Events by TRA Modelling and its scientific community
Transdisciplinary exchange and networking of our members and partners

Transdisciplinary exchange and networking

We offer opportunities for exchange and networking for our members in organizing events ourselves, often together with several TRAs and university partners. In addition, the TRA Modelling supports innovative and cross-disciplinary events of our members upon request.

Upcoming events in 2025

Please find the latest information on planned events below: 

© Kai Sturm, Florian Boecker / Uni Bonn

Marvin's 1st Anniversary: 365 Days of Supercomputing

March 25, 10 am - 5 pm

This milestone marks a year of remarkable research and scientific achievements powered by Marvin’s capabilities. You are invited to join our interactive event including the following highlights:

  • Anniversary Celebration
  • Finalist presentations from the Marvin HPC Results Competition (live voting)
  • Invited Talk by Tim Mattson (OpenMP)
  • Networking & Collaboration
  • Catered lunch & birthday cake 🎂
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TRA Networking Event 2025 - open to TRA members and beyond

April 2, 2 pm - 6 pm

Opportunity to discuss new topics and ideas at an early stage in five dedicated parallel sessions:

  • Modelling in Economics and Computation
  • Modelling and analysis in Earth System Science 
  • Modelling in Chemistry 
  • Modelling Behavior 
  • Modelling Life

We invite all scientists to join!

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Symposium on Optimization and Algorithmic Game Theory

April 25, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Inaugural symposium for Hertz Chair László Végh who focuses on fundamental questions  at the intersection of algorithms, optimization, and game theory. The symposium gives an overview of recent developments in areas such as network design, convex optimization, combinatorial markets and fair division.

  • International and local speakers
  • Inaugural lecture of László Végh 
  • Networking time, including lunch and coffee breaks

Workshop on Machine Learning for the Earth System Modelling

August 25 – 27

in the Universitätsclub Bonn, Germany. The registration and abstract submission for the Workshop will open in April.

Past events

Explore all previous TRA events, which are listed here in antichronological order: 20245, 20236, 72022 and 20218


Workshop on Large-Scale Deep Learning for the Earth System

August 29 – 30, 2024

The workshop brought together the leading groups that develop large-scale neural networks for weather and climate. Topics included:

  • machine learning-based numerical weather prediction
  • climate emulators
  • AI-based Earth system component models
  • machine learning from observations
  • foundation models for the Earth system
  • evaluation and explainability of large-scale machine learning models for weather and climate

Read short report about the event9

© TRA Modelling

Science Festival 2024

July 7, 2024

The University of Bonn's Science Festival took place for the second time in a row with a focus on the six TRAs, which presented related research. For the topic “Mathematical Models, AI, and Virtual Applications,” TRA Modelling gathered entusastic presenters and helpers of the Excellence Cluster Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM), Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, and Radiology Dept. of the UKB.

We thank all people that participated to the program!  

Read report about the "Wissenschaftsfestival" (in German)10

Hands-on Workshop Machine Learning Vol. II

March 19-20, 2024

At the two-day workshop, early career scientists gained insights into machine learning and its theoretical concepts in various ways. Following a basic lecture in three parts by Prof. Dr. Bauckhage, all participants had the opportunity to try out what they had learned in practical application exercises. On the second day, lectures provided insights on the application of “Physics-informed Neural Networks” (PINN) to model gene regulation in stem cells (Dr. Maria Mircea), the use of generative AI models for physical questions (Dr. Kim Nicoli) and the Use of “Active Learning” for behavior analysis in neuroscience (Dr. Jens Tillmann). The event ended with a small networking session in which the participants were able to exchange information about their research and what they had learned during these two days of workshop.

We would like to thank the excellent speakers and dedicated tutors for their contribution to the success of this workshop!

Around 60 post-docs and doctoral students from the transdisciplinary research areas “Matter”, “Modelling”, “Life and Health” and the “Bonner Forum Biomedizin” (BFB) took part in this year's interdisciplinary hands-on workshop “Machine Learning”. © Birgit Westernströer, Uni Bonn


Symposium on High Performance Computing (HPC)

October 20, 2023

On the occasion of the inauguration of "Marvin" at Research and Technology Center for Detector Physics (FTD), TRA Modelling invited a broad spectrum of scientists to an interdisciplinary symposium to mark the inauguration of Marvin.

Read report about the event11

Anticipating Human Behavior

September 08, 2023 

 3rd workshop of DFG funded research unit FOR 2535 - Anticipating Human Behavior at Hörsaalzentrum Campus Poppelsdorf. Presentations dealt with recent approaches that anticipate human behavior from video or other sensor data. The goal was to bring together researchers from multiple fields and perspectives, and to discuss major research problems and opportunities and how we should coordinate efforts to advance the field.

Find all details about the event. 12

Workshop on Large-Scale Deep Learning for the Earth System 

September 4-5, 2023

This workshop came to live to adress the tremendous progress on large scale machine learning for numerical weather prediction, take stock of developments and discuss possible possible next steps and open research frontiers. The workshop brought together researchers from industry, modeling centers and academia and provided a forum for detailed discussions on the subject. Scientific organizers were Martin Schultz (Jülich Supercomputing Center), Matthew Chantry (ECWMF), Christian Lessig (ECMWF) and Jürgen Gall (University of Bonn). The event was jointly supported by ECMWF, TRA Modelling and the ERC Advanced Grant IntelliAQ.


Mission Networking

June 15, 2023

We invited young researchers for a network opportunity at a special location. More than 20 participants came together in the exhibition rooms of the "Deutsches Museum Bonn" for two rounds of flash talks plus networking time and fun. Mission Networking was jointly organized with TRA Matter, TRA Life and Health and BFB. 

Numerical Methods and Applications in Social Sciences 

April 26, 2023

This transdisciplinary event was organized with TRA Individuals and Societies, HCM, ECONtribute, and TRR EPoS. The aim was to bring together practitioners and developers of methods to discuss the latest advancements and their application in the social sciences.

Talks covered a variety of topics, including quadrature and optimization. Keynote speaker, Ken Judd13, with degrees in Computer Science, Math, and Economics, embodied the transdisciplinary spirit that we hoped to foster. 


  • Uta Seidler "High-dimensional quadrature methods and their application in economic models"
  • Ole Wilms "Small Data': Efficient Inference with Occasionally Observed States"
  • Janos Gabler "Tranquilo: A trust-region optimizer for economists by economists"
  • Ken Judd (Keynote) "Dynamic Stochastic Integration of Climate and Economy: An Example of How Third Millennium Computational Science Could Help Social Decisionmaking"

Organizers: Michael Griebel and Hans-Martin von Gaudecker

TeRAbytes Workshop

January 17-18, 2023

2022 - 2020 are under construction...

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