12. Dezember 2024

Looking back on the 'Welcome Event 2024' Welcome to the University of Bonn: Event Report for the Welcome Event 2024

An annual event hosted by the Bonn Graduate Center and the International Office

On November 27, 2024, the grand hall of the University of Bonn's main building transformed into a place of connection and inspiration and around 80 new doctoral students were warmly welcomed to the University of Bonn. The aim was to give them a successful start at the University, provide them with valuable information on support structures, and encourage networking among peers.

Welcome Event Impressions
Welcome Event Impressions © Barbara Frommann/Uni Bonn
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An Inspirational Beginning

The event began with a warm welcome from the Bonn Graduate Center. Participants received insights into the diverse offerings of the Argelander Program for early-career researchers. Particularly impressive was the international composition of the group, highlighting the diversity and exchange that define the university.

Diverse Networking Opportunities

The event centered on conversations and building networks. Various university support structures and regional partners showcased their services and provided individual advice and support to the doctoral students. Informal discussions were equally valuable, with participants exchanging tips for daily life and their doctoral journey.

The hall was atmospherically decorated with festive winter and holiday themes. Mulled wine and snacks added to the cozy ambiance, while the photo booth was a popular feature, capturing countless fun and creative memories of the evening.

A Winner in the Spotlight

One of the evening's highlights was the quiz, which was both entertaining and informative, sharing useful knowledge about the University of Bonn and the surrounding region. One of the quiz winners, 26-year-old Yixuan Zeng from China, gave us for a short interview after the event:

Yixuan, what topics are you dealing with in your doctorate? And why do you want to do your doctorate in Germany?
It is about immunology and oncology, specifically leukemia. Germany is famous for its advanced research environment and facilities.

How did you hear about the Welcome Event and what motivated you to join?
From my PhD colleague. It’s a brilliant chance to get to know the University, so I really wanted to participate.

What did you like about the event?
The variety of organizations, the nice gifts for winning the quiz, and, of course, the fancy food and Glühwein.

Why would you recommend the Welcome Event to others?
It’s a great opportunity to get to know your university and the organizations supporting PhD students! And to meet other students!

Welcome Event Quiz Winners Linli Chen (l) and Yixuan Zeng (r)
Welcome Event Quiz Winners Linli Chen (l) and Yixuan Zeng (r) © BGZ
Welcome Event Impressions
Welcome Event Impressions © Barbara Frommann/Uni Bonn

The upcoming Welcome Event will take place in late November 2025. Sign up for our mailing list to stay updated on the next event which will provide new insights and numerous connections that will enrich your doctoral journey.

Bonn Graduate Center

0228 73-60140


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