TRA 4 Events for early career researchers

Events 2024
Fall Institute: 'Limits of Intelligence: Meaning and Value'
New School for Social ...
Whole Day
Modern knowledge-societies value intelligence as a set of problem-solving capacities. In recent years, we could be said to have entered not only a so-called ...
Seminar ThinkJourney: Excursion
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Excursion Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures in different areas of life, ...
Seminar ThinkJourney: Ethics
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Christiane Woopen Ethics Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures ...
Seminar ThinkJourney: Neuroscience and Medicine
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Dominik Bach Neuroscience and Medicine Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore ...
ThinkJourney: Vision 'Climate-resilient and Climate-neutral City'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Jun.- Prof. Dr. Jaqueline Lorenzen Vision “Climate-resilient and Climate-neutral City of the Future” - Legal Impulses, Instruments and Obstacles in ...
‚ThinkJourney‘: ‚Climate change & migration Marshall Islands‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Dr. Kees van der Geest Climate change and migration in the Marshall Islands: A short history of the future (2024-2050) Together with recognized experts ...
Seminar ‚ThinkJourney‘: ‚Sustainable Food Consumption -‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Monika Hartmann Sustainable Food Consumption - Relevance, Challenges and Strategies Together with recognized experts from science and society, we ...
Seminar ‚ThinkJourney‘: ‚Shaping the Future by Protecting Values‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Shu-Perng Hwang Shaping the Future by Protecting Values: Reflections on the relationship between value constitutionalism and national constitutional ...
‚ThinkJourney‘: ‚Sustainable and Fairer Knowledge Creation?‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Jun.- Prof. Dr. Julia Binter Can Museums Become Laboratories for More Sustainable and Fairer Knowledge Creation? Together with recognized experts from ...
14th Bonn Science Night: Participation of TRA 4
Stadt Bonn
Whole Day
In May 2024 it will be that time again: The city of Bonn, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg district, the Ahrweiler district and the University of Bonn invite you to the ...
Seminar ‚ThinkJourney‘: ‚Economic Ethics‘
Universität Bonn
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Dr. Sebastian Müller Economic Ethics This event will take place as part of the Dies Academicus in lecture hall VI (main building, 1st floor). Together ...
‚ThinkJourney‘: ‚Future of Digital Surveillance Technology‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Matthew Smith Future of Digital Surveillance Technology Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney ...
Workshop: TRAnsDigital
Digital Hub (Am ...
09:00 AM - 02:30 PM
Digitalization of the Humanities and Social Sciences In numerous scientific fields of application, revolutionary new possibilities are developing as ...
Seminar ‚ThinkJourney ‘: ‚Cities of the Future‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr.- Ing. Theo Kötter Cities of the Future/Urban Development and Land Use Planning Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go ...
Ringvorlesung ‚ThinkJourney‘: 'Family'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Martin Bujard Family Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures in ...
Ringvorlesung ‚ThinkJourney‘: 'Work'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Werner Eichhorst Work Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures in ...
Ringvorlesung ‚ThinkJourney‘: 'Globalised Economy'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Dr. Tilman Altenburg Globalised Economy Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable ...
Lecture: 'Versöhnung ausgeschlossen. Der Fall Hans & Otto Gross'
06:15 PM
How can the objects and case documentation of the Hans Gross Criminal Museum in Graz help to explore the topics of 'guilt' and 'reconciliation'? These and ...
Ringvorlesung ‚ThinkJourney‘: 'Generations'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Kathrin Peters Generations Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures in ...
Events 2023
Lecture: 'Brief eines zum Tode Verurteilten'
06:15 PM
How can the objects and case documentation of the Hans Gross Criminal Museum in Graz help to explore the topics of 'guilt' and 'reconciliation'? These and ...
Ringvorlesung ‚ThinkJourney‘: 'Future Cities'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Detlef Kurth Future Cities Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable futures ...
Book presentation & panel discussion Vergangenheitskonstruktionen
Universitätsclub Bonn
07:00 PM
Book presentation & panel discussion: ‚Vergangenheitskonstruktionen. Erinnerungspolitik im Zeichen von Ambiguitätstoleranz‘ Kollektives Erinnern ist ...
