12. September 2023

Meyer, Sabine N. (2023): "'I was nothing but a bare skeleton walking the path': Biopolitics and Life in Diane Glancy's Pushing the Bear." Meyer, Sabine N.: "'I was nothing but a bare skeleton walking the path': Biopolitics and Life in Diane Glancy's..."

Meyer 'I was nothing but a bare skeleton walking the path'.png
Meyer 'I was nothing but a bare skeleton walking the path'.png © Hermann Traub @pixabay
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Meyer, Sabine N. (2023): "'I was nothing but a bare skeleton walking the path': Biopolitics and Life in Diane Glancy's Pushing the Bear." In: Biopolitics – Geopolitics – Life: Settler Colonialisms and Indigenous Presences, Eds. René Dietrich, Kerstin Knopf. Durham: Duke UP, 177-96.

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