© Prof. Dr. Bach
Prof. Dr. Dominik Bach
- Hertz Chair for Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
- TRA "Life & Health"
- Theoretical Neuroscience
- Artificial Intelligence
Our team uses models and methods from artificial intelligence research and theoretical neuroscience in order to decipher the
function of the human brain. We seek to characterise the mathematical operations that control human actions. To unravel the
limitations – and thereby the functioning – of these mechanisms, we analyse human behaviour in extreme situations such as
escaping from dangerous animals, or predicting threat in the environment. Experimentally, this builds on immersive virtual reality
in which record the behaviour of players while they move freely. Our research results might contribute to a better understanding
of psychiatric disorders and development of novel therapeutic approaches.
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Mancinelli F*, Sporrer JK*, Myrov V, Melinscak F, Zimmermann J, Huaiyu L, Bach DR (2024). Dimensionality and optimal combination of autonomic fear-conditioning measures in humans. Behavior Research Methods, in press.
- Bach DR (2023). Experiment-based calibration in psychology. Optimal design considerations. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 117, 102818.
- Brookes J, Hall S, Frühholz S, Bach, DR (2023). Immersive VR for investigating threat avoidance: The VRthreat toolkit for Unity. Behavior Research Methods, in press.
- Sporrer JK, Brookes J, Hall S, Zabbah S, Serratos Hernandez UD, Bach DR (2023). Functional sophistication in human escape. iScience, 26 (11), 108240.
- Castegnetti G, Tzovara A, Khemka S, Melinščak F, Barnes GR, Dolan RJ, Bach DR (2020). Representations of probabilistic outcomes during risky decision-making. Nature Communications, 11: 2419.
- Bach DR, Melinščak F, Fleming SM, Voelkle M (2020). Calibrating the experimental measurement of psychological attributes. Nature Human Behaviour, 4: 1229-1235.
© Prof. Dr. Bach
Prof. Dr. Dominik Bach
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung-lehre/forschungsprofil/transdisziplinaere-forschungsbereiche/modelling/mitgliederverzeichnis/dominik-bach#research_profile-tab
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung-lehre/forschungsprofil/transdisziplinaere-forschungsbereiche/modelling/mitgliederverzeichnis/dominik-bach#businesscard-tab
- http://bachlab.org