Ringvorlesung: 'Democratization and power structures'
"Outline of a research agenda"
(Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich & Hanna Bruns)
(Teil der Ringvorlesung ‘Demokratisierung und Machtstrukturen’)
As opening lecture for our lecture series on Democratization and Power Structures, we will present an overview of the overarching research agenda which the collaborative research project has set for itself. Focusing on developments in societies since the 1960s, our research interest is to gain a better understanding of the process of democratization, which has been stressed more and more in many societies as an ideal worth striving towards, and the power structures underlying these societies, which may sometimes counteract the democratization ideals, including liberal values, non-discrimination and equality, that are explicitly stressed in discourse.
(Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich & Hanna Bruns)
(Teil der Ringvorlesung ‘Demokratisierung und Machtstrukturen’)
As opening lecture for our lecture series on Democratization and Power Structures, we will present an overview of the overarching research agenda which the collaborative research project has set for itself. Focusing on developments in societies since the 1960s, our research interest is to gain a better understanding of the process of democratization, which has been stressed more and more in many societies as an ideal worth striving towards, and the power structures underlying these societies, which may sometimes counteract the democratization ideals, including liberal values, non-discrimination and equality, that are explicitly stressed in discourse.
Mittwoch, 20.04.22 - 18:00 Uhr
- 20:00 Uhr
Ethik, Versöhnung
Alle Interessierten
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Regina-Pacis-Weg 3 D-53113 Bonn
Hörsaal 8 und Hybrid über Zoom
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TRA Individuen, Institutionen und Gesellschaften
Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich, Prof. Dr. Daniela Pirazzini und PD Dr. Simone Knewitz