Media" identified in the context of several working meetings are to be further researched - also at (potential) interfaces with other TRAs and proven researchers - and brought together in a profile area based on existing expertise. The TRA Individuals and Societies is therefore issuing a one-off call for funds (total amount: EUR 60,000; funding period: 2025) to fund several projects (up to EUR 30,000) with the aim of submitting an application for (competitive) third-party funding in the foreseeable future.

Information on submitting an application:

Who can submit an application?

All members of the TRA Individuals and Societies with a doctorate can submit an application. Members who are doing a doctorate can submit an application together with a member of the TRA with a doctorate. You can find the membership application here.

What can (not) be funded?

Measures with a term of the 2025 financial year that realize the goals of the TRA and the EXU, such as start-up funding for smaller and more extensive collaborative research projects (including assistant hours, workshops, symposia, conferences, academies, summer schools, etc.), can be funded. As a rule, no
investment costs can be funded. The funds are subject to annuality.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the funding opportunities within the framework of this
funding line and those of the TRA Individuals & Societies as a whole (see also the guide in eCampus).

How should the application be structured?

Applications can be submitted using the standard TRA Individuals & Societies application form (the current version is available on eCampus) and must be submitted taking into account the known funding criteria (see homepage and eCampus).

In addition to the application form, the application includes the following documents:

a) a content-related project outline including

  • project description, in particular the collaborative design of the project
  • Objective formulations (content-related, strategic; short, medium, long term; addressed
  • third-party funding formats)

b) a timetable including intermediate goals/milestones

c) a financial plan including a differentiated cost breakdown for individual application items and budget years

The application (a-c) comprises a maximum of four pages in total.

A prior application by young researchers to the call “Networking to promote young talent with reference to the potential profile area ‘Social Cohesion’ or ‘Social Cohesion and Social Media’” (deadline: September 30, 2024) is possible and is welcomed.

Selection process
The steering committee of the TRA Individuals & Societies decides on the applications received in accordance with the general procedures for allocating funds.
In addition to the known funding objectives, the following criteria in particular are taken into account in the selection process:

  • Stimulation of interdisciplinary collaborative research on research questions regarding individual, institutional and societal opportunities and challenges within the subject areas of “Social Cohesion” and “Social Cohesion and Social Media”, preferably in cooperation with third parties (e.g. schools)
    → e.g.: To what extent is an interdisciplinary/interfaculty/transdisciplinary approach to addressing the questions sought? Which third-party funding format is addressed with the project?
  • Location (within) the TRA Individuals & Societies
    → e.g.: To what extent is one/several of the TRA's goals addressed - preferably with reference to the respective professional and/or social relevance?
  • Overarching goals of the EXU
    → e.g.: To what extent is one/several of the overarching EXU goals addressed within the framework of the proposed initiative?

By when and how can an application be submitted?
Members of the TRA Individuals & Societies can submit an application for this call for proposals by email (johanna.tix@uni-bonn.de) until January 15, 2025. Please arrange a consultation appointment with Johanna Tix before submitting your application (by email as above, or by phone: +49 (0)171/ 33 160 47). You are also welcome to contact her if you have any further questions.


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