Vergangene Veranstaltungen
Interdisziplinärer Hands-on Workshop "Maschinelles Lernen" für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen aus den Bereichen Matter, Modelling und Life Sciences (19 + 20. März 2024)
Rund 60 Post-Docs und Doktorand*innen aus den Transdisziplinären Forschungsbereichen „Matter“, „Modelling“, „Life and Health“ und dem Bonner Forum für Biomedizin nahmen am diesjährigen interdisziplinären Hands-on-Workshop "Maschinelles Lernen" teil. Auf dem zweitägigen Workshop erhielten die Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler auf verschiedene Weise Einblicke in das Maschinelle Lernen und dessen theoretische Konzepte. Im Anschluss an einen dreiteiligen Grundlagenvortrag durch Prof. Dr. Bauckhage bekamen die Teilnehmer:innen*innen die Möglichkeit, das Gelernte in praktischen Anwendungsübungen auszuprobieren. Am zweiten Tag gaben Vorträge über die Anwendung von „Physics-informed Neural Networks“ (PINN) zur Modellierung von Genregulation in Stammzellen (Dr. Maria Mircea), die Nutzung von Generativen KI-Modellen für physikalische Fragestellungen (Dr. Kim Nicoli) sowie den Einsatz von „Active Learning“ zur Verhaltensanalyse in den Neurowissenschaften (Dr. Jens Tillmann) Einblicke in die Anwendung des maschinellen Lernens in den verschiedenen Forschungsbereichen. Den Abschluss bildete eine kleine Netzwerksession, bei dem die Teilnehmenden sich disziplinübergreifend über ihre Forschung und das Gelernte weiter austauschen konnten.
Wir danken den hervorragenden Referent*innen und engagierten Tutoren für ihren Beitrag zum Gelingen dieses Workshops!

Networking Event with CESOC
What? Jointly organized Networking Event with CESOC on July 8, 2022; starting at 5p.m.; location: Campus Poppelsdorf (Hörsaalzentrum/INS)
The Center for Earth System Observation and Computational Analysis (CESOC) and the TRA Modelling would like to invite you to an In-Person Networking Event in Bonn on Friday, 8 July 2022 at 17:00 CEST a seminar talk is given by Prof. Jan-Henrik Haunert on: "Combinatorial Optimization in Cartography and Geographical Information Science"
on Campus Poppelsdorf, Hörsaalzentrum (CP1-HSZ) in lecture hall (Hörsaal) 7, Endenicher Allee 19C, 53115 Bonn
From 18:00 CEST onwards snacks and drinks are organized to have a nice get-together and networking In-Person in front of Institute for Numerical Simulation (INS),
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 7, 53115 Bonn (just next to the Hörsaalzentrum)
Everyone who feels part of CESOC or the TRA Modelling or would like to get to know more about each or both is cordially invited to join for the talk and the get-together. Please share with interested people.
OSE meets Industry

Microfluencers Symposium
The Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology turns 50 this year! An ideal occasion to celebrate microbiological research with a scientific symposium themed "Microfluencers: from small organisms to global impact".
Interdisciplinary speakers from biology and physics will shed light on various important aspects of how microbial influencers shape our world. How can we address global problems such as climate change and antibiotic resistance or worldwide challenges such as global health and nutrition? The talks are tailored to an interdisciplinary audience and start at a lay scientific level and end with the latest results for experts.

From January 13-28, 2022, a digital lecture series within the appointment process for the Hertz Professorship "Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems" will take place. You can register for the respective lectures with your TRA Manager Dr. Julia Belau at

PreDinner Series 2021

The TRA 1 Modelling PreDinner Series has been established to inform members about funded projects and ongoing research as well as to promote and facilitate collaboration and networking within the TRA.
Instead of a hard-to-schedule full-day workshop, we opt for a weekly "PreDinner" format: after finishing your duties of the day, meet us for a casual research talk before dinner starts – in other words: at PreDinner-time.
This year we have a mix of talks from funded projects and other TRA-affiliated researchers to meet.
Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research in Mathematics and Life Science
It was a great pleasure to host the one-day ‘Symposium on Interdisciplinary Research in Mathematics and Life Sciences’5, which was held in the Hörsaalzentrum of the University of Bonn and online on Monday, August 30, 2021.
The symposium was jointly organized by the Clusters of Excellence Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) and ImmunoSensation2 as well as the Transdisciplinary Research Areas TRA Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems and TRA Life and Health aims to provide an overview of the respective and partially very new research activities in this field.
Please check for further information.

Additional Past Events:
- HCM meets TRA 1: Hanno Becker (Staff Cryptography Research Engineer - Arm Ltd., Cambridge, UK): At the intersection of mathematics, physics, computer science and communications security: An introduction to Post-Quantum Cryptography6
- starting April 28, 2021: Talk series (Ringvorlesung) "Mathematics meets Life Sciences and Medicine"7
- August 30th 2021: Joint Symposium "Biomathematics & Computational Life Science" (Cooperation with Clusters HCM & ImmunoSensation and TRA Life & Health)
More from TRA 1 Modelling