Lecture: Persönlichkeitsschuld, Kriminalbiologie - & Versöhnung?
06:15 PM
How can the objects and case documentation of the Hans Gross Criminal Museum in Graz help to explore the topics of 'guilt' and 'reconciliation'? These and ...
Ringvorlesung ‚ThinkJourney‘: 'Science & Society'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. David Kaldewey Science & Society Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore desirable ...
‚ThinkJourney‘: 'Political dimensions of science'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Mark Lawrence Political dimensions of science Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to ...
Arbeitsworkshop: 'Gemeinschaft - Gemeinwohl - Gemeinsinn'
Seminarraum 1, ...
02:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Gemeinschaft - Gemeinwohl - Gemeinsinn Gemeinschaftssemantiken fungieren häufig als Kampfbegriffe, sie markieren Bruchlinien und schließen die eigenen ...
Ringvorlesung ‚ThinkJourney‘: 'Smart Living Spaces'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sahin Albayrak Smart Living Spaces' Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore ...
Lecture 'Begrüßung und Einführung'
11:00 AM
How can the objects and case documentation of the Hans Gross Criminal Museum in Graz help to explore the topics of 'guilt' and 'reconciliation'? These and ...
Ringvorlesung ‚ThinkJourney‘: 'Money/Currency'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Aleksander Berentsen Money/Currency Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore ...
Workshop: ‚Handelnd hoffen oder hoffend handeln?‘
Dekanatssaal der ...
03:00 PM
Handelnd hoffen oder hoffend handeln? Zum Verhältnis von Ethik und Eschatologie aus exegetisch-neutestamentlicher und systematische Perspektive How do ...
Networking Event 'Cyber Everything'
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1
04:00 PM - 09:00 PM
The world today is increasingly dominated by a new domain - a domain that is both the cause and consequence of cutting-edge developments in technology: Cyber. ...
Ringvorlesung ‚ThinkJourney‘: 'Resource Utilization'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Christa Liedtke Resource Utilization Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore ...
Ringvorlesung ‚ThinkJourney‘: 'Pluralistic Society'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
02:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Andrea Bührmann Pluralistic Society Together with recognized experts from science and society, we go on a weekly ThinkJourney to explore ...
Meet the Expert: 'Ulysses Contracts and Neurotechnology'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
10:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Workshop: 'Meet the Expert' Ulysses contracts and neurotechnology: Accounting for Unintended Effects of Neuromodulation - Prof. Dr. Jennifer A. Chandler ...
Conference: 'Detecting Unusual Consciousness...'
Different event ...
Whole Day
DETECTING UNUSUAL CONSCIOUSNESS: FROM BRAIN ORGANOIDS TO AI SYSTEMS Bonn, 27–28 September 2023 Are some brain organoids, or sophisticated artificial ...
Fall Institute: Mind-Dependent Artifact & Artifact-Dependent Mind
New School for Social ...
Whole Day
Artifacts are a primary object of study in the humanities. They are products and, thus, manifestations of human thought, action, and self-determination without ...
Workshop: "'Meet the Expert': Common Boundaries. The Theory..."
Center for Life Ethics, ...
10:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Workshop: 'Meet the Expert' The Center for Life Ethics and haus_für_JUNGES_denken will conduct a workshop on August 29, 2023 from 10 am - 1 pm on "Common ...
Dialog an Deck: Schwarze Löcher & die Grenzen von Raum und Zeit
MS Wissenschaft, ...
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Black holes have long fired the imagination and creativity of science, philosophy, and literature. Once they were speculative constructs of general relativity. ...
"Valuing Plurality, Decolonising Socio-ecological Futures"
Coming soon
Whole Day
Call for Applications (Deadline: 14.04.2023): Summer School "Valuing Plurality, Decolonising Socio-ecological Futures" (July 16-22, 2023) Please submit ...
Ringvorlesung ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Demokratie‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stichweh Universität Bonn - forum internationale wissenschaft bonn "Die Zukunft der Demokratie in der Weltgesellschaft des 21. ...
Science festival in the Hofgarten with TRAllye
Hofgarten, Bonn
12:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Participatory science - for everyone! Be there & join in: - TRAllye, the family science rally - Hands-on activities - Musical stage program - Food truck ...
Ringvorlesung ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Reisen‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Martina Leicher, Compass Tourismus Partner eG Verband Deutscher Naturparke e.V. Off to new shores! Together with experts, we will embark on a journey of ...
Ringvorlesung ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Migration‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Dr. Lena Laube Universität Bonn - forum internationale wissenschaft bonn "Über unterschiedliche Visionen von europäischer Demokratie und ihren Grenzen. Der ...
Workshop: ‚The Global Politics of Artificial Intelligence’
Whole Day
The project "AI Postdocs: joint postdoc program of CST Bonn and LCFI Cambridge on the philosophy of AI" under the direction of Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel, Jan ...
Conference: 'AI Human, Values and Meaningful Human Control’
CST Bonn
09:30 AM
AI, HUMAN VALUES AND MEANINGFUL HUMAN CONTROL 22-23 June | CST Bonn For the conference program please see the links and information provided below.
Ringvorlesung ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Digitale Kommunikation‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Maren Hartmann Universität der Künste Berlin "Verbindliche Herausforderung & herausfordernde Verbindung: (Mobile) Mediennutzung heute und ...
General Assembly TRA Individuals, Institutions and Societies
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilh...
Whole Day
4th General Assembly of TRA 'Individuals, Institutions and Societies'. On June 19, 2023, the annual general meeting of TRA 4 will take place. You can ...
Ringvorlesung ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Sprache‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Prof. Dr. Beatrix Kreß Universität Hildesheim Off to new shores! Together with experts, we will embark on a journey of thought towards an ethically based ...
Annemarie-Schimmel-Lecture: "What is beauty?"
Festsaal der Universität ...
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
What is love? How does it work? What is beauty? These questions will be negotiated at the first Annemarie Schimmel Lecture from June 12 to 14. The first event ...
Events 2022
Lecture series: ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Geografische Entwicklung‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
(Prof. Dr. Detlef Müller-Mahn, Universität Bonn – Geographisches Institut) Off to new shores! Together with experts, we will embark on a journey of thought ...
Workshop: ‚Was hält die Demokratie zusammen?'
Schlosskirche der ...
02:15 PM - 07:00 PM
"Konzeptionen des (Vor-)Politischen als Antworten auf die motivationalen Herausforderungen demokratischer Ordnungen" The "grand challenges", such as the ...
Opportunities for Social Sciences & Humanities in Horizon Europe
Online on Zoom
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
EU Funding Talk: This event is co-organised between Research and Innovation Services, TRA 4 and 5 as well as NKS Gesellschaft. In addition to introducing ...
Lecture: 'Wohlbefinden zwischen Arbeitsplatz und Home-Office'
Whole Day
The project "Home office and well-being" under the direction of Dr. Johanna Hartung gives a lecture with subsequent discussion on the topic 'Wohlbefinden ...
Project completion: Health information on the Internet
Center for Life Ethics, ...
05:30 PM - 07:30 PM
"Gesucht: Verlässliche Gesundheitsinfos im Internet" Just ask "Dr. Google"? For many consumers, the Internet is the first port of call for questions about ...
Lecture series: ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Frieden‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
(Prof. Dr. Conrad Schetter, Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies) Off to new shores! Together with experts, we will embark on a journey of ...
Lecture series: ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Wohnen‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
(Marcel Cardinali, Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe Detmolder Schule für Architektur und Innenarchitektur urbanLab) Off to new shores! Together ...
Workshop: 'Autonomy in the Digital Age'
Lennéstraße 6, 53113 ...
05:00 PM
"Rethinking Relationsships between Humans, Technology and Society" The conference “Autonomy in the Digital Age: Rethinking Relationships between Humans, ...
Lecture series: ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Infrastruktur‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
(Prof. Dr. Tina Comes, Delft University of Technology – Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Engeneering Systems and Services) Off to new shores! ...
Conference: 'Zurechnung bei staatlichem Unterlassen'
Whole Day
The project "Attributing Acts of Omission to the State in an Era of Expanding Responsibilty" under the direction of Dr. Thomas Grosse-Wilde and Dr. Laurence ...
Lecture series: ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Mobilität‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
(Dr. phil. habil. Weert Canzler, WZB – Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH) Off to new shores! Together with experts, we will embark on a ...
Lecture series: ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Ernährung‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
(Prof. Dr. Nick Lin-Hi, Universität Vechta) Off to new shores! Together with experts, we will embark on a journey of thought towards an ethically based ...
Lecture series: ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Zukunftsgestaltung ‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
(Dr. Miikka J. Lehtonen, Nordic Rebel, Rikkyo University, College of Business, Specially Appointed Associate Professor) Off to new shores! Together with ...
Event: ,Desirable Futures: Interdisciplinary Perspectives'
Center for Life Ethics, ...
11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
International experts discuss possible and probable futures, and the challenges we face in making these futures desirable. Participants will speak across ...
Grand opening: Center for Life Ethics
Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße ...
04:30 PM
On October 24, 2022, the Center for Life Ethics founded by Professor Christiane Woopen, Hertz Chair TRA 4, and the House for Young Thinking will be officially ...
General Assembly TRA Individuals, Institutions and Societies
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilh...
Whole Day
3rd General Assembly of TRA 'Individuals, Institutions and Societies'. On 21. October 2022 the annual general meeting of TRA 4 will take place.
Lecture series: DenkReise WS22/23: Wohin wollen wir leben?
Center for Life Ethics, ...
04:00 PM
The " DenkReise" invites students and young scientists to set out for new shores and to develop new ideas for an ethically founded shaping of the future in ...
Lecture series: ‚DenkReise‘: ‚Zukünfte der Ethik‘
Center for Life Ethics, ...
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
(Prof. Dr. Christiane Woopen, Center for Life Ethics/Hertz Chair TRA 4, University Bonn) Off to new shores! Together with experts, we will embark on a ...
Fall Institute: 'A.I. The art of interpretation'
New School for Social ...
Whole Day
Practices of interpretation are central to both the humanities and social sciences, whose typical objects of interpretive activity range from artworks, texts ...
Symposium: 'Rethinking Privacy after this Pandemic'
The conference will take ...
02:00 PM
At this conference we will undertake an interdisciplinary reconsideration of privacy, asking how we do want our society to look like based on what we saw, ...
Workshop: 'Forschen mit Instagram-Daten...'
Whole Day
The project "Home office and well-being" under the direction of Dr. Johanna Hartung will conduct a workshop on July 19, 2022 on the topic of 'Forschen mit ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Linguistic bias'
IZPH; Poppelsdorfer ...
12:15 PM - 01:45 PM
"Clarifying the concept and evaluating the evidence (invoked by philosophers)" (Dr. Uwe Peters) Zoom link: ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs:‘Multi-modal evaluation of epilepsy patients'
IZPH; Poppelsdorfer ...
12:15 PM - 01:45 PM
Full Title: “Multi-modal evaluation of epilepsy patients using computational methods” (Dr. Theodor Rüber) Zoom link: ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Certified AI’
Centre for Science and ...
12:15 PM - 01:45 PM
(Dr. Sergio Genovesi and Dr. Julia Mönig) Zoom link: ID: 698 1001 7849 ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Virtual reality'
IZPH; Poppelsdorfer ...
04:15 PM - 05:45 PM
Full Title: "Virtual reality induces symptoms of depersonalization and derealization" (Dr. Niclas Braun) Zoom link: ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Transhumanist visions of world order'
IZPH; Poppelsdorfer ...
12:15 PM - 01:15 PM
(Dr. Apolline Taillandier) Zoom link: ID: 698 1001 7849 Password: 764216
Lecture: „Rethinking Privacy after the Pandemic“
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilh...
Whole Day
(Dr. Julia Mönig) in the context of the poster exhibition: "Rethinking Privacy after the Pandemic" at the Diversity Day, University of Bonn
Meeting KI-Postdocs: 'Legal issues of advanced humanoid robotics'
IZPH; Poppelsdorfer ...
12:15 PM - 01:45 PM
(Dr. Johannes Lierfeld) Zoom link: ID: 698 1001 7849 Password: 764216
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Proxy divergence'
IZPH; Poppelsdorfer ...
12:15 PM - 01:45 PM
"Goodhart’s law as an emergent feature of complex goal-oriented systems" (Dr. Oliver Braganza) Zoom link: ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Linguistic bias'
IZPH; Poppelsdorfer ...
12:15 PM - 01:45 PM
"Clarifying the concept and evaluating the evidence (invoked by philosophers)" (Dr. Uwe Peters) Zoom link: ...
Events 2021
Workshop: 'AI & Mental Health II'
IZPH, Meeting Room (3d ...
03:00 PM - 05:30 PM
"Psychological effects of interactions between minds and AI" Part of Meeting KI-Postdocs (Prof. Dr. Joanna Bryson, Hertie School Berlin; Prof. Dr. Elisabeth ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘AI in a different voice'
IZPH; Poppelsdorfer ...
04:15 PM - 05:45 PM
"Rethinking computers, learning, and gender difference at MIT in the 1980s" (Dr. Apolline Taillandier) This paper explores the “critical” AI projects ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: 'What it's like to be another one'
Online on Zoom
04:15 PM - 04:45 PM
"Philosophical zombies, data and the eternal question of the nature of qualia" This Talk is part of the AI Research Group (Dr. Johannes Lierfeld) In the ...
Workshop: ‘AI & Mental Health I.-The Politics of Digital Health'
IZPH, Meeting Room (3d ...
04:00 PM - 06:30 PM
Part of Meeting KI-Postdocs (Prof. Dr. Tamar Sharin, Radbound University; Dr. Saheli Burton, University College London) The deployment of AI systems in ...
Lecture: ‚KI-Zertifizierung und KI-Verordnungsentwurf...'
via Zoom
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
Lecture: ‚KI-Zertifizierung und KI-Verordnungsentwurf: die Rolle der Ethik" at the Online-Conference „Zertifizierung und der KI-Verordnungsentwurf der ...
Fall Institute: 'Objectivity and the Humanities'
New York CIty
09:00 AM
This seminar will revisit our paradigms concerning objectivity in the humanities. To many, it seems as if the humanities provide us at best with ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Artificial Intelligence Changing Science'
Online on Zoom
04:15 PM - 05:45 PM
Full Title: "How is Artificial Intelligence Changing Science? A Research Project" (Prof. Jens Schröter) Link to the project: ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Algorithmic political bias'
Online on Zoom
04:15 PM - 05:45 PM
"Cause for special concern" (Dr. Uwe Peters) Focusing on the epistemological issue of how we may detect algorithmic biases and recognize their harmfulness, I ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: 'Unethical optimization principle'
Online on Zoom
04:15 PM - 05:45 PM
(Dr. Oliver Braganza) Oliver Braganza will present and comment Beale, Battey & Mackay (2020)’s paper: “An unethical optimization principle” Zoom ...
Intercultural Training: 'Enemy, Stranger, Neighbor, Friend'
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilh...
02:30 PM
"A rough guide on religion and othering" The Global Network for Excellence in Theology (G_NET) at the University of Bonn and the Institute for Faith and ...
Conference: Digital Fragmentations and Digital Sovereignty
Online on Zoom
02:00 PM
International Online Conference on "Digital Fragmentations and Digital Sovereignty" Recently, there has been a steady global trend towards “digital ...
General Assembly TRA Individuals, Institutions and Societies
Whole Day
2nd General Assembly of TRA 'Individuals, Institutions and Societies'. On 19.07.2021 the annual general meeting of TRA 4 will take place.
Meeting KI-Postdocs: 'AI in two contemporary British novels'
Online on Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
"Ian McEwan’s Machines Like Me (2019) and Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun (2021)" (Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich ) It stands to reason that fictional ...
Tagung: 'What Does Theology Do, Actually? Part II'
09:00 AM
Central to the purposes of the What Does Theology Do, Actually? series is to observe, document, and describe the functions of theological knowledge production ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: 'Bridges between protein and silicon'
Online on Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
"Ethical challenges of merging biological and artificial cognition" (Dr. Johannes Lierfeld; response: Pater Dr. Dr. Justinus C. Pech, Hochschule ...
Lecture: Certifying Sustainable AI in the framework of the AI...'
Whole Day
The project "Certified AI" led by Dr. Julia Maria Möning and Dr. Sergio Genovesi will give a presentation on 'Certifying Sustainable AI in the framework of the ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: 'The Tracking of Digital Footprints'
Online on Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Full Title: "Extended Mindreading and the Tracking of Digital Footprints" (Dr. Uwe Peters) There has been much philosophical and empirical research on ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: 'On Digital Ethics'
Online on Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Full Title: “On Digital Ethics for Artificial Intelligence and Information Fusion in the Defense Domain” (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Koch) For knowledge itself is ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Controlling Evil'
Online über Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
"Norbert Wiener and cybernetic metaphysics" (Dr. Tobias Keiling) Tobias Keiling will present and comment Peter Galison’s Paper on Norbert Wiener’s critique ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Swarm Learning'
Online über Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Full Title: "Swarm Learning as a fully decentralized and confidentiality-enabling machine learning approach for disease classification" (Prof. Dr. Joachim ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: 'Artificial intelligence outperforms human'
Online on Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Full Title: "When artificial intelligence outperforms human social cognition" (Dr. Uwe Peters) Suppose an artificial intelligence (AI) excels us in social ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Meaningful Human Control’
Online über Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
"A conceptual analysis" (Dr. Scott Robbins) Meaningful human control (MHC) is an oft-used phrase in the ethical literature on artificial intelligence (AI). ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Taming Superintelligence’
Online on Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
"Governing global change through AI safety" (Dr. Apolline Taillandier) This presentation focuses on the recent history of “AI safety,” understood as a set of ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘An optimistic view on the merging with AI?'
Online on Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
"On Self- building technologies" (Dr. Charlotte Gauvry) The recent literature has convincingly demonstrated certain perverse effects of what has been ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘What Machines Shouldn´t Do'
Online on Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
"Meaningful Human Control over the Evaluative" (Dr. Scott Robbins) In an increasingly autonomous world, it is becoming clear that one thing we ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: ‘Supersizing Confirmation Bias’
Online on Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
(Dr. Uwe Peters) The hypothesis of extended cognition (HEC), i.e., the view that the realizers of mental states or cognition can include objects outside of ...
Meeting KI-Postdocs: 'Proxyeconomics and Goodhart's Law'
Online on Zoom
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
"The downside of optimization" (Dr. Oliver Braganza) Competitive societal systems by necessity rely on imperfect proxy measures. For instance, profit is ...
Events 2020
Conference: "The illusion of the self-evident"
Online on Zoom
09:00 AM
"Rhetoric and Pragmatics of the Strategic Use of Truth and Reliability in Times of Political and Social Crisis." Following the conference "'Thou Shalt Not ...
Fall Institute: 'Artificial Intelligence and the Human(ities)'
New York CIty or Online
11:30 AM
This series of six lectures looks at the successes, as well as the failures, in the search of artificial intelligence and uses them as a window into the larger ...
Academic Career Development
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilh...
Whole Day
Academic Career Development, Workshop & Coaching for Academic Staff from Postdoc to Professor (TRA 4 - Individuals, Institutions and Societies)
General Assembly TRA Individuals, Institutions and Societies
Whole Day
1st General Assembly of TRA 'Individuals, Institutions and Societies'. On 29.06.2020 the annual general meeting of TRA 4 will take place.
Exchange meeting
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilh...
Whole Day
Prorector for Research & Innovation with postdocs of the University of Bonn (organization, implementation and moderation by TRA)
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