Dominik Liebl
Prof. Dr. Dominik Liebl
  • Law and Economics Faculty
  • Institute of Finance and Statistics and Hausdorff Center of Mathematics
  • Functional Data Analysis
  • Nonparametric Statistics
  • Panel Data Analysis
  • Computational Statistics
My research interests focus on functional data analysis, semi- and nonparametric statistics, longitudinal data analysis, mathematical and computational statistics. I pursue an application-oriented research approach focusing on actual real data problems that are both statistically interesting and practically relevant.Starting points of my past and current research are data challenges, for instance, in empirical economics, energy economics, finance, e-commerce (e.g., Google AdWords data), and psychology. I am committed to providing the computational implementations of my statistical research and publish R-packages at CRAN and GitHub accompanying my research papers.
Dominik Liebl
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