
Application Form for Argelander Scholarships

Argelander Scholarships for doctoral candidates from universities in Africa, Latin America and Asia1

Deadline for applications: March 31, 2025

Please note that the application may only be submitted by a professor of the University of Bonn. 

You are welcome to submit your application documents in German or English.


Please enter your application details here.

max. 1400 characters
PDF file, max. 8 pages
PDF file
Excel file. Please use the downloadable template.
Data protection
I hereby consent to the storing and processing of the above-entered data in accordance with section 6 (1) a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) I may revoke my consent at any time. I hereby confirm that I have been informed of my rights.
Confirmation Fellowship Obligations
I hereby confirm that the invited Fellow is neither required to follow direction nor is subject to compulsory attendance in his/her research acitivities at the inviting institute.
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