10. Juli 2024

Call: Annemarie Schimmel Fellowships (Deadline: 15.08. of each year) Call: Annemarie Schimmel Fellowship (Deadline: 15.08. of each year)

for PHD Students & Postdocs

Annemarie Schimmel’s life and work has built bridges between East and West, between Islam and Christianity and has inspired researchers of religion around the globe. On the occasion of her 100th birthday, the Annemarie Schimmel Fellowship was established to give international PhD students and young scholars the opportunity for a stay at the International Center for Comparative Theology and Social Issues (CTSI) at Bonn University to pursue research in the field of Comparative Theology.

The Fellowship will support the CTSI’s goal of providing a space for exchange and bridge-building between various religious traditions.

A) For PhD students

What we offer

  • 4-month research stay at the CTSI from April-July including working space, access to library, participation in events, and the opportunity to discuss your project with international researchers. You can use your stay to develop a full research proposal for a scholarship application or focus on a specific part of your PhD project.
  • Participation in the networking activities of the Transdisciplinary Research Area Individuals, Institutions and Societies (TRA 4)
  • Travel allowance depending on country of destination
  • Financial support for visa and health insurance
  • Housing in Bonn
  • 600 Euros monthly scholarship to cover your daily expenses

How to apply

The deadline for application is 15 August each year for the Fellowship in the following year. Decisions will be made by the end of September. Please provide

  • a 5-page proposal of your research idea in the area of Comparative Theology, including the concrete questions you would like to pursue during your stay in Bonn
    Your CV
  • Contact details of two members of academic staff that would write a letter of recommendation upon our request

B) For Postdocs

What we offer

  • 2-month research stay at the CTSI from May-June including working space, access to library, participation in events, and the opportunity to discuss your project with international researchers
  • Participation in the networking activities of the Transdisciplinary Research Area Individuals, Institutions and Societies (TRA 4)
  • Travel allowance depending on country of destination
  • Financial support for visa and health insurance
  • Housing in Bonn
  • 600 Euros monthly scholarship to cover your daily expenses

How to apply

The deadline for application is 15 August each year for the Fellowship in the following year. Decisions will be made by the end of September. Please provide

  • a 5-page proposal of your research idea in the area of Comparative Theology, including the concrete questions you would like to pursue during your stay in Bonn
    Your CV
  • List of publications

Please send all documents combined in one PDF-file to lwiesenh@uni-bonn.de.
Find out more about the CTSI
Find out more about TRA 4

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Die Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn ist eine internationale Forschungsuniversität mit einem breiten Fächerspektrum. 200 Jahre Geschichte, rund 35.000 Studierende, mehr als 6.000 Beschäftigte und ein exzellenter Ruf im In- und Ausland: Die Universität Bonn zählt zu den bedeutendsten Universitäten Deutschlands und wurde als Exzellenzuniversität ausgezeichnet.

Die Universität Bonn setzt sich für Diversität und Chancengleichheit ein. Sie ist als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert. Ihr Ziel ist es, den Anteil von Frauen in Bereichen, in denen Frauen unterrepräsentiert sind, zu erhöhen und deren Karrieren besonders zu fördern. Sie fordert deshalb einschlägig qualifizierte Frauen nachdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Bewerbungen werden in Übereinstimmung mit dem Landesgleichstellungsgesetz behandelt. Die Bewerbung geeigneter Menschen mit nachgewiesener Schwerbehinderung und diesen gleichgestellten Personen ist besonders willkommen.


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