© Florian Brandl
Prof. Dr. Florian Brandl
- Institute for Microeconomics
- Hausdorff Center of Mathematics
- Microeconomics
- Social Choice Theory
- Decision Theory
- Game Theory
My research covers various areas of microeconomic theory including social choice theory, decision theory, and game theory. I am particularly interested in decision-making under uncertainty, connections between social choice and game theory, and dynamic processes converging to equilibrium. My work uses tools from mathematics to draw conclusions about interactions of multiple entities in situations of economic interest. It also includes algorithmic approaches and methods from theoretical computer science.
© Florian Brandl
Prof. Dr. Florian Brandl
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung-lehre/forschungsprofil/transdisziplinaere-forschungsbereiche/modelling/mitgliederverzeichnis/florian-brandl#research_profile-tab
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung-lehre/forschungsprofil/transdisziplinaere-forschungsbereiche/modelling/mitgliederverzeichnis/florian-brandl#businesscard-tab
- http://brandlf.com