
Anzahl Personen (152)
Avatar Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Shadi Albarqouni
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Shadi Albarqouni
AI, Deep Learning, Federated Learning, Machine Learning, Medical Imaging
Avatar Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult Sergio Albeverio
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult Sergio Albeverio
Avatar Prof. Dr. Dominik Bach
Prof. Dr. Dominik Bach
Artificial Intelligence, Theoretical Neuroscience
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bajorath
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bajorath
Artificial Intelligence, Cheminformatics, Drug Design, Drug Discovery
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Wolfram Barfuss
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Wolfram Barfuss
Complex Systems, Cooperation, Human-environment modeling, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, Sustainability
Avatar Prof. Dr. Christian Bauckhage
Prof. Dr. Christian Bauckhage
Hybrid Modelling, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Smart Agriculture, Smart Finance
Avatar Dr. med. Marcel Bausch
Dr. med. Marcel Bausch
Epilepsy Research, Wearables
Avatar PD Dr. Jens Behley
PD Dr. Jens Behley
Robotic Vision
Avatar Prof. Dr. Sven Behnke
Prof. Dr. Sven Behnke
Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Robotics, Computer Vision, Deep Learning
Avatar Prof. Dr. Maren Bennewitz
Prof. Dr. Maren Bennewitz
Avatar JProf. Dr. Florian Bernard
JProf. Dr. Florian Bernard
Computational Geometry, Machine Learning, Optimization, Visual Computing
Avatar Prof. Frank Bigiel
Prof. Frank Bigiel
Galaxies, Interstellar Medium, Radioastronomy, Spectral Line Modeling, Spectroscopy
Avatar JProf. Dr. Maximilian Billmann
JProf. Dr. Maximilian Billmann
Cell Regulation, Computational Biology
Avatar Prof. Dr. Valentin Blomer
Prof. Dr. Valentin Blomer
Number Theory
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hermann Blum
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hermann Blum
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotic Vision, Robotics
Avatar Dr. Felix Boes
Dr. Felix Boes
Anomaly Detection, it-security, Side channel attacks, Topology
Avatar Dr. Bastian Bohn
Dr. Bastian Bohn
Deep Kernel Learning, Machine Learning
Avatar Dr. med. Alexander Böhner
Dr. med. Alexander Böhner
AI-based Image Segmentation, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Bioinformatical Workflow Design and Implementation, Medical Imaging (Radiology and 3D-Microscopy), Medical Intervention Planning
Avatar Prof. Dr. Anton Bovier
Prof. Dr. Anton Bovier
Immunotherapy, Stochastic Systems
Avatar Dr. Arezoo Bozorgmehr
Dr. Arezoo Bozorgmehr
AI, Data-Driven Models, Digital Twin, Federated Learning, Machine Learning, Public Health
Avatar Dr. Oliver Braganza
Dr. Oliver Braganza
Network modeling, Neuroscience, Proxy Failure
Avatar Prof. Dr. Florian Brandl
Prof. Dr. Florian Brandl
Decision Theory, Game Theory, Microeconomics, Social Choice Theory
Avatar Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun
Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun
Avatar Dr. Ulrich Brenner
Dr. Ulrich Brenner
Geometry, Graph Theory, Optimization
Avatar Dr. Jan Martin Brockmann
Dr. Jan Martin Brockmann
Computational Geodesy
Avatar Prof. Dr. Carsten Burstedde
Prof. Dr. Carsten Burstedde
Computational Geometry, Meshes, Numerical Simulation, Parallel Algorithms
Avatar Dr. Dario Colombo
Dr. Dario Colombo
Astronomy, Galaxy evolution, Interstellar Medium, Machine Learning, Star Formation
Avatar Prof. Dr. Sergio Conti
Prof. Dr. Sergio Conti
Variational Problems
Avatar Dr. Dillon Corvino
Dr. Dillon Corvino
Computational Biology, Immunotherapy
Avatar Prof. Dr. Elena Demidova
Prof. Dr. Elena Demidova
Data Analysis, Data Science, Machine Learning, Temporality/Spatiality
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dölz
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dölz
Nonlocal Operators, Uncertainty Quantification
Avatar Prof. Dr. Anne Driemel
Prof. Dr. Anne Driemel
Computational Complexity, Computational Geometry
Avatar Prof. Dr. Andreas Eberle
Prof. Dr. Andreas Eberle
Differential Equations, Functional Analysis, Geometry, Numerical Analysis, Probability Theory
Avatar Prof. Dr. Alexander Effland
Prof. Dr. Alexander Effland
Computer Vision, Geometry, Machine Learning
Avatar Prof. Dr. Ulrike Endesfelder
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Endesfelder
Avatar Prof. Dr. Patrik Ferrari
Prof. Dr. Patrik Ferrari
Particle Systems, Random Polymer Models, Random Tiling Models, Stochastic Growth Models
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jessica Fintzen
Prof. Dr. Jessica Fintzen
Number Theory, Representation Theory
Avatar Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lucie Flek
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lucie Flek
Data Science, Language Technologies, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Representation Learning
Avatar Prof. Dr. Joachim Freyberger
Prof. Dr. Joachim Freyberger
Econometrics, Statistics
Avatar Priv. Doz. Dr. Petra Friederichs
Priv. Doz. Dr. Petra Friederichs
Avatar Prof. Dr. Holger Fröhlich
Prof. Dr. Holger Fröhlich
Data Science, Machine Learning, Statistical Learning
Avatar  Janos Gabler
Janos Gabler
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gall
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gall
Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Deep Learning for Agriculture, Earth Science, and Neuroscience, Forecasting, Human Pose Estimation, Video Understanding
Avatar Prof. Dr. Gregor Gantner
Prof. Dr. Gregor Gantner
Adaptivity, Boundary Element Methods, Finite Element Methods, Isogeometric Analysis, Numerical Treatment of Partial Differential Equations
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jochen Garcke
Prof. Dr. Jochen Garcke
Machine Learning, Numerical Simulation, Scientific Computing
Avatar Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin von Gaudecker
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin von Gaudecker
Avatar Prof. Dr. Joscha Gedicke
Prof. Dr. Joscha Gedicke
Avatar  Aram Gorooei
Aram Gorooei
Agroecology, Crop Science
Avatar Dr. Felix Govaers
Dr. Felix Govaers
Bayesian Statistics
Avatar  Stephan Grein
Stephan Grein
Computational Biology, Data Analysis, Modelling
Avatar Prof. Dr. Michael Griebel
Prof. Dr. Michael Griebel
High-Dimensional Functions, Partial Differential Equations
Avatar Dr. Michael Halstead
Dr. Michael Halstead
Computer Vision, Robotic Vision
Avatar Dr. Jan Hamaekers
Dr. Jan Hamaekers
Data Analysis, High Performance Computing, Machine Learning, Modelling, Numerical Simulation, Optimization, Scientific Computing
Avatar Prof. Dr. Ursula Hamenstädt
Prof. Dr. Ursula Hamenstädt
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jan Hasenauer
Prof. Dr. Jan Hasenauer
Computational Biology
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Haunert
Prof. Dr. Jan-Henrik Haunert
Computational Geometry, Optimization, Spatial Information
Avatar Prof. Dr. Markus Hausmann
Prof. Dr. Markus Hausmann
Algebraic Topology, Homotopy Theory
Avatar Dr. Herman Haverkort
Dr. Herman Haverkort
Algorithmics, Computational Geometry, Data Structure
Avatar Prof. Dr. Stephan Held
Prof. Dr. Stephan Held
Avatar Prof. Philipp Hieronymi
Prof. Philipp Hieronymi
Avatar Prof. Dr. Michael Hölzel
Prof. Dr. Michael Hölzel
Cancer Research, Immunotherapy
Avatar Prof. Dr. Stefan Hougardy
Prof. Dr. Stefan Hougardy
Chip Design, Optimization
Avatar Prof. Dr. Matthias Hullin
Prof. Dr. Matthias Hullin
Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Imaging, Optics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Daniel Huybrechts
Prof. Dr. Daniel Huybrechts
K3 Surfaces
Avatar Prof. Dr. Ulrich Jaehde
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Jaehde
Medication Safety In Cancer Patients, Pharmacometric Modelling, Risk Models For Prediction Of Adverse Drug Reaction
Avatar Dr. Bahareh Kamali
Dr. Bahareh Kamali
Avatar Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemna
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kemna
Terrestrial Modelling
Avatar Prof. Dr. Thomas Kesselheim
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kesselheim
Algorithmic Game Theory, Theory Of Algorithms
Avatar Prof. Dr. Julian Klaus
Prof. Dr. Julian Klaus
Climate Change, Data Processing, Environmental Modeling, Hydrological Modeling, Remote Sensing
Avatar Prof. Dr. Reinhard Klein
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Klein
Computer Graphics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Alois Kneip
Prof. Dr. Alois Kneip
Data Analysis, Econometrics, Mathematical Statistics, Statistical Learning
Avatar Dr. Erich Kobler
Dr. Erich Kobler
Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Medical Imaging, Theoretical foundations of computational imaging
Avatar Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
Analysis, Partial Differential Equations
Avatar Prof. Dr. Peter Koepke
Prof. Dr. Peter Koepke
Formal Mathematics, Mathematical Logic, Set Theory
Avatar Prof. Dr. Bernhard Korte
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Korte
Chip Design, Optimization
Avatar Dr. Bartosz Kostrzewa
Dr. Bartosz Kostrzewa
High Performance Computing, Lattice Gauge Theory
Avatar Prof. Dr. Peter Krawitz
Prof. Dr. Peter Krawitz
Deep Learning, Genetic Diseases, Metastability, Population Genetics, Rare Diseases, Whole Genome Analysis
Avatar  Sophia Krix
Sophia Krix
Data Science, Machine Learning
Avatar Prof. Dr. Pavel Kroupa
Prof. Dr. Pavel Kroupa
Astronomy, Numerical Simulation
Avatar Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Björn Krüger
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Björn Krüger
Digital Health, Machine Learning, Motion Capture, Sensor Technologies, Wearables
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kusche
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kusche
Avatar PD Dr. med. Daniel Kütting
PD Dr. med. Daniel Kütting
3D Visualization, Augmented Reality, Cardiac Imaging, Interventional Radiology
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Zorah Lähner
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Zorah Lähner
Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Geometric Deep Learning, Shape Analysis
Avatar PD Dr. Elmar Langetepe
PD Dr. Elmar Langetepe
Computational Geometry
Avatar Prof. Dr. Stephan Lauermann
Prof. Dr. Stephan Lauermann
Strategic Interactions
Avatar  Riccardo Leone
Riccardo Leone
Computational Neuroscience, Dementia, Neurodegenerative Disease, Neuroimaging, Whole-brain Modeling
Avatar Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
Geometric Analysis, Geometry, Operator Analysis, Spectral Theory
Avatar Prof. Dr. Dominik Liebl
Prof. Dr. Dominik Liebl
Computational Statistics, Functional Data Analysis, Nonparametric Statistics, Panel Data Analysis
Avatar Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück
Geometry, Topology
Avatar Prof. Dr. Zbynek Malenovsky
Prof. Dr. Zbynek Malenovsky
Machine Learning, Optical Remote Sensing, Radiative Transfer/Physical Modeling
Avatar Dr. Sven Mallach
Dr. Sven Mallach
Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, Discrete and Continuous Optimization, Integer Programming, Operations Research
Avatar Prof. Dr. Chris McCool
Prof. Dr. Chris McCool
Computer Vision, Robotic Vision
Avatar Prof. Dr. Michael Meier
Prof. Dr. Michael Meier
Anomaly Detection, Computer Security, Cryptography
Avatar Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulf Meißner
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulf Meißner
Theoretical Physics
Avatar  Tim Mensinger
Tim Mensinger
Econometrics, Statistics
Avatar  Maria Mircea
Maria Mircea
Computational Biology, Machine Learning, Modelling
Avatar Prof. Dr. Benny Moldovanu
Prof. Dr. Benny Moldovanu
Game Theory, Information Economics, Mechanism Design
Avatar Prof. Dr. Muhittin Mungan
Prof. Dr. Muhittin Mungan
Soft Condensed Matter Physics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Petra Mutzel
Prof. Dr. Petra Mutzel
Algorithm Engineering, Combinatorial Optimization, Computational Analytics, Graph Optimization
Avatar Prof. Dr. Ira Neitzel
Prof. Dr. Ira Neitzel
Avatar Prof. Dr. Barbara Niethammer
Prof. Dr. Barbara Niethammer
Applied Mathematics
Avatar Dr. Michael Nüsken
Dr. Michael Nüsken
Cryptography, Machine Learning
Avatar Dr. Daniel Oeltz
Dr. Daniel Oeltz
Finance, Machine Learning, Numerical Algorithms
Avatar Dr. Marc Ohm
Dr. Marc Ohm
Artificial Intelligence, Environmental Informatics, Machine Learning, Software Security, Supply Chain Security
Avatar Prof. Dr. Michael Ortiz
Prof. Dr. Michael Ortiz
Data Science, Material Modelling, Mechanics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Katrin Paeschke
Prof. Dr. Katrin Paeschke
DNA/RNA Structures
Avatar Prof. Dr. Holger Pagel
Prof. Dr. Holger Pagel
Biogeochemical Cycling, Machine Learning, Process-based Modeling, Reactive Transport, Soil, Thermodynamics
Avatar Dr. Dilan Pathirana
Dr. Dilan Pathirana
Avatar Dr. Tal Pecht
Dr. Tal Pecht
Avatar Dr. Malte Petersen
Dr. Malte Petersen
Bioinformatics, Comparative, Genome, High Performance Computing, Sequencing
Avatar Dr. Thomas Pinetz
Dr. Thomas Pinetz
Clinical Studies, Deep Learning, Mathematical Image Processing, Mathematical Modelling
Avatar Prof. Dr. Sven Rady
Prof. Dr. Sven Rady
Dynamic Decisions and Games, Strategic Learning
Avatar Dr. Thoralf Räsch
Dr. Thoralf Räsch
Mathematical Logic
Avatar  Aditya Rastogi
Aditya Rastogi
Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Inverse Problems, Medical Imaging
Avatar Prof. Dr. Thomas Reiprich
Prof. Dr. Thomas Reiprich
Astrophysics, Cosmology, Multi-wavelength Survey Science, X-Ray
Avatar Prof. Dr. Martin Reuter
Prof. Dr. Martin Reuter
Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Medical Image Computing, Shape Analysis
Avatar Prof. Dr. Heiko Röglin
Prof. Dr. Heiko Röglin
Avatar Prof. Dr. Angkana Rüland
Prof. Dr. Angkana Rüland
Analysis, Calculus of Variations, Inverse Problems, Partial Differential Equations
Avatar Prof. Dr. Martin Rumpf
Prof. Dr. Martin Rumpf
Computer Graphics, Partial Differential Equations, Visualization
Avatar  Merveille Koissi Savi
Merveille Koissi Savi
Avatar Dr. Yannik Schälte
Dr. Yannik Schälte
Biochemical Systems, Machine Learning, Statistical Inference
Avatar Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michael Schindelegger
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michael Schindelegger
Globale Geodäsie, Klimasystem, Ozeanmodellierung
Avatar Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze
Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze
Arithmetic, Geometry, Hodge Theory, Langlands, Mathematics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Hubert Schorle
Prof. Dr. Hubert Schorle
Life Sciences
Avatar Prof. Dr. Matthias Schott
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schott
Agent Based Systems, Modelling of Particle Collisions, Monte Carlo Event Generators
Avatar Prof. Dr. Thomas Schultz
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schultz
Data Visualization, Image Analysis
Avatar Prof. Dr. Marc Alexander Schweitzer
Prof. Dr. Marc Alexander Schweitzer
Data Structure, Parallel Computing, Partial Differential Equations
Avatar Dr. Sabine Seidel
Dr. Sabine Seidel
Crop Science
Avatar Prof. Dr. Rafet Sifa
Prof. Dr. Rafet Sifa
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Medical Informatics, Optimization, Text Analysis
Avatar Dr. Anne Springer
Dr. Anne Springer
Data Assimilation, Earth System Modeling, Geodesy, Remote Sensing
Avatar Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava
Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava
Climate change, Crop Modelling, Crop Science, Machine Learning, Yield forecasting
Avatar Prof. Dr. Catharina Stroppel
Prof. Dr. Catharina Stroppel
Representation Theory
Avatar Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm
Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm
Analysis, Geometry, Probability
Avatar Prof. Dr. Estela Suarez
Prof. Dr. Estela Suarez
High Performance Computing
Avatar Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Yurui Sun
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Yurui Sun
Dynamic Modelling, Multi-sensor Fusion, Signal Processing, Smart Sensor and Instrument, System and Parameter Recognition
Avatar Prof. Dr. Tatjana Tchumatchenko
Prof. Dr. Tatjana Tchumatchenko
Circuit Models, Computational Neuroscience, Data Analysis, Differential Equations, Machine Learning, Neural Networks
Avatar Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
Harmonic Analysis
Avatar Prof. Dr. Kevin Thurley
Prof. Dr. Kevin Thurley
Avatar  Nestor Timonidis
Nestor Timonidis
Bioinformatics, Computational Neuroscience, Mathematical Biology, Neuroinformatics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Vera Traub
Prof. Dr. Vera Traub
Approximation algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization
Avatar Prof. Dr. Carsten Urbach
Prof. Dr. Carsten Urbach
High Performance Computing, Monte Carlo, Particle Physics, Quantum Chromodynamics
Avatar Prof. Dr. Laura Vargas Koch
Prof. Dr. Laura Vargas Koch
Algorithmic Game Theory, Combinatorial Optimization, Flow Problems
Avatar Prof. Dr. Juan Velázquez
Prof. Dr. Juan Velázquez
Boltzmann Equations, Kinetic Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Smoluchowski Equations
Avatar Prof. Dr. Barbara Verfürth
Prof. Dr. Barbara Verfürth
Multiscale Methods, Numerical Analysis, Numerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations
Avatar Dr. Pietro Verzelli
Dr. Pietro Verzelli
Dynamical Systems, Machine Learning, Neuronal Networks, Neuroscience
Avatar Dr. Murilo Vianna
Dr. Murilo Vianna
Crop Science, Data Science
Avatar Prof. Dr. Jens Vygen
Prof. Dr. Jens Vygen
Avatar Prof. Dr. László Végh
Prof. Dr. László Végh
Algorithms, Discrete mathematics, Game Theory, Optimization
Avatar Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wachten
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wachten
Avatar Dr. Cory Whitney
Dr. Cory Whitney
Avatar Dr. Moritz Wolter
Dr. Moritz Wolter
Avatar Prof. Dr. Stefan Wrobel
Prof. Dr. Stefan Wrobel
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Visual Analytics
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