© Prof. Anne Driemel
Prof. Dr. Anne Driemel
- Institute for Computer Science
- Computational Geometry
- Computational Complexity
Prof. Dr. Anne Driemel is professor and head of the Computational Geometry group at the University of Bonn and Bonn Junior Fellow at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics in Bonn. Her research encompasses fundamental questions in computational geometry, such as the complexity of Voronoi diagrams and computing flows on the surface of a terrain, as well as computing segmentations and similarity measures of polygonal curves and surfaces. Her research is currently focused on fundamental problems of computional complexity in spaces of curves that are endowed with a distance metric. In particular, she studies data structures for searching among curves and computational problems that arise in the context of clustering and learning in spaces of curves.
© Prof. Anne Driemel
Prof. Dr. Anne Driemel
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung-lehre/forschungsprofil/transdisziplinaere-forschungsbereiche/modelling/mitgliederverzeichnis/anne-driemel#research_profile-tab
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung-lehre/forschungsprofil/transdisziplinaere-forschungsbereiche/modelling/mitgliederverzeichnis/anne-driemel#businesscard-tab