Job Talks by Doctoral Degree Holders
One Hour - One Job - One Perspective
Gain insights on the wide range of career opportunities open to you with a doctorate. Within one hour, doctoral degree holders give a concrete idea of their work in fields of business, society and research management. What does the daily routine look like? What are the requirements? What are the career development opportunities?
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BFB Job Talks for Life Science
Job perspectives for doctoral students, postdocs and students in the life sciences are presented. The series of events of the Bonner Forum Biomedizin (BFB) offers within 1-1.5 hours insights into careers within science, in science management as well as in the fields of economy and society.
Further offers for career orientation
On the Career Service website you will find further helpful career events and career orientation events for students and alumni of the University of Bonn.
Petra Best
Patrik Kutzer
Also see
Skills and Training Program Doctorate plus
Expand your academic and interdisciplinary competencies with our Doctorate plus qualification program. Get to know our three career tracks.
Qualification Program Postdoc plus
Expand your skills with our Postdoc plus qualification programme.
Alumni Network
Stay in touch with the University of Bonn and network both professionally and regionally